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Example sentences for "admixture"

Lexicographically close words:
admitted; admittedly; admitteth; admitting; admixed; admixtures; admodum; admonish; admonished; admonishes
  1. Yellow in any of man's vehicles always indicates intellectual capacity, but its shades vary very much, and it may be complicated by the admixture of other hues.

  2. It will be noted that in both the colours there is a strong admixture of the white light which always indicates unusual spiritual power.

  3. Constancy of composition of the raw materials and their careful and thorough admixture in constant proportions are therefore essential to the production of the required glasses.

  4. The Melanochroi are not considered by Huxley to be one of the primitive modifications of mankind, but rather to be the result of the admixture of the Xanthochroi with the Australoid type, next to be mentioned.

  5. This accords with the cherished tradition which made the Athenians children of the soil, and free from admixture with conquering tribes.

  6. Her animated, expressive features had a bewitching pride and softness; it was a most delightful admixture of tenderness and heroism.

  7. Dehmel was the son of a forest official in the Mark of Brandenburg, and it has been speculated, without obvious results, whether there was not some Slavonic admixture in his blood which was reflected in his work.

  8. The programmes have been generally of a simple and informal character, with a liberal admixture of seventeenth and eighteenth century music, either for chamber combinations or for what may be called a chamber orchestra.

  9. The admixture of sodium benzoate with food in small or large doses has not been found to injuriously affect or impair the quality or nutritive value of such food.

  10. Other reasons besides those connected with labour prevented any admixture in these regions of the white with the native races.

  11. That an admixture of the blood of a backward race must injure the white element, is a view which suggests itself naturally to European pride.

  12. This is the pure product of a process of abstraction from everything material and accidental, a pure object free from every subjective barrier, a pure state of self-activity without any admixture of passive sensations.

  13. We can understand the opinion itself only as a confused and excessive exaggeration of the admixture which Shakspeare allowed to the lower comic, in comedy and in tragedy; as a protest--in which how far did Pope join?

  14. Sniatynski unconsciously replies to this question in these words: "I have heard or read that gold nuggets have sometimes a large admixture of quartz, which must be crushed in order to get at the gold.

  15. At the thought of this I feel a certain uneasiness, with a strong admixture of curiosity as to our future relations towards each other; and I clearly see what might happen if my disposition and feelings in regard to her were different.

  16. There is a heavy export duty on native tobacco exported, and the ban on the inferior native-grown article is intended to prevent its admixture with the high-grade product from Turkey, and thereby to keep up the standard of the cigarettes.

  17. Along the northern border there are many peoples of Afghan and Turkic descent; in Burma there is a considerable admixture of Mongol blood.

  18. The many disputes incident to the admixture of Platonic theory with Christian doctrine continued through the centuries, and in a sense may be said to trouble the minds of men even in this modern age.

  19. The corrupting of the simple principles of the gospel by the admixture of the so-called philosophic systems of the times.

  20. First specific cause: "The corrupting of the simple principles of the gospel by the admixture of the so-called philosophic systems of the times.

  21. In the north, too, as one approaches the middle valley of the Volga, the broad type appears also; in this case I have suggested that it is due to admixture with a Mongoloid type which was already occupying this region.

  22. This may be due to admixture with Alpine or Beaker types.

  23. In any case, a large admixture by intermarriage of Slavonic blood would correspond to the unique distinction among Germans, attained in the dignity, sweetness and fineness which signalised Dürer.

  24. Patient already has this life become, for a jeweller can scarcely be made of impatient stuff; patient even before the admixture of German blood when Albert the elder married his Barbara Holper.

  25. The Carolingian tales were thrown aside, or were kept by the noble mediaeval poets only on condition of their original meaning being completely defaced by wholesale admixture of the manners and adventures belonging to the Arthurian cycles.

  26. In the Lau group the strong admixture of Polynesian blood had in some degree broken down the social laws connected with this house, although in most villages the house existed.

  27. They are of Melanesian type, and have fewer traces of Polynesian admixture than the coast tribes.

  28. But in the admixture of the two cultures the influence of Eridu was predominant.

  29. No taint of foreign admixture had sullied the purity of his blood.

  30. Strange language this, in the ears of a cynical, worldly sceptic, to whom the most attractive hope of humanity was a judicious admixture of force and fraud.

  31. So not without admixture and confusion and displacement and contamination of sounds and the meanings of words, a lower stage of language passes into a higher.

  32. Any admixture of white is not allowable in the class for yellow or red tabbies; such exhibit must be put into the class (should there be one, which is usually the case at large shows) for red or yellow and white tabbies.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "admixture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admixture; alloy; amalgam; amalgamation; blend; combination; composite; composition; compost; compound; concoction; confection; ensemble; fusion; integration; interfusion; intermingling; merger; mingling; mix; mixing; mixture; paste; pluralism; syncretism