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Example sentences for "fishing"

Lexicographically close words:
fishers; fishery; fishes; fishhook; fishhooks; fishings; fishlike; fishman; fishmonger; fishmongers
  1. But you might get my fishing tackle and jointed pole and sneak 'em out to me.

  2. From Glasgow I went on to Inverary, where I had the most delightful time, fishing and shooting.

  3. I tried it with various publishers, but without success, and it was not until six years later, when I was living in a small fishing town in Cornwall, that I eventually got it taken.

  4. The biographer thought it waste of time to mention all Cleopatra's arts and Antony's follies, but the story of his fishing was not to be forgotten.

  5. Our captain had resolved also to try his fortune on the fishing grounds in the neighbourhood of the New Hebrides and the other Western Archipelago.

  6. Having performed our contract at Raratonga, landing the missionaries and their goods, we sailed for our fishing ground in the south, where we were tolerably successful.

  7. They now had to pay money for fishing rights and for the right to collect wood, money for the emperor's exchequer.

  8. But gradually Roderick began to care for nothing else; his fishing and his riding were forgotten, and he began to plan how he might be alone, so that the cat would come to him.

  9. And then I hear someone ask him whence it originated--someone fishing for a little metaphysics, some dose of philosophy.

  10. Thus fishing is dangerous for even the poor can fish, and the chances are you do not know the names of the animals, and you may be putting salt-water fish into the stream of Lambourne, or talking of salmon upon the Upper Thames.

  11. But there was fine fishing and hunting, and he felt that the Fort was a warning to any enemies who might try to take away the rest of what his father had left him.

  12. Priscilla; "fishing and farming seem to be their chief occupations.

  13. That he's having the time of his life, that he and Taps have found the best fishing in the world, and like Nova Scotia so much that they may bring a party of their own here next summer.

  14. He went there because he wanted to do anything rather than rob, so he got himself a net and a boat and went out fishing to support himself.

  15. One morning Grim came home from fishing and went into the hut stamping with his feet and wanting to know whether Grettir was asleep.

  16. I remembered what good times I had when I was a boy, fishing up and down that stream, and I couldn't think of keeping the boys of the present day from such a pleasure.

  17. And fishing is even better, for in fishing he finds immense recreation and restfulness and at the same time a further opportunity to think and plan.

  18. These are called by some the Fishing Falls, as the salmon are taken here in immense quantities.

  19. They were disappointed in their expectation of finding abundant game in the mountains; large bands of the natives had passed through, returning from their fishing expeditions, and had driven all the game before them.

  20. This was to be the head factory of his company; whence they were to carry on their fishing and trapping operations, and their trade with the interior; and where they were to receive and dispatch their annual ship.

  21. Then I went to the creek, fishing up it and down it with a democratic disregard of authority.

  22. But it was not so much the fishing as the strange solitude, the thick, lonely brush, that made such excursions pleasant.

  23. Meanwhile the current carried them down closer to the Panay coast, and on the third day they were close enough to fall in with one of the big fishing paraos.

  24. He will own a fish corral or two, and be one of the backers of a deep-sea fishing outfit.

  25. Peter would not be likely to forget that day's fishing as long as he lived.

  26. He bought one of the handsomest fishing rods he could find, with line and reel, and artificial flies, and everything necessary to make a perfect outfit for a fisherman.

  27. He concluded to try his hand at fishing for trout in one of the neighboring streams.

  28. Chrestien dwells upon the continued act of fishing which, for aught to the contrary we learn from him or his continuators, is always fruitless.

  29. Perceval is afterwards informed that, being wounded and consequently unable to mount on horseback, fishing is his only solace, whence the name applied to him (vv.

  30. But when fishing means weeks of outdoor life, free from the noise and dust of the town---then I'm simply wild about fishing as an excuse for getting away.

  31. The greatest charm about fishing comes in hooking and landing the really good fighting fish!

  32. See here, Dick, although fishing is great fun while it lasts, we shan't be out all summer on a fishing trip.

  33. I'm going bass fishing the very instant that the canoe is judged to be safe.

  34. As for us, we are away on a vacation fishing and camping trip.

  35. One afternoon Dick, who had gone trout fishing alone, returned with so small a string of the speckled ones that some of Tom's bass had to be added to the supper that night.

  36. After two days of hard fishing the boys arose before four o'clock in the morning, for Dick was now ready to test his venture.

  37. We were all such chumps that we cheated ourselves out of the best black bass fishing to-day that ever mortal saw.

  38. Yes; going out into the wilds on some sort of fishing jaunt.

  39. Now, let's get back to the big fishing trip," begged Greg Holmes.

  40. Yes; I think two or three weeks will see us in from our fishing trip," Prescott admitted.

  41. Probably, as far as mere fishing goes, I don't care so very much," young Holmes assented.

  42. At trout fishing Dick had proved himself more than an expert.

  43. And so our fishing continued until the wood began to run short.

  44. Then you mustn't go fishing for two weeks.

  45. You'd better look out how you steal any more of my fishing lines, or I'll sell you," he threatened.

  46. In the western districts, a fishing party of this description affords a very favourite amusement on great occasions.

  47. When father and you went fishing yesterday, he went with you.

  48. I was at Bowness last week, and they say such a winter for char-fishing was never seen.

  49. There was Algernon Wright with a large model yacht, and Willie Schofield, the Mayor's son, with a new silver-mounted fishing rod.

  50. I was looking over some of the old picture papers this morning, and I found a funny picture of a gentleman that had gone fishing with, oh!

  51. He took me fishing once and I caught two fish.

  52. So it is the fishing idea, again," said Bessie, "but the present variation does not improve on the last.

  53. The village of Wynne is a fishing village, and is approached from the sea by a beautiful cove on the Cornish coast.

  54. They then bailed out the punt, which was their only sailing craft, and put off for an all-day's fishing excursion.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fishing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fishing boat; fishing boats; fishing line