That signed in 1801 gave a guarantee of British protection in return for the cession of certain territories, provided the administration of Oude coincided with the advice of the Company.
Baji-cum-Saho demanded thecession of all Malwa, the country between the rivers Nerbudda and the Chumbal, and an indemnity of fifty lacs of rupees, or five millions.
The whole of the next year was taken up with a war in Scinde which spread to the northern half of the Punjab beyond Lahore, which--despite the cession of Hazara--still remained practically unsubdued.
He probably could have forced the cession of adjacent seacoast to the inestimable and lasting benefit of Bolivia, but his ambition led him farther.
Bolivia is without a seaport, though she retains a hope of receiving compensation for the loss of her nitrate territory in the cession of one such outlet, when Chile and Peru are able to come to an agreement about the province of Arica.
Chile demanded the formal cession of the nitrate territory and an indemnity.
You will observe, my lord, that the idea of bringing the Empress forward as a friendly mediatrix went hand-in-hand with the proposed cession of Minorca.
Narrative of the Events illustrating the Vicissitudes and the Cession of Parga and the Ionian Islands.
The cession of Maine and Anjou had excited the deepest indignation; but when month after month had brought only news of the invasion of Normandy and the loss of town after town, the whole population appeared stung to madness.
These duchies were the very keys of Normandy, and their cession highly endangered all the English possessions in France.
The article in the marriage treaty of the queen, which stipulated for the cession of Anjou and Maine, had been kept as secret as possible during the life of the cardinal; but circumstances now rendered it impossible to hide it any longer.
This cession was ratified by Henry, by his two sons and two daughters, and by the King of the Romans and his three sons.
I must not be blamed if in the future, by the cession of the steamers and warlike material, Egypt suffers.
The compulsorycession of their western lands which came at the close of the conflict belongs to a later chapter and the beginnings of Oklahoma.
Instead of a war of revenge in which the Arapaho and Cheyenne strove to defend their lands and to drive out the intruders, a war in which the United States ought to have cooperated with the Indians, a treaty of cession followed.
The Emigrant Aid Society sent its parties at once, before the ink was dry on the treaties of cession and before land offices had been opened.
Jackson's campaigns had weakened them even before the cession of Florida to the United States removed their place of refuge.
It seemed that Mexican law prohibited slavery in New Mexico and California, and that upon their cession the principles of international law would preserve their condition of freedom.
Napoleon will guarantee us thecession of Canada and Nova Scotia.
As a youth he had gone out with the Spanish garrison at the cession of St. Louis, to return a fur trader.
In his absence Keokuk made the final cession to the United States and prepared to move beyond the Mississippi.
They saw what the cession meant, and hailed it with welcome.
She fled with the nuns to Cuba at the cession of New Orleans.
And when the cession is fairly over and he comes not, the disappointment prostrates her utterly.
So in May, after the departure of Lafayette, Governor Clark steamed up the Missouri, met the Kansas and Osage Indians, and made treaties for the cession of all their lands within the present boundary of Missouri.
In addition the Austro-Hungarian Government maintained its determination not to make the cession effective before the end of the war.
In exchange for this proposed cession the Austro-Hungarian Government demanded a number of pledges, including among them an assurance of entire liberty of action in the Balkans.
Note should be made of the fact that the cession of the territory around Trent was not intended to be immediately effective as we demanded, but was to be made only upon the termination of the European war.
In these circumstances Japan, victorious in her war with China, claimed and obtained the cession of the Liao-tung peninsula, and thus threatened to shut the door for ever against Russian access to the Pacific.
Spain immediately demanded from England the cession of Gibraltar.
It was not till September, 1764, that the cession was known in New Orleans.
The lines did not correspond, since the Iroquois cession included Western Tennessee and Kentucky, which were not within the other cessions.
Charles at first rejected the gift, but reconsidered, and the treaty of cession was signed on November 3, the day of the signature of the preliminaries of the peace with England.
The then governor of Mauritius, Sir Robert Farquhar, endeavoured to prosecute British claims and obtained a cession of Diego-Suarez Bay.
They greeted each other with great cordiality, for though Garibaldi had little faith in ministers or diplomatists, and could not forgive their cession of Nice to France, he felt the utmost confidence in the King himself.
Peace signed between Mexico and the United States; cessionof large territory by Mexico.
Napoleon seemed to think, at the first, that the cession of Nice and Savoy showed a yielding mood; he was mistaken; it shut the door on yielding.
The case against the cession of Nice was far stronger.
It has often been asked, Why did he not allow the cession to wear the honest colour of surrender to force?
With regard to Garibaldi, he represented that since the cession of Nice no one could manage him.
The cession of the two provinces seemed to him now much less like obliging a friend than satisfying a highwayman.
The cession of the territory which now forms the State of Tennessee was effected mainly by his influence.
In June of that year President Jefferson appointed Governor Davie head of a commission, with General Wilkinson and Benjamin Hawkins, to negotiate with the Creeks and other Indians for further cession of lands.
The country had been in a state of unconcealed anarchy for more than two years, all semblance of Virginia authority having ceased, and the cession is quite as much a tribute to Virginia's shrewdness as to her generosity.
The author was one of a commission to treat with the Indians at Prairie du Chien for the cession of the lead region.
The cession was made with the following conditions, some of which were to have a direct and potent influence upon the settlement of the ceded region: 1.
The significance of this cession would have been immense had it not been that it was made by weak tribes, while the powerful Kickapoo still claimed and held all that part of the ceded tract lying north of the parallel of 39 deg.
Spain, to which Charles looked with greater hope, demanded terms of alliance which were impossible--the restoration of Jamaica and the cession of Dunkirk.
Great news too came from abroad, where victory in Flanders, and the cession of Dunkirk in June, set the seal on Cromwell's glory.
The President in his Message had expressly stated that the cession would have weight in the deliberations of the Legislature.
He believed the same disposition to make the cession which always had existed, now existed.
In the act ofcession of lands by that State to the United States, it was provided that the territory ceded should be pledged to pay a proportional share of the balance due the United States.
If Spain has ceded those countries to France, the cession has been made with all the encumbrances and obligations to which it is subject by previous compact with us.
Mr. DANA said that he did not know, nor had he heard from any quarter, that there was any negotiation depending respecting the cession of Louisiana.
Thus during five months of tedious negotiations Austria had contrived to exchange views and notes with the Consulta without offering any more solid basis for an agreement than the cession of a part of the Trentino.
The conditions which, according to him, answered to this description consisted of the cession of all Transylvania, part of the Banat of Temesvar, the Roumanian districts of Bukovina, and of the province of Crishana and Marmaros.
It was no secret, however, that the cession of the Trentino would not suffice to square accounts.