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Example sentences for "reverend"

Lexicographically close words:
revered; reverence; reverenced; reverences; reverencing; reverendo; reverens; reverent; reverentia; reverential
  1. The editor is indebted also to the Reverend Mr. J.

  2. My father, the Reverend Ezra Quibble, was, to be sure, poor enough.

  3. Thus it was that at the age of nine I was sent away from home and began an independent career at the boarding-school kept by the Reverend Mr. Quirk, at Methuen, Massachusetts.

  4. Parliament, learned by courtesy, reverend by office, they are therefore really more useful members of society than when they lounged the High Street, or woke the midnight echoes of the quadrangle?

  5. Before I had been working a month at my uncongenial trade Big Rapids was favored by a visit from a Universalist woman minister, the Reverend Marianna Thompson, who came there to preach.

  6. At the conclusion of the service one of the trustees of my reverend critic's church came and apologized for his pastor.

  7. After this blow I recalled with gratitude the Reverend Mark Trafton's excellent advice, and I immediately applied for ordination in the Methodist Protestant Church.

  8. I had heard much of her sympathy and understanding; and on the evening following my first day in school I went to her and repeated the confidences I had reposed in the Reverend Marianna Thompson.

  9. As usual at our conventions, I had been announced to preach the sermon at our Sunday conference, and I need hardly point out that the reverend gentleman's charge created a deep public interest in this effort.

  10. How is it possible that this reverend old man could consent to deceive me in so degrading a manner?

  11. Cries Sylvia to a reverend Dean, What reason can be given, Since Marriage is a holy thing, That there are none in Heaven?

  12. I exclaimed with surprise, "you compare Alumbrado with Socrates, an absurd ascetic with a reverend sage, hypocrisy with virtue?

  13. I cannot proceed," said the Reverend Desiderius.

  14. The new rector, the Reverend Desiderius Mules had been in residence at St. Enodoc for three months.

  15. The Reverend Desiderius Mules sipped his brandy and water, took a long whiff of his pipe, and then wrote his text.

  16. Mr. Scantlebray ate heartily, so did the Reverend Desiderius, who had the honeycomb cells of his stomach coats to fill.

  17. The Reverend Peter Trevisa and his predecessors had been West Country men, and as such loved the sun, and chose to have the best rooms of the house with a southern aspect.

  18. But the Reverend Desiderius Mules had been reared in Barbadoes, and hated the sun, and elected to have the best rooms of the house to look north.

  19. The Reverend Mules growled, "There ought to be a right to charge extra when the parson is kept waiting--sixpence a minute, not a penny less.

  20. I am agent for the Reverend Mules, the newly appointed rector," said Mr. Cargreen, with some dignity.

  21. There was as yet no monument erected over the grave of the Reverend Peter Trevisa, sometime rector of St. Enodoc.

  22. And a hundred and twenty-seven pounds four and ninepence farthing went a very little way in repairing and altering the rectory to make it habitable to the liking of the Reverend Desiderius.

  23. By the Right Reverend Don Fray Diego Aduarte, Bishop of Nueva Segovia, with additions by the Very Reverend Father Fray Domingo Goncalez, Commissary of the Holy Office, and Regent of the College of Sancto Thomas in the same province.

  24. He was one of those who formed the plan of sending from that province some religious to ask for the approval of the most reverend general of the order for the foundation of the new province in the Philipinas.

  25. Finally, at this chapter the father provincial and the definitors sent a full report to the most reverend general of the order--who responded, confirming the new province, and most nobly congratulating the founders thereof.

  26. To the reverend father in Christ, Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, bishop of the cathedral church of the city of Puebla de los Angeles, [etc.

  27. Pray then, reverend fathers, to the Lord for His grace, that He may expel from the land the Prince of Darkness, who holds it under his tyranny.

  28. All are under provincials, who in turn are under the immediate jurisdiction of the said most reverend father-general as head of the whole order.

  29. Castile] under the same censures from using their vicargeneralship in opposition to the will and decree of the most reverend prior-general, or from attempting to contravene his mandates.

  30. Roman curia or to the most reverend general.

  31. By order of my most reverend master Salvator Argone, apostolic notary and secretary.

  32. I'll put the Reverend Samuel Foster in the chair.

  33. So Dick took it in his hand and read that the whole service had been given by the Wesleyans of Thirsk to Reverend Mr. Foster, as a proof of their gratitude to him as their spiritual teacher and comforter.

  34. At this point the Reverend Mr. Yates entered.

  35. And the Reverend Mr. Bentley and the Reverend Mr. Foster come to me with their cases of sorrow and sickness, and I can tell thee a room for all these considerations was one of the necessities of our plans.

  36. Here a letter was forwarded to me from the reverend John Toogood, of Keinton Magna in Dorsetshire, though I was then unknown to him.

