The incomes and living standards of lay workers are comparable to, or somewhat better than, those of counterparts who work in the city of Rome.
Declining terms of trade, weather-related setbacks, and relentless growth in population have held back overall growth and left per capita incomes stagnant, if not diminished.
The disparity in incomes between the rich and poor continued to rise in 1993, primarily reflecting the high earnings of enterprise managers and persons employed in the emerging private sector.
The economy is tied closely to Switzerland's economy in a customs union, and incomes and living standards parallel those of the more prosperous Swiss groups.
This is what is done in the hospital for the natives and in that for the Sangleys, which are now well established, having their incomes and accounts separate.
Well, let me pause: I think the reader is likely by this time to have a slight notion of my notion of Wordsworth's inevitable prosperity, and the sort of lien that he had upon the incomes of other men who happened to stand in his way.
Each (or the friends of each) held out a false flag, magnifying their incomes respectively, and sinking the embarrassments.
The want of sensible incomes of joy and comfort is another fainting and discouraging dispensation; as the feeling of these is a heart-strengthening and most encouraging thing, which made David so earnestly cry for it, Psal.
As for the want of sensibleincomes of joy and comfort, he hath promised to send the Comforter, in his own good time, John xiv.
I remember he urged that if all had equalincomes the race would be improved; for there would be greater freedom of selection.
Embryo husbands withincomes do occasionally fall in love with pretty girls.
Incomes expressed in goods, or material satisfactions, have been diminished--which is of no serious consequence, if they cover the minimum of actual subsistence.
In the meanwhile, even though food may be provided, the reduction of industry in general has cut incomes right and left.
Several individuals possess incomesof from forty to fifty thousand dollars, and live in a style commensurate with their wealth.
There are indeed few families, however wealthy, whose incomes are not increased by the wages of hired slaves, and there are many poor people, who own one or two slaves, whose hire enables them to live comfortably.
As to the people at large, the classes living on fixed incomes and small salaries felt the pressure first, as soon as the purchasing power of their fixed incomes was reduced.
On the smaller proprietors it was fixed at one-tenth and on the larger, that is, on all incomesabove nine thousand francs, it was made one-half of the entire income.
We are aware, of course, as our incomes for the most part are limited, and as we are all of us upon our mettle in the battle of life that we must pinch somewhere if appearances are to be kept up.
It means no more than that the income which he is spending on himself is as large as six hundred of their incomesput together.
The economy is tied closely to that of Switzerland in a customs union, and incomes and living standards parallel those of the more prosperous Swiss groups.
In the Inns of Court there are, at the present time, scores of clever, industrious fine-hearted gentlemen who have sure incomes of three or four hundred pounds per annum.
Like the king's judges, the king's counsellors frequently made great incomes by fees, though their nominal salaries were invariably insignificant.
In the following century the nominal incomes of law-students rose in proportion as the wealth of the country increased and the currency fell in value.
More is known about the professional receipts of lawyers since the Revolution of 1688 than can be discovered concerning the incomes of their precursors in Westminster Hall.
Concerning theincomes made by eminent counsel in Charles II.
That sum, however, is insignificant when it is compared with the incomes made by the most fortunate advocates of that period.
It was not the truth, of course, and they knew it was not the truth; but it is too much to expect truth to be considered when solid incomes are at stake.
Small incomes claim lenient treatment; and, as mentioned above, this leniency means in England complete freedom.
Again, earned incomes appear to represent lower ability to pay than unearned ones.
For some years clerical taxation by the crown was carried on with the good-will of the papacy; it was not oppressive for unbeneficed clergy and incomes below ten marks were exempt, and in theory the clergy were celibate.
Thus, this vast addition to their incomes was spent almost exclusively on eating and drinking.
But he was rich; for, as his two brothers remained unmarried, their incomes were joined with his own.
Mr. Brooks was loud in his denunciation of the respectable gentlemen who preyed upon the poor, and who held out alluring baits for the small incomes of widows, curates, and retired officers.
Most of them evidently have very small incomes and very large families.
As a result of these low earnings, the wife and children in many immigrant families have been forced into the industrial field and even then the resulting incomes have often been inadequate.
The Immigration Commission found that almost one third of the foreign-born families studied had a total family income of under five hundred dollars, and almost two thirds had incomes less than seven hundred and fifty dollars.
One suggestion is a proposed amendment to the Postal Savings Law, authorizing loans from postal savings deposits to workers with annual incomes not in excess of twelve hundred dollars.
Such a law would be a tax on the incomes of a particular class of society, and on no other.
If they tax the incomes of the landlords under the durable rent system, why would not the parties aggrieved have the same right to take up arms to resist such an act of oppression as our fathers had in 1776?
As incomes rose and consumer goods and services became more readily available, a greater percentage of household budgets was being spent on them.
In the process the difference between urban and lagging rural incomes is to be eliminated.
Increasing exposure to living conditions in the rest of Europe and growingincomes of most Bulgarians created pressures to improve their own quality of life.
Slow promotion and the disparity in wage scales contributed to excessive labor turnover because, under the prevailing conditions of scarcity, trained workers were able to improve their incomes through a change of jobs.
It is also expected to bring about social improvement in the countryside by raising the farmworkers' incomes and helping to reduce the differences between town and country.
The wage reform has been discussed in the context of a broad program, announced by the BKP Central Committee plenum in December 1972, for a general rise in incomes and an improvement in the population's level of living.
At the same time a system of progressive taxation is to be introduced on incomes derived from activities in the private sector that are not in conformity with the amount of labor invested.
A policy of equalization of incomes made little distinction between different levels of education or skill, thus eliminating material rewards as a basis for social stratification.
In the program for increasing wages, special attention will be paid to narrowing the gap between incomesof cooperative peasants and those of workers.
Higher incomes and exposure to the living standards in other Eastern European and Western European countries, however, have created pressure for more than just the satisfaction of basic needs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incomes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.