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Example sentences for "falling"

Lexicographically close words:
fallest; falleth; fallibility; fallible; fallin; fallinge; fallings; fallit; fallo; falloit
  1. These substances are usually potash, and dry muriate of lime, both of which substances have a great affinity for water.

  2. It requires less precision and exactness, to point a piece of ordnance charged with spherical case shot than with round shot; because case shot is a wide and dispersed fire, and the difficulty in elevation consequently less.

  3. The cubical marrons are formed in the following manner: Divide a piece of strong pasteboard in such a manner, as that each division will form one of the sides of the cube, as represented in the following figure.

  4. The water promotes chemical action by dissolving the nitrate of copper, which is then decomposed by the tin, and the quantity of caloric, put in a distributable state, is sufficient to inflame the tin.

  5. In the place of cut-work, painted transparencies, made with fine colours, and on Florence Taffeta, are usually employed.

  6. The Etoupille of the French is the same as the former match; it being nothing more than a kind of quick-match, prepared by soaking three threads of cotton in a paste, composed of the best priming gunpowder and brandy.

  7. Leaders for marron batteries must be made of strong cartridge paper.

  8. Palm trees are shown by fixing an upright piece, which serves as a trunk, and attaching to it a number of pieces, resembling in effect the branches of a tree.

  9. Another trial of powder is to expose it to the atmosphere.

  10. From the rocks, water is made to issue, forming cascades, and a number of figures are put in motion.

  11. The former is obtained by distilling a mixture of four parts of sulphuric acid, and one of alcohol.

  12. We have already mentioned the preservation of gunpowder in the article on that subject; but it may not be improper to offer some remarks, respecting the construction of magazines.

  13. Fuses made with the composition we shall describe, and for 10 and 12 inch shells, last seventy seconds.

  14. But he had hardly risen when he pressed his hand upon his heart, and falling back in a swoon was borne home to die.

  15. All I had now to fear was the falling in with the ship of war in the offing, and I placed men to keep a sharp look-out in every direction, and told the officers that it was necessary that we should avoid her.

  16. There were three of us, but one was drowned by falling overboard from the sloop.

  17. The old gentleman took out his glasses, and it was amusing to see the way in which he looked at his daughter with his spectacles falling off his nose.

  18. You cannot have an idea of the pleasure which I experienced at this falling in with my brother Philip.

  19. The queen his wife, and many others of his servants threw themselves over the precipices of their own accord, in order to avoid falling into our hands.

  20. Some of these windows are late enough in the century to show a falling off in treatment.

  21. Were it otherwise, it would be worth falling back now and then upon haphazard, and letting colour come as it might.

  22. That this did not deter them, that they made a shift with interlacing which does not truly interlace, marks a falling off in what may be called the conscientiousness of the Gothic designers.

  23. Those who are really familiar with old work know that, even in periods of decline, work was sometimes done which showed no falling away from good tradition.

  24. Thorny, falling into the trap at once, for he dearly loved to get up theatricals, and had not had any for a long time.

  25. But the townesmen bent on reuenge, assembled togither in great numbers, and falling on the Englishmen slue thirtie of their horssemen and of their footmen to the number of seuen hundred, or thereabouts.

  26. From age to age came certain gifts and certain ways of management, which saved the family life from falling out of rank and land and lot.

  27. Falling with his mouth wide open in surprise, he had filled it with gravel of inferior taste, as a tidy sewer pipe ran out just there, and at every execration he discharged a little.

  28. And the mind, falling under this discouragement of doubt, asserts itself amiss, in making futile strokes, even as a gardener can never work his best while conscious of suspicious glances through the window-blinds.

  29. It hardly seems like the cry of a bird, but rather resembles the sound of a pallet falling on the cogs of a rapidly-working wheel.

  30. He was in great pain for a few minutes, but afterwards it gradually subsided, the stone falling from the wound just before he was relieved.

  31. To slip from my seat to dip Sabeah's nose into the fluid is the work of a second; but no sooner has she lapped up a mouthful of water, than one sees that the refuse falling back from her lips into the tank is dabbled and red.

  32. The Crocodiles, both of the Nile and of the Indian rivers, are well known to make man their victim, and scarcely can a more terrible fate be imagined than that of falling into the jaws of this gigantic reptile.

  33. The fur is long, thick, and, though light, is moderately stiff, the hairs falling over each other in such a manner as to throw off rain or snow as off a penthouse.

  34. It was believed that the reflection from a set of mirrors in the house opposite, falling upon a series of thickly-glazed maps hanging upon the school wall, had produced the appearances which served to create so great a sensation.

  35. They delighted in darkness, entered into the bowels of men, and tormented those whom they possessed with frenzy and the falling sickness.

  36. Achilles, falling in love with Polyxena, a daughter of the Trojan king, whilst soliciting her hand in the temple of Minerva, was wounded by her brother Paris in the heel, which caused his death.

  37. The falling of his portrait or statue is a sure presage of a great man's death.

  38. The charm had actually touched the heads of three kings at Cologne, and was thought by the smuggler to be an effectual protection against accidents, headaches, falling sickness, witchcraft, and various kinds of mischief.

