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Example sentences for "spaces"

Lexicographically close words:
spaceman; spacemen; spaceport; spacer; spacers; spaceship; spaceships; spacesuit; spacesuited; spacesuits
  1. In the seventh, the disconnected tales dealing with those local heroes whose history is not connected with the great cycles, but who in the fasti fill the spaces between the divine period and the heroic.

  2. More plays were written, more of every kind of thing was written, a weekly paper was attempted, and as the star of Alexandre fils was rising, the star of Alexandre père descended through shady spaces of the sky.

  3. In the case of Winchelsea there are trees and green spaces to boot, but Rye and its hillock are one; every inch is given over to red brick and grey stone.

  4. Moreover, the proximity of the wide high spaces of Ashdown Forest seems to have cleared the air; no longer is one conscious of the fatigue that appertains to the triangular hill district between Tunbridge Wells, Robertsbridge and Uckfield.

  5. The settlements became more scattered, the uninhabited spaces grew wider.

  6. In cities abroad, for instance, you find some blank spaces of wall on the fronts of the houses, narrow spaces in the north, but wider and wider as you go south.

  7. Only in their warehouses are to be found spaces of plain wall, but unluckily the plain wall is also black.

  8. Here is felt the harshness of Numidia; it is almost the stark spaces of the desert world.

  9. They spent the nights in the open spaces of the town, playing, or wantonly dreaming before cups of cool drinks.

  10. Then, as the descent continues, the land becomes thinner and spaces bare of vegetation appear oftener.

  11. In the farther forests of the rampart hills the chopper's ax had been busy; and the blackberry patches in all the open spaces were sacked daily by chattering swarms of the work-people's children, white and black.

  12. Then put the second row of crosses above the open spaces of the first row.

  13. Is not this Medium much rarer within the dense Bodies of the Sun, Stars, Planets and Comets, than in the empty celestial Spaces between them?

  14. And is not the density thereof greater in free and open Spaces void of Air and other grosser Bodies, than within the Pores of Water, Glass, Crystal, Gems, and other compact Bodies?

  15. And therefore, since by this Mixture they produce white in the Exterior Spaces MP and TN, they must also produce white in the Interior Space PT.

  16. But the Spaces PT and [Greek: pt] on either hand, will not be illuminated by them all, and therefore will appear coloured.

  17. And by projecting the prismatick Colours immediately upon the Glasses, I found that the Light which fell on the dark Spaces which were between the Colour'd Rings was transmitted through the Glasses without any variation of Colour.

  18. For so the Spaces upon which the several sorts adequately fall will by reason of the different Refrangibility of those sorts be one lower than another.

  19. For if a Ruler be applied parallel to AH, at that distance from it by which the thickness of the Body is represented, the alternate Spaces 1IL3, 5MO7, &c.

  20. The sides require to be sheathed before covering the roof, leaving open spaces for the door and windows.

  21. The buildings were made by selecting boxes of the desired proportions, sawing out spaces for the doors, adding the roofs and any other alterations.

  22. Directly on top of this row lay another, breaking joints with those underneath; that is, lay the first row double, taking pains that the spaces between the shingles of the lower layer are covered by the shingles of the upper layer.

  23. The paint tends to clog the spaces between them.

  24. Just where and how many of these pieces are to be put in depends upon the arrangement of the doors and windows, and pieces of vertical studding can be fitted in at each side of the door and window-spaces and wherever advisable.

  25. We have seen that wood is full of little holes (pores, as they are commonly called), or spaces between the fibres (see Fig.

  26. Perhaps cohesive attraction diminishes according to the same law, though the spaces are so small that this cannot be demonstrated, but it is certainly weakened by the expansion of bodies through the agency of heat.

  27. I have noticed that the spaces between the ends of the successive iron rails upon the railroad are larger in winter than in summer, showing that the rails are shorter in winter than in summer.

  28. Vapor seems to circulate between the atoms of air, as sand fills the spaces between marbles.

  29. The higher parts of the atmosphere are cold, and in the empty spaces of the heavens the temperature is we know not how low.

  30. In those days I had not been allowed to go from the ranch for so much as an afternoon's ride unless tied to him by a string, so to speak; now I was crossing unmapped spaces with no guidance.

  31. They watched the spaces between them fill with more stars, while near them the flames and embers of their fire grew brighter.

  32. He led me to a bed in one of the little spaces partitioned off from the common salle for the reception of special cases or refractory patients.

  33. In nothing was their form or position altered; only a cold, grey hue overspread them, and the intervening spaces between their stems became filled up, as though by a cloud which gradually grew substantial.

  34. The wide spaces of Destiny lie before you, though I shall not live to see it.

  35. Struggling to grasp reality, Johnny's eyes, roving the dark spaces about him, arrived at the crisscross iron bars of the window.

  36. He was in the curious day coach with its seats along the sides and its broad open spaces in lieu of windows, waiting for the train to start, when he opened Captain Jorgensen's wireless message.

  37. There standing erect, she glances inquiringly around, her gaze ranging along the open spaces between the structures and the shadows underneath them.

  38. Over it a thousand horsemen--or ten thousand for that matter--might march abreast, with wide spaces between.

  39. The continuous fire of the Japanese guns had created immense destruction; large spaces had been swept by shot and shell.

  40. The Chinese, moreover, though apparently so friendly, continued to strengthen and enlarge their barricades, and it was unsafe to move across open spaces in the defended quarter.

  41. Posts would split in the sun, and staples would drop out, leaving sagging spaces which cattle never failed to find and take advantage of.

  42. The shimmering spaces revolved slowly, to meet the rushing track ahead.

  43. He missed the desert night--the spaces and the stars.

  44. With his appearance came the brightening of the spaces with light, and with the brightening of the spaces the great {112} mist-clouds were thickened together and fell.

  45. Life degenerates, shrivels, stifles; and in the glaring open spaces a sullen madness lurks invisible.

  46. He would have seen, scattered upon the roads, small groups of mounted men, here in touch with the last files of a Prussian column, there lost and wandering forward into empty spaces where no soldiers were.

  47. These should be entered under the totals at the bottom of each column, in the spaces marked Percentages (spaces B, C, etc.

  48. These results should be entered in spaces J, K, L, and M.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spaces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.