It was only the other day that I accepted a mere trifle, in lieu of an annuity of two thousand a-year which I held, payable upon their estates.
The cause of them was simply, that he had agreed to furnish a certain sum of money to pay off an annuity which was pressing heavily upon this estate; and that he failed to perform his promise at the time agreed upon.
I will settle a comfortable annuity upon you, and you can either go back to your parents or make a pleasant home for yourself somewhere in this country.
Matthew, it was my firm intention to continue your annuity to Robin," spoke Lionel.
He had been almost incapable of it before Mr. Verner's annuity fell to him.
It will give me great pleasure to settle an annuity for a moderate amount upon you on certain conditions.
I may say that the amount of the annuity I propose to allow you is two hundred a year.
Owing to his pecuniary distress, the Corporation of Norwich granted to him and his daughter an annuity of 100 pounds.
One of the last purchases which he made was a Government annuity of 3,000 pounds on his own life.
The following Acts were passed this year:-- An Act to enable his Majesty to grant an annuity to Lady Viscountess Nelson, in consideration of the eminent services performed by the late Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson to his Majesty and the public.
If she had taken her annuityas usual, you would not have been here, and we should have been better off.
It was about that time when I came to live in these chambers (once your grandfather's, and bequeathed by that extremely respectable person to me), and commenced to live upon an inconsiderable annuity and my past reputation.
Lyall, Sir Alfred, on Hastings's application forannuity for his wife, iii.
If the annuity rate were three and one-half, the purchaser might be allowed to choose between decadal reductions at the rate of eleven per cent, and a term of redemption shorter by nearly twenty years than that prescribed in the bill.
Here and there over the country there existed a contented peasantry, the virtual owners of their holdings, paying a reasonable annuity for a definite period to the State.
The King not choosing to own a negress, it was asserted that she had died; she was committed to the custody of these walls, and well and respectfully treated, for the abbess received a large annuity on her account.
It was carried out at precisely that time, the moment at which the annuity of L50 a year, left me by Mr. Morrison, of Chelsea, was cleared of legacy duty.
He had settled an annuity of L50 a year upon her for life, and had given her books enough to start her in business for herself as well as all the furniture belonging to them mutually, leaving himself nothing but the "debts and the business".
When the annuity paid to him by Hall ceased, his income was so seriously curtailed that he was compelled, as we have seen, to remind Deborah of the fact.
I bought them a little house, where they live on the annuity which I had specified in my marriage contract.
Her millions have gone to various charities, with the exception of an annuity to the old servants, upon which they are living snugly like people of the middle-classes.
No Papist could purchase a freehold or lease for more than thirty years, or inherit from an intestate Protestant, nor from an intestate Catholic, nor dwell in Limerick or Galway, nor hold an advowson, nor buy an annuity for life.
To this stipulation the emperor acceded, and until his abdication the annuity was regularly paid.
It would have been worth a small annuity to have beheld that; let alone Miss Price's evident joy at making them jealous, and Nicholas Nickleby's happy unconsciousness of making anybody uncomfortable.
A decent annuity would have restored her thoughts to their old train, at once.
France, and an annuity that would support you there in luxury, would give you a new lease of life, would transfer you to a new existence.
By an artifice of the Little Turtle, these three bands were passed on General Wayne as distinct tribes, and an annuity was granted to each.
In the matter of the annuity to be settled on the young Prince, the Opposition must, indeed, share the blame with the minister.