The process of stitch formation by means of the bearded needle is indicated in the series of diagrams 30 to 33, which represent the operation as performed on a modern rotary frame of the Cotton's Patent type.
The best examples of the full-fashioned trade are the garments produced on the Cotton's Patent Rotary frame which is built to work as many as twelve full width articles at the same time.
On the hand frame and the patent rotary machine tuck pressers are of the form shown in Figs.
In flat rotaryframes where the work is made by an alternating motion of the thread-carrier from side to side a principle of motion is utilized which has a certain jerkiness as characteristic.
At first, it had not even a continuous rotary motion, but the spindle was driven by a belt worked by a spring pole or its equivalent.
On the contrary, for larger jobs, it is difficult to keep up a rotary motion if the foot moves slowly, as it must in order not to burn the tool by a high velocity on some kinds of work.
Twin water-chamber rotary pumps take water through the bottom and divide the supply, carrying half of the stream around to the left and the other half to the right.
Intermeshing cogs and rotary cams revolve outward from the center at the bottom, as shown by the arrows in Figure 118.
Rotary pumps are comparatively cheap, as regards first cost, but they are not economical of power.
A twin-chamber rotary pump admits water at the bottom of the chamber and forces it out through the top.
Two rotary furnaces actuated by this agent have been in operation for a few years at Creusot, and each is yielding 20 tons of iron per day.
In my gardening career I've owned quite a few gas-powered rotary tillers and lawnmowers and one eight-horsepower shredder.
So after working with dull shovels and hoes, many home food growers mistakenly conclude that cultivation is not possible without using a rotary tiller for both tillage and weeding between rows.
For example, if you rotary till unaggregated soil into a fluffy seedbed, the first time it is irrigated, rained on, or stepped on it slumps back down into an airless mass and probably develops a hard crust as well.
Then, in order to expand the use of the steam engine beyond that of a pump, he converted the oscillating motion of the beam into rotary motion.
By 1774, the partnership had built a model steam engine with rotary power whose design could be sold.
Several rows of bobbins, set on the circumference, received the threads, and by a rapid rotarymovement gave them the necessary twist.
Le Compagnon endeavoured, in 1892, to substitute flapping wings for rotary propellers, as the former can be suspended near the centre of resistance.
It is almost impossible to liberate the balloon in such a way as to avoid giving it a rotary motion about a vertical axis, which continues during the whole time it is in the air.
The food is subjected to a rotary movement in the paunch, and is thus repeatedly subjected to moistening with the fluids secreted by the reticulum, as it is passed over the aperture of that cavity, and is formed into a rounded bolus.
Because most probably then the rotary motion of the moon upon her axis was not equal to her revolution, an equality which presents each part of her disc during fifteen days to the action of the solar rays.
These masses became immediately endued with a rotary motion around their own central point.
To give the water a rotary motion he had inserted a helical piece of angle iron, and so prevented deposition.
The safety control station is usually combined for use on large rotary presses with the "slow" and "fast" push buttons as shown in fig.
It provides variable speed and other control features required in the operation of large rotary presses, such as those used for printing newspapers.
In tornadoes the storm-cloud, in nearly all instances, has a rotary motion; the wind also sweeping forward progressively at the rate of from five to twenty miles an hour.
As clouds of smoke and dirt rolled up through the mass and were carried around by the rotary motion, the appearance was that of an immense building on fire.
This mighty mass of material lies there to-day untouched, and thousands of people have visited the spot, amazed at the immense power which wind exerts when under the influence of rotary and progressive motion.
The rotary movement was to the left, which may be shown by standing upon one heel and turning around in that direction.
The forward motion of the hurricane would create a great inrushing of wind on the right side, and greater damage would result than upon the other side where the wind was returning to complete the rotary movement.
This rotary motion or "whirl" probably resulted from the resistance encountered by these opposing currents of air, in their attempt to ascend vertically, there being less resistance in a lateral than in a vertical direction.
The maple and other forest trees were frequently twisted entirely off, showing conclusively, that while they were first struck by the progressive motion, the rotary motion was sufficiently quick to locate the falling trunk.
All movements for personal safety must extend entirely beyond the circumference established by the rotary motion.
First, a form having a comparatively small rotary effort at the start but maintaining a perfectly uniform speed at all loads, which motor has been termed synchronous.
These objections Mr. Tesla has sought to avoid by constructing a machine with two fields, each having a rotary conductor mounted between its poles.
The motors operated from this generator should be of the synchronous type, but possessing sufficient rotaryeffort to insure their starting.
He therefore worked out a system which was confided to a company formed for its exploitation, and then proceeded to devote his energies to the perfection of the details of his more celebrated "rotary field" motor system.
Second, a form possessing a great rotary effort at the start, the speed being dependent on the load.
It will be found that the rotary effort in these motors fully equals that of the continuous current motors.
To obtain a rotary effort in these motors was the subject of long thought.
One of the general ways followed by Mr. Tesla in developing his rotary phase motors is to produce practically independent currents differing primarily in phase and to pass these through the motor-circuits.
Combine egg and milk and add gradually to dry ingredients to make smooth batter (beat with rotary beater).
From what I can hear, there is a kind of rotary wing--not a propeller and not a thing which can be classed as a helicoptic.
Make contacts to the taps by two rotary switches as shown in Fig.
After a while, however, you will probably wish to mount them in a box with a rotary switch on top.
Usually there is a power factor meter connected up in the main generating station and one also in the rotary substation, and it is the duty of the attendant at the substation to maintain the proper power factor.
Commutating pole rotary converters for railway service are normally arranged for automatic compounding which is effected by the proper combination of series excitation and inductance between the generator and the rotary converter.
It prevents overheating when the rotary is delivering its full load in watts.
By varying the field excitation of the alternator, the alternating current voltage impressed on the rotary converter can be increased or decreased as desired.
What is the advantage of unity power factor for rotary converters?
Such an arrangement is called an inverted rotary converter.
Reason demands the cause of this beginning, the source that gave to the nebulous mass its rotary motion; the power that distributed the matter in space; the antecedents of the cosmical vapor.
It is seen, then, that according to Kant's theory we are to suppose that millions of years ago there appeared a nebulous mass possessing a rotary motion, and unequally distributed through space.
A great unsolved difficulty lies in the fact that the cosmological gas theory furnishes no starting-point at all in explanation of the first impulse which caused the rotary motