Machine guns may be used to provide covering fire for attacking infantry, cover its withdrawal if the attack fails, fill gaps in the assaulting lines, assist in the consolidation of positions and repel counterattacks.
The support sections are closely followed by a powerful line of machine guns, which are thrown into the fight when needed to reenforce the leading units.
Machine guns must be utilized in the greatest measure in order to economize the infantry.
A body of infantry attacked is to oppose to the assailant its high powered weapons, machine guns, automatic rifles, rifle grenades and hand grenades and to reserve for the counter attack the grenadiers and riflemen.
The essential role of the light gun is to destroy with direct fire the visible machine guns; they are employed separately and not grouped.
Thousands of workers are slaughtered bymachine guns in New York City!
We want to get rifles, machine guns, field artillery, and the ammunition for it.
The fire-trench was almost empty, and in many cases the real defenders of the French line were men with machine guns, hidden in dug-outs at some distance from the photographed positions at which the German gunners aimed.
In these ruins, however, the Turks found admirable shelter for nests of machine guns.
As we came through the village we saw the effect of rifle fire and the work of machine guns on the walls of the houses.
Machine guns, covered with shrubbery, were thick on the road and in the woods.
Machine guns were at work near by, and occasionally there was a loud explosion when the destructive work was helped with dynamite.
The purr of machine guns that we heard after the explosion of the last bomb was the starting of the motor, which carried our visitor out of range of the guns which were trundled out to attack her.
Doubtless it was the latter, but, as a matter of fact, he was within range of the big guns, as well as within shot of rifles or machine guns.
He had an unusually large number of machine guns, and on these he depended more than on artillery or rifle fire to break up the attack.
Quiet is briefly restored, only to be broken by a series of rapid explosions incidental to the trying out of machine guns.
The roar of motors that are being tested, is punctuated by the staccato barking of machine guns, and at intervals the hollow whistling sound of a fast plane diving to earth is added to this symphony of war notes.
Nieuports were supplied them from the nearest depot, and as soon as they had mounted their instruments and machine guns, they were on the job with the rest of us.
This course in shooting familiarizes one with various makes of machine guns used on airplanes, and one learns to shoot at targets from the air.
In the rush at Bouresches they had been unable to secure the rocky strongholds in the woods, and passed on, leaving many nests of machine guns there, which afterward kept up a harassing fire.
In all this fighting the enemy's losses have been very severe, for in every case we had the best defensive positions, well supported by machine guns and 75s.
Shortly thereafter the Italian arms manufacturing company, Bredda, sent Ubico two hundred eighty portable machine guns, sixty anti-aircraft machine guns and seventy small caliber cannon.
Leme" sailed out of Naples with a cargo of guns, armored cars, mountain artillery, machine guns and a considerable amount of munitions.
Where important dead space lies in front of one section, an adjoining section should be instructed to cover it with fire when necessary, or machine guns should be concealed for the like purpose.
Machine guns should be attached to the advance guard.
This will ordinarily be the hostile firing line; troops in rear are ordinarily proper targets for artillery, machine guns, or, at times, infantry employing fire of position.
Machine guns must be considered as weapons of emergency.
The fire must be as heavy as possible and must be continued until masked by friendly troops or until the hostile artillery finds the machine guns.
Buildings gutted: walls and trenches turned inside out and upside down: friend and foe surely must be wiped out together under such a fire: at least they are stupefied--must cease taking a hand with their puny rifles and machine guns?
The War Office urge me to throw my brave troops yet once more against machine guns in redoubts; to do it on the cheap; to do it without asking for the shell that gives the attack a sporting chance.
They are faced by a horrid redoubt held by machine guns, and they are to rush it with the bayonet.
Krupp guns, machine guns, rifles, and a large supply of ammunition fell to the victorious Arabs.
The noise of rifles and the intense popping of machine guns resounded up and down the banks of the Canal between the two posts.
Gaba Tepe itself was a headland in which the Turks had concealed batteries of machine guns to enfilade this landing and other beaches, but which same point had served for weeks as a good target for the warships.
Never anticipating an attack at the foot of such a ridge, the Turks had dug but few trenches to protect this spot, more so as the whole of the beach might be commanded by machine guns, concealed in certain knolls.
An exception must be made, however, in the case of machine guns (q.
Both men rejected the standard heavy machine guns and 81mm mortars carried by regular infantry and adopted lighter models.
Therefore I turn back to land, raise the flag, declare German laws of war in force, seize all arms, set out my machine guns on shore in order to guard against a hostile landing.
They were sweeping low with their machine guns so as to hit us in the legs and drop us.
The bulletin board at Brigade headquarters says that they have captured several large guns, a number of machine guns, and seventeen thousand unwounded prisoners.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "machine guns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.