Some Oxfordshire Seasonal Festivals,' where full illustrations of the Bampton Morris Dancers and their equipment will be found.
Work is steady throughout the year, and the time lost through unemployment on account of seasonal changes is slight.
The kind of work done by women is more seasonal than that done by men, although less so than in other manufacturing industries which employ large numbers of women.
Sales work in the department stores is seasonal in the sense that a large number of extra sales women are taken on during the Christmas season for a period of temporary employment, usually lasting from one to two months.
On account of the seasonal character of the work considerable time is lost through unemployment, particularly in those occupations in which women predominate.
There is, as a rule, no seasonal change of colour in the Weasel's fur in this country; but occasionally it has been found white in winter.
The change is, no doubt, connected with the seasonal succession of insects with different habits.
Certain species, such as the Alpine Hare and the Stoat, undergo a marked seasonal change of colour in the fur under the influence of low temperature.
Farming is too seasonal an occupation to engage all of a man's time.
But they would provide the team-work necessary for an outdoor, seasonal employment.
That arrangement will care for some seasonal industries; others can arrange a succession of products according to the seasons and the equipment, and still others can, with more careful management, iron out their seasons.
A considerable part of finance is in the overcoming of seasonal operation.
Hence the winter sales are constantly growing larger and the seasonal demand is in part lifted from the dealer.
A marked seasonal periodicity of this kind is not confined to the Arctic regions.
Beukemann, who studied the matter in various parts of Germany, found that seasonal influence was specially marked in the case of illegitimate births.
It seems probable that the seasonal influence would here be specially well shown.
Not only is there periodicity in criminal conduct, but even within the normal range of good and bad conduct seasonal periodicity may still be traced.
But, until the disturbing influence I have just pointed out is eliminated, I see no evidence here for any true seasonal periodicity.
Caiger found in a London fever hospital a marked seasonal prevalence: there was a minor climax in May (repeated in July), and a great autumnal climax in October, falling to a minimum in December and January.
From Zosterops whiteheadi the Mindoro form is easily distinguished, when similar seasonal plumages are compared, by its greater size and more yellow coloration.
Birds of this genus present puzzling seasonalchanges of plumage.
The seasonal variation in color is great and has led ornithologists to name several species which do not exist.
At Flagstaff Observatory it was also noted that the canal lines themselves underwent seasonal changes.
The Seasonal points on both Orbits show the Seasons in the Northern hemisphere.
The lines really are broad bands of vegetation irrigated by the canals which run through them, hence the seasonal changes which have been noted in their colour.
The actual result is to bring the seasonal points backward, step by step, through the orbit in a regular measure until in twenty-two thousand five hundred years they return to the place where they were before.
If Mars had no more air over its surface than has an equal area of the earth, it would remain at a temperature so low that such seasonal changes as we have observed could not take place.
The seasonal variation of these accidents is given in the following table, both for those due directly or indirectly to inadequate and improper lighting and those due to other causes.
If the enervating influence of these factors is combined with a greater clumsiness due to cold and perhaps to colds, it is not difficult to account for this type of seasonal distribution of accidents.
The same general type of seasonal distribution of accidents due to other causes is seen to exist but not so prominently.
Certain local industries, whose production is of a seasonal nature, might so arrange their operation that some of their labor might be available to work on the neighboring farms during the rush season.
Before taking up the subject of seasonal variations in San Francisco domestic exchange rates on New York City, it may be well to observe that in a number of respects the San Francisco domestic exchange market is a peculiar one.
If this be so, it would seem that the provisions of the new law for securing one phase of seasonal elasticity--expansibility--are fairly adequate.
Let us, now, take upseasonal or ordinary elasticity, and ask ourselves whether the new notes are likely to possess this characteristic.
Farming business is pre-eminently seasonal in character; the farmers over the greater part of the country need funds most at about the same times of the year, i.
In the absence of the right of issue, it would only be necessary to accumulate in ordinary times a somewhat greater amount of reserve money, to provide for seasonal and emergency needs.
In Argentina the crop-moving season creates, though to a much smaller extent, the same kind of extra demand for currency as in the United States, and tends to make some seasonal variations in discount rates.
General seasonal movements in the relative demand for money in St. Louis (as compared with New York City), .
But whatever amount remains available for that use will be subject to far less seasonal fluctuation both in volume and in rates.
Kemmerer, Seasonal Variations in the Relative Demand for Money and Capital in the United States.
Kemmerer, Seasonal Variations in the Relative Demand for Currency and Capital in the United States, p.
A greater variety of occupations in large areas will lessen, though not much, extremes of seasonal variation in demands for accommodation upon the federal reserve banks.
The more the farmer resorts to bank credit as a means of financing his current business the more will he suffer from the seasonalinelasticity of our bank-note and deposit currency.
The successful dry-farmer must know the average annual precipitation, and also the average seasonal distribution of the rainfall, over the land which he intends to dry-farm before he can safely choose his cultural methods.
The adaptation of cultural methods to the seasonal distribution of rainfall will be discussed hereafter.
Under the cloudless sky and dry atmosphere of regions of limited rainfall, the daily and seasonal temperature changes are much greater than in sections of greater rainfall.
Seasonal distribution of rainfall It is doubtless true that the total annual precipitation is the chief factor in determining the success of dry-farming.
Seasonal unemployment is prevalent in this occupation.
A point of the first importance to the girl who means to be a milliner is the fact that millinery is a seasonal trade.
Snakes and lizards in all countries where there is any considerable seasonal variation in temperature become dormant or semi-dormant during the colder months.
Farm families in all parts of the State participate in various seasonal activities.
The seasonal rising and lowering of the Missouri's water level continually changes the channel, leaving shoals, sand bars, and snags, and these offered a problem to river pilots as long as steamboat traffic flourished on the river.
The seasonal effects, doubtless, do much to modify the character of the trails, and even local conditions must mold them to a very considerable extent.
Seasonal Evolution of the Fine Structure of the Dark Areas of Mars.
The variation in intensity has been explained recently by nonlife mechanisms for Depressio Hellespontica (an area showing one of the greatest seasonal changes) ([ref.
If inorganic interpretations of the seasonalalbedo variation are accepted, then an inorganic interpretation must also be advanced for the polarization variation.
Spawning apparently occurs when river levels recede to the seasonal lows.
Holidays, seasonal events, and anniversaries may thus be anticipated, and special articles may be sent to editors some time in advance of the occasion that makes them timely.
The study of the movements of plankton, at seasonal intervals, has led to the discovery of the causes, extent, and results of the migration of the principal commercial fishes.
In the extreme southern portion of their range, Atlantic pilot whales may be confused with short-finned pilot whales with which they have only a limited seasonal common range.
This means that it is nearly impossible to determine, for example, whether herds of animals are resident in an area or only seasonal visitors.
Sexual Dimorphism Many species of birds display what is known as seasonal dimorphism, still more display sexual dimorphism.
On this also depends the phenomena of seasonal and sexual dimorphism.
Pictet has shown that the alternating wet and dry seasons in some tropical countries are the cause of, or stimulus that induces, seasonal dimorphism in some butterflies.
If it were, young creatures in their first plumage would invariably resemble the parents, the two sexes would always be alike, and there would be no such phenomenon as seasonal dimorphism.