A few years ago an artist exhibited a picture with a rainbow and its apparent reflection: he simply copied what he had seen.
The philosophers teach that the rainbow is not material: it comes from rain-drops, but those rain-drops do not take color.
I vow I could find scores of them under the violets inRainbow Valley.
On his last evening at home they went together to Rainbow Valley and sat down on the bank of the brook, under the White Lady, where the gay revels of olden days had been held in the cloudless years.
Rilla went home from Rainbow Valley as if she flew rather than walked.
Rilla carried Jims upstairs and went to bed, but not before she had sat for a long time at her window reconstructing her rainbow castle, with several added domes and turrets.
The mayflowers bloomed in the secret nooks of Rainbow Valley.
And every whisper of spring will be falling as a violet in Rainbow Valley.
Rainbow Valley lay in a soft, autumnal haze of fairy purple.
Rilla spent an hour in Rainbow Valley that morning about which she never said a word to anyone; she did not even write in her diary about it; when it was over she went home and made rompers for Jims.
I hung up the telephone and flew to Rainbow Valley.
Here and there the rocks shone prismatically as though some flying rainbow had shivered itself upon them and lay broken.
I had a fancy of roofs of pearl below, turrets of milk-white coral, pavements of rainbow lustre like to the shootings and dartings of the hues of shells inclined and trembled to the sun.
The famous Yellowstone Canyon below the falls comes to mind; but, wonderful as it is, and well deserved as is its fame, compared with this it is only a bright rainbow ribbon at the roots of the pines.
The rainbowair of our western seaboard enfolding all, heavy with rain and the fragrance of salt and peat fires.
Pigeons with rainbow necks flew down to share the crumbs.
Not gray, nor black, nor brown," for there were no hues so dull as these in this rainbow wilderness.
But immense are the courage and the hopefulness of youth, inexperienced, ignorant but magnificent with the rainbow hues of undaunted imagination.
Thou that comest clad in rainbow garments, with words more full of hope than was the first arch that spanned high heaven, stouter hearts than mine have been compelled to own thee master.
He turned, and took one step toward home, but vicious impulses triumphed, and the rainbow that had begun to arch his heart faded in darkness.
What an angry aspect its surface puts on, plunging and surging like a mass of living snow, while the flashing sunlight is perpetually endeavoring to paint a rainbow in the ever-mounting spray, and yet never quite succeeds.
Every color of the rainbow were these flames; for they reflected the bright colors of the beauteous things strewn round that wonderful workshop.
The rainbow flowers of the footstool, and the starry flowers of the throne," proclaim one being as the author of them all.
It had no rainbow spectrum, only one kind of rays, and hence only one color.
A despondent gloom had long obscured Maria's horizon--now the sun broke forth, the rainbow appeared, and every prospect was fair.
I forgot, with equal facility, that I ever felt sorrow, or knew care in the country; while a transient rainbow stole athwart the cloudy sky of despondency.
Who can be afraid of a storm when the rainbow appears?
A faint rainbow trembled midway, but the pine trees were too thick to admit the sun's rays in full blaze upon the face of the fall.
On the bosom of the Lake the reflections of the clouds were exceedingly curious, giving almost as many colors as the rainbow that now began to appear on the Rigi.
The following is from Lord Kingsborough's works: The Peruvians were acquainted with the deluge, and believed that the rainbow was the sign that the earth would not again be destroyed by water.
The rainbow was called the 'Celestial Serpent' in Persia, and the old notion that there is a bag of gold at the end of it is known to many an English and American child.
Footnote 7: The rainbowis called utingo lwenkosikazi, "The Queen's Bow.
Some believe that there is a gorgeously coloured animal at the point where the rainbow appears to come in contact with the earth, and that it would cause the death of any who caught sight of it.
Footnote 8: The Congo people believe the rainbow to be a snake (chama) as do the Yorubas (Oshumare).
One touch from the brush of his imagination on the rudest dramatic canvas illuminated the murky scene and flashed on the eye of the beholder the rainbow colors of his matchless genius.
One of the borders in 861 consists of the eyes of peacock feathers so absolutely perfect that we can only wonder at its rainbow hues and pearly sheen of colour.
With that this gallant Rainbow She shot out of her pride, Full fifty gallant brass pieces, Charged on every side.
With that the gallant Rainbow shot, And shot, and shot in vain, And left the rover's company, And returned home again.
With that our king provided A ship of worthy fame, Rainbow is she called, If you would know her name.
When as this gallant Rainbow Did come where Ward did lie, "Where is the captain of this ship?
Pietro, in the marked outline of their pale faces and the rainbow colour of clothes and wings.