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Example sentences for "buffet"

Lexicographically close words:
buffalos; buffe; buffed; buffer; buffers; buffeted; buffeting; buffetings; buffets; buffetted
  1. I took thee for some peevish foe, When thou didst me accuse, Therefore I did thee buffet so, And counsel did refuse.

  2. She left you some jewelry that she was fond of, and that colossal old mahogany buffet that you used to rave over whenever you came up.

  3. Together they admired the great mahogany buffet that Emma had miraculously found space for in the little dining-room.

  4. She saw horse and man go down before him; saw him buffet his way onward like a galley ploughing against wind and wave.

  5. He tossed his sword, charged forward into the court, began to buffet his way towards the figure by the fountain.

  6. The Torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it With lusty Sinewes, throwing it aside, And stemming it with hearts of Controuersie.

  7. I should quickly leape into a Wife: Or if I might buffet for my Loue, or bound my Horse for her fauours, I could lay on like a Butcher, and sit like a Iack an Apes, neuer off.

  8. That he did buffet thee, and in his blowes, Denied my house for his, me for his wife Ant.

  9. We stumbled into the ill-lighted station-buffet for more hot coffee, sending the luggage ahead to the sleeping hotel; for the faithful hotel-omnibus had been there waiting as usual.

  10. They proceeded, as they termed it, to buffet Satan with prayers, while with impassioned hymns they endeavoured to awaken in the trembling sinner, the raptures of divine love.

  11. The mele next given takes its local color from Kauai and brings vividly to mind the experiences of one who has climbed the mountain walls pali, that buffet the winds of its northern coast.

  12. But in the sedan there is room for one only.

  13. He and Langton took an easy malicious delight, over their wine, in shocking Mr. Silk with their free thought and seeing how "the dog swallowed it.

  14. It is for your sakes only that I would now cling to the tattered shreds of my worn-out existence; but this is a difficult world for unprotected, portionless girls, in which to buffet their way onwards.

  15. Then I made my way to the buffet to drink almond-tea, and gathered round me two or three blase young men, like myself weary of existence.

  16. She wanted to taste every dish and pasty in the buffet before any one else, and well-grounded investigators said of her, besides, that she was addicted to the dark pleasure of taking snuff, which naturally demanded great secrecy.

  17. The torrent roar’d and we did buffet it With lusty sinews, throwing it aside And stemming it with hearts of controversy.

  18. Can Not Buffet the World ¶ But women are afraid to marry the extreme type even when the feeling he prompts is more than mere protectiveness.

  19. They know he can not buffet the world for them and their offspring.

  20. And that was to buffet her brutally upon the side of the head with his open hand, so that stars flashed before her eyes and her head rolled on her shoulders.

  21. But the Cimmerian wheeled in time to receive the buffet on the side of his neck instead.

  22. I don't stand in awe of him," Burton began; but the opportune arrival of the buffet porter with the breakfast saved him the trouble of elaborating his defence.

  23. Whose bread I should like to eat, if that slow-poke in the buffet would ever bring it," retorted the wife.

  24. And with a honied smile on his lips, he walked leisurely to the "dairy," puffing out vast volumes of smoke, and carrying himself like a man whose happiness cannot be disturbed by a buffet more or less.

  25. Let us record this, so that no one may think it remarkable that the buffet struck that delicate organ instead of any other region of his face.

  26. I thought you were composed of better materials; but it appears, that although you can sail with a fair wind, you cannot buffet against an adverse gale.

  27. True it was, as Mr Masterton said, I had not courage to buffet against an adverse gale.

  28. A small stool; a stool for a buffet or counter.

  29. A narrow window seat; a raised shelf at the back or the top of a buffet or dresser.

  30. He struck the man a great buffet on the head, so that he fell half dazed to the ground.

  31. Then Sir Lancelot gave so great a buffet on the helm of the other that Sir Gawaine staggered, and with yet another blow Sir Lancelot hurled him headlong to the ground.

  32. In a while, with a great buffet on the head of the pagan knight, Sir Tristram felled him to the earth.

  33. In Turin I had four hours to wait, as the express to Paris did not convey third-class passengers, and those four hours passed slowly, for being a constant traveller I was known by sight by the waiters in the buffet and many officials.

  34. If he failed, he should have a buffet on the head from Robin.

  35. But Sir Lancelot stepped on one side, that the blow fell harmless, and with his arm he gave Sir Colgrevance a buffet on the head so that he fell dead.

  36. You shall not go with me,' said the carter, but hardly had he uttered the words when Sir Lancelot leapt up into the cart, and gave him such a buffet that he fell dead on the ground.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buffet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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