  39. The old tree groans to the blast; the falling branch resounds.

  40. To dream of falling from a high place betokens loss of substance and reputation.

  41. We make no mere random statement, but are stating facts falling under our own notice and that of reliable witnesses.

  42. But look out for loss of goods if you see shorn sheep, and make up your mind to encounter danger if you suppose in your sleep that you are falling off a horse.

  43. She did not attempt to deny that the neighbour who saw her leg falling off spoke the truth.

  44. A shooting star falling near a house, foretells an early death in that dwelling.

  45. If one's hair appear long in the dreams of the night, friends full of affection will cling round the dreamer; but if the hair be short and seem to be falling off, it is unlucky.

  46. Anciently, the kings of England, on Good Friday, hallowed, with great ceremony, certain rings the wearing of which was believed to prevent the falling sickness.

  47. At another time the saint observed a man falling from a considerable height, and beseeched an angel to uphold him.

  48. I haven't time to answer now--the men are falling fast.

  49. Time has been pitilessly and steadily crumbling away these sharp, skeleton-like protrusions into a mantle of powder and small stones, now falling over, and gradually hiding, the gaping wounds.

  50. The shades of night are falling swiftly, as they always do in the tropics, but the wells are still crowded.

  51. Captain Delmar, falling back in his chair, in which he had been seated by Captain Bridgeman.

  52. The Baralongs pushed forward with cattle falling all round them and behind the bodies of the cattle kept up a running fight until all their ammunition was gone.

  53. And he would make good resolves and, for the moment, firm ones, and return to town when the dew was falling and the moonlight coming, and the tale was but retold.

  54. At the same time, ample protection is provided for Brake Rigging, eliminating danger of being fouled by falling logs.

  55. Illustration: (END VIEW)] The reduction of the strain on the compression rods completely eliminates all possibility of buckling or binding, while the positive locking device does away completely with all danger of bad spills from falling logs.

  56. Women have a way of falling in love with the Major at first sight.

  57. Twilight was falling as the guard came round and adjured us to shut out the prospect by drawing the blinds.

  58. Overhead the crash of falling masonry--the men had armed themselves with big iron pikes to hew their way out in case the vaults fell in.

  59. A heavy rain was falling from a sullen sky, and the deserted square was a dancing sea of agitation as the raindrops smote the little pools between the cobbles and ricochetted with a multitudinous hiss.

  60. The churches and houses, falling into decay, presented everywhere traces of devouring flames or sombre ruins and smouldering.

  61. For upon the hill of Cassel the air is sweet and fresh, the slopes are musical with a faint lullaby of falling showers, as the wind plays among the birches and the poplars, and over all there is a great peace.

  62. From his narrative I got a glimpse of a subterranean existence, as tenebrous and fearful as the deepest circle of Dante's Inferno, with a river of tears falling always in the darkness of the vaults.

  63. The flask flew from her hand and spun across the room, falling she knew not where; while she herself was caught in the man's arms and held in a grip like iron.

  64. He looked up at her in the falling darkness.

  65. The sun had disappeared, and a deep dusk was falling upon the forest.

  66. VI The early winter dusk was falling upon a world veiled in cold, drifting rain.

  67. A bomb is represented as falling through the air--it has certainly been a long time in its descent.

  68. Clodd experienced another new sensation--that of falling in his own estimation.

  69. Where's your woman's pride: falling in love with a man who has never spoken to you, except in terms of the most ordinary courtesy.

  70. Now, about the same time that Johnny's head was falling thus upon his pillow, the Autolycus Club sat discussing plans for their next day's entertainment.

  71. Then Master Peters spoiled everything by showing a better side to his nature, and, careless of all worldly considerations, falling in love himself, honestly, with a girl at the bun shop.

  72. Below them, looking golden with the sunlight falling on it, was a moustache and beard cut short in Vandyke fashion, not altogether hiding a pleasant mouth, about the corners of which lurked a smile.

  73. But pardon did not stop tobacco falling in price, nor was his lordship chary of the state, to maintain which involved grinding taxes.

  74. The letters of Wolfe to his parents were not used till Thomas Streatfeild made an abstract of a part of them for a proposed history of Kent; but his project falling through, the papers passed by Mahon’s influence (Hist.

  75. Compared with the number at the time of the retrocession by the Company, it shows a falling off of a thousand whites.

  76. For her head had dropped on his shoulder, and he felt the hot tears falling on his wrist.

  77. Theodora's gown was damp with the falling dew, as they rolled quietly on between fields pale with sleepy daisies and nodding buttercups.

  78. In that interim the little band of Erskine players and substitutes gathered together and cheered, with the rain falling into their wide-open mouths, until the Harvard stand applauded vigorously.

  79. You weren't in and so I sat down to wait for you; I guess I must have come pretty near to falling asleep.

  80. There are ramshackle hell-holes that are falling to pieces where diseased, broken-down, forgotten women dispense deadly toxins to their customers for fifty cents!

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "falling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    falling away; falling back; falling birth; falling bodies; falling body; falling down; falling short; falling stars; falling water