Give the fellow his fusillade with blank cartridge, and, the chances are, fear will kill him outright.
There can be no fusillade without the general's signature, so I heard the adjutant say; and who's to promise that he 'll be at his quarters?
Almost immediately there was a second fusillade and they were driven back to the cells again.
About twenty Germans were drawn up opposite, but before anything was done there was a tremendous fusillade from some point near the prison and the civilians were hurried back to their cells.
My left arm had been broken above the elbow by a musket-shot in the fusillade which had destroyed the Frenchmen, and, dangling helplessly at my side, gave me exquisite pain, as I stumbled along over the uneven and slippery road.
They offered to provide unlimited supplies of petrol, and to render any assistance that lay in their power; but the fact remained that the hasty fusillade had caused considerable damage to the "Golden Hind.
Instantly a fusillade was opened in their direction, the bullets for the most part falling short, or pattering harmlessly against the rock.
I see, too, that they have muskets with them, so we may expect a fusillade before long.
By this time the men who had gone below for that purpose had returned with a good supply of coal, and a heavy fusillade of the black lumps kept the sharks at a distance, at any rate for the moment.
With promptness every man on the steamer emptied his rifle at the mark, and continued the fusillade till the dhow was deserted.
Then, as abruptly as the fusillade had begun, it stopped.
A fusillade of automatic-weapons fire rained around, from somewhere in the direction of the shoreline.
As the three men breached the gate leading into the asphalt-paved landing area, a fusillade of automatic-weapons fire began spattering off the bubble windscreen, leaving deep dents in the clear, globelike plastic.
The constable and the prisoner were just getting their team nicely warmed up when they heard a fusillade of revolver-shots behind them.
The others were springing for their pistols, for nearly every one of the miners had laid aside his belt to ease himself, but before one of them had pulled a trigger there came the crackling of a second fusillade and seven fell.
Then a fusillade burst through the door and the stout barricade behind it.
He stood there possibly thirty seconds, then a sharp fusillade of clear reports barked out and was shattered by the hills into a long reverberation.
A motor-boat had seen their plight, and was racing madly to their rescue, with a yard-high swirl of water thrown up from its nose and a fusillade of explosions trailing in its wake.
She was not trembling for herself, though, if a fusillade broke out below, the masking screen of leafage would not protect her from the pelting of stray bullets.
There was no doubt that they had sighted their quarry again--a perfect fusillade of revolver shots directed at the now empty boat was quite sufficient proof of that!
When within a quarter-mile of the wagon and the situation became clear, we took it more leisurely, but the fusillade never ceased until we rode up and it dawned on the darky's mind that rescue was at hand.
We all had long-range guns, the distance from bank to bank was over two hundred yards, and a fusillade of shots was accordingly poured into the motte.
A brisk fusillade was also brought to bear upon us at a long range (about 2,500 yards).
For three hours we replied as well as we could to the tremendousfusillade that soon made gaps among us.
All along the line and on both flanks we sustain a heavy fusillade from the enemy.
Now and then there came on the blast the fusillade of dropping shots from the south, where the skirmish line of one faction engaged the rear-guard of the other, or the pickets fell within rifle-range.
As the fusillade pelted around him, Nat saw, not more than a hundred yards ahead, the end of the trail.
As nothing occurred for a long time the Motor Rangers finally climbed out of the car, and with their rifles held ready for instant action, crept off in the direction from which Ding-dong's fusillade had proceeded.
The fusillade and the shouts, of course, only added to the pony's fear, and made it proceed with more expedition.
This fusillade breaking out behind them had caused a certain disorder in the sections nearest to it, who thought they were being taken in the rear, and who would have been, indeed, had the attack been maintained.
He got as far as the Yser without finding the enemy; the fusillade had ceased; the roads were clear.
There was a fusillade and a general melee, in which our sailors opened a passage through the troop with bayonets and butt-ends, disposing of some forty Germans and putting the rest to flight.
The fusillade became more and more intense, reaching a paroxysm.
Presently, tripping delicately over the rocks, a pig stepped out of a cactus-bush, and the fusillade began.
The Englishman's attempt to compare the fusillade which greeted the panther to the continuous drumming of a ten-barrelled Nordenfeldt was, however, coldly received.
A little later, at twelve o'clock, the fusillade ceases entirely.
For over a quarter of an hour the fusillade continued, till we could hear the trumpets sounding and the voices of the rebel officers calling to their men to desist then all became quiet.
The intermittent fusillade continued for about ten minutes, and, although the bells were struck at least a dozen times, we came off unscathed, keeping up a running fire of derisive remarks at the enraged captain and his impotent musketeers.
Then the boys, the two helpers, the professor and Washington began a fusillade that made the icy regions echo and re-echo as though a battle was in progress.
So heavy a fusillade as the adventurers were able to fire had its effect.
In a few seconds there was a fusillade that sounded like a small battery going into action.
MacRummle sprang up, put the repeater to his shoulder, and then commenced a fusillade that baffles description.
On the whole, the fusillade that he kept up was considerable, much to the amusement of Barret (before meeting Mrs Moss!
This unwonted fusillade took the various parties higher up the hill by surprise.
They wasted another fusillade of shots, and then hurried back toward the boat.
Behind them was a chorus of cries, a fusillade of shots.
But a fusillade of shots from the lodge hall above gave the lie to his words.
Behind, the men in the police boat were shouting, and a fusillade of revolver shots spattered around the Black Star's craft.
Once more there came a fusillade of bullets--and another of the Black Star's men fell.
Then, suddenly, there was a fusillade of pistol shots from the direction of the trail, and at the same time the unmistakable shouts of cowboys.
And then, with a fusillade of shots that was well-nigh deafening, the cause of it all came to a sudden stop.
Then came the surrendering of arms, and while this was going on, suddenly, without warning, a heavy fusillade was launched at the Yeomanry who formed a group round Major Ashton.
For an hour this brisk fusillade continued, then at about 5.
The usual hammer and tongs fusillade will go on, but they will not attack the place, and we will not go out against them; while you will creep on quietly and safely, and send out your feelers, making raids upon these Arabs.
After proceeding for four hours, it suddenly came under a heavy fusillade from large numbers of the enemy.