  37. A letter was read also at this sitting from major Cartwright, of Marnham, in which he offered his own services, in conjunction with those of the reverend John Charlesworth, of Ossington, for the county of Nottingham.

  38. Coke esquire, member of parliament, of Holkham in Norfolk, and the reverend William Leigh, who has been before mentioned, of Little Plumstead in the same county.

  39. In the year 1750 the reverend Griffith Hughes, rector of St. Lucy, in Barbadoes, published his Natural History of that island.

  40. The Reverend Superior, with the kindness of a father and the gravity of an apostle, answered me: “I understand your fears perfectly.

  41. By order of the most illustrious and most Reverend Bishops of Marianopolis, D.

  42. And the Reverend Joseph Fort Newton adds to the sentiments of his friend Rankin these words: "Lincoln was a man whom to know was a kind of religion.

  43. In 1862 the Reverend Byron Sutherland went with some friends of the President to call upon him.

  44. And Mr. Stelling was convinced that a boy so stupid at signs and abstractions must be stupid at everything else, even if that reverend gentleman could have taught him everything else.

  45. If Mr. Riley had shrunk from giving a recommendation that was not based on valid evidence, he would not have helped Mr. Stelling to a paying pupil, and that would not have been so well for the reverend gentleman.

  46. What struck Mr. Airlie most was the self-sacrificing devotion with which the reverend gentleman's wife and family surrounded him.

  47. It is very diverting," wrote the Reverend William Emerson, "to walk among the camps.

  48. This "something" was either one or both of two objectives: the stores at Concord, and the persons of Adams and Hancock, then known to be staying at the house of the Reverend Jonas Clark in Lexington.

  49. The Reverend Jonas Clark, speaking of this event, adds an indignant note to an equally indignant sermon.

  50. There is great overturning in camp," wrote the Reverend William Emerson, he who had watched Concord Fight from the window of his study.

  51. He reached Lexington about midnight, and went directly to the house of the Reverend Jonas Clark, where Hancock and Adams were sleeping under a guard of the militia.

  52. Mrs. Brown was a sort of invalid and old, like Reverend Brown was, and he was almost too old to adopt Dell Brown for his daughter.

  53. The Reverend Brown was a sort of preacher, and had an old white horse and drove around the country and preached wherever he thought they needed preaching.

  54. Her father's name was Reverend Brown; but he had adopted her because her folks died, and she was a sore trial, but no doubt willed by the Almighty.

  55. Here,” thought Twm, “is tangible revenge for all the trouble and persecution this reverend gentleman has brought upon me.

  56. Not satisfied with these auxiliaries in the cause of virtue, the zealous Mrs. Graspacre enlisted on her side a very powerful champion, in the person of the reverend Mr. Inco Evans, the curate of Tregaron.

  57. Reverend John David Rhys, whose excited countenance bore animated contrast to the “pale cast of thought” that usually distinguished him, and with whom laughter was not habitual.

  58. While Watt’s cottage became the theatre of the above-described scene, Twm Shon Catty had a performance of his own elsewhere—a dance if you will—to which the same reverend gentleman was doomed to pay the piper.

  59. At this moment a servant from Graspacre Hall brought a message from the lady of that mansion, that she wished to see the Reverend Mr. Inco Evans immediately; on which Twm obtained a remission of his flogging.

  60. Fox and Goose;” on which the reverend host and his spouse appeared, she laughing at the jest, and he frowning with the aspect of a demon.

  61. He has a vast fund of malice, though no great fund of wit, and, as you may see, can contrive to torment very grave and reverend personages.

  62. I thank your reverend lordship," replied Thomas of Gilsland; "but had I been accessible to the fever, I had caught it long since by the bed of my master.

  63. But recollecting he had met the royal confessor in the outer pavilion, he was shrewd enough to place this temporary self-abasement to the effect of the reverend man's lesson, and suffered the King to proceed without reply.

  64. And for what hold you this reverend hermit--for fool, madman, traitor, or saint?

  65. I rather liked the appearance of the Reverend Edmund Shuttleworth, whoever he might be.

  66. Inquiry of the night-porter revealed that the man's name was the Reverend Edmund Shuttleworth, and that he came from Andover, in England.

  67. Now that I obtained a full view of the reverend gentleman's features in full daylight they seemed less mysterious, less sinister than in the half-light of midnight.

  68. I smiled to myself, for, after all, was it not quite possible that the reverend gentleman had found himself within earshot of us, and had been too embarrassed to show himself at once?

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reverend" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    awesome; awful; chaplain; churchman; clergyman; cleric; clerical; clerk; creditable; curate; divine; dreadful; ecclesiastic; esteemed; estimable; honorable; honored; meritorious; minister; noble; parson; pastor; patriarchal; preacher; prestigious; priest; rector; reputable; respectable; respected; revered; reverend; shepherd; venerable; worshipful; worthy

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    reverend father; reverend friend