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Example sentences for "soporific"

Lexicographically close words:
sophomores; sophomoric; sophs; sopor; soporiferous; sopped; sopping; soppy; sopra; sopranists
  1. What a pity that we cannot borrow some small share of this soporific disposition!

  2. In course of time he was removed to Cambridge, where the works of Des-Cartes fell into his hands, and where those ponderous volumes, from their soporific effect upon youth, often fall out of the hands they have fallen into.

  3. The rebels advanced in two columns; but the soldiers fell asleep, and we are not surprised at the fact, for any newspaper reader will admit that in the very idea of two columns there is something soporific in the extreme.

  4. My lord, he employed a confederate to administer soporific drugs to her; but Providence moved that confederate's heart, and frustrated the damnable scheme.

  5. The countenance of Stephens did not change as Eliza imbibed the soporific fluid.

  6. It could not be discovered who had brought the soporific draught.

  7. He said, "I am sure the essential oil of Onions has soporific powers.

  8. But if Lettuces are taken at supper with this view of promoting sleep, they should be had without any vinegar, which neutralises their soporific qualities.

  9. It gives off an unpleasant soporific smell, which is said to prove harmful to those that sleep under its shade.

  10. Modern physicians find one species of Gentian soporific and use it to procure sleep for the weary sufferer.

  11. At about the minister's soporific "fifthly" our grandmother catches herself nodding.

  12. In another case, also recorded by Orfila, there was marked slowing of the pulse, and soporific tendencies.

  13. The researches hitherto undertaken on the antagonism between morphine and other agents need to be repeated, and a separate study made of the substances which antagonise the convulsive and soporific action.

  14. We were dreadfully knocked up, and having obtained refreshment, we went to bed, and found that the best soporific on earth was fatigue.

  15. Instantly, all heads were turned in amazement at this audacious interruption to the soporific decorum of an English court.

  16. But this pondering in such soporific vapors had the effect of those mathematical devices whereby restless people cipher themselves to sleep.

  17. It coming on to rain violently, he stole down into the forecastle, dimly lit by a solitary swinging lamp, where were two men industriously smoking, and filling the narrow hole with soporific vapors.

  18. It is pulque, the soporific pulque that is the honored and national beverage of the Mexican.

  19. Other Aztec ladies perceiving its soothing soporific influence upon the emperor, acquired the secret of its make and secured domestic peace by also administering it to their lords.

  20. Nu of the fruit of the poppy (which was closely associated with the mandrake by reason of its soporific properties) may have assisted in the transference of their attributes.

  21. The soporific effect of the drug appears to result from its direct action upon the substance of the brain.

  22. But the tendency of inflammatory diseases of the kidney to merge in uraemia must not be forgotten, and the soporific must be used in such cases with great caution.

  23. But, though the soporific properties of opium are chiefly due to the morphia which it contains, there are certain points of difference between the action of the two medicines that often render a choice desirable.

  24. A gentle aperient or a large injection of warm water, often proves itself decidedly soporific in such cases.

  25. It is evident that when the physician stated that opium has a soporific virtue, he did not account for, but merely asserted over again, the fact that it produces sleep.

  26. This plant is of a soporific deleterious nature, and is said to be noxious to both man and beast.

  27. He recommends this medicine in stubborn disorders of the head, proceeding from viscid tenacious matter, in palsies, and in soporific distempers.

  28. Such "Boards" as you find ruling many a small town, function from such a soporific rut that any hint of digging cash from its cast iron strong box with its big brass padlock, will fall upon minds as rigid as rock.

  29. The chief value of such subdivision probably consists in its throwing the aggregate influence of the day's opium nearer the hour of bed-time, when it is most needed, than to an earlier hour, when its soporific power is less felt.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soporific" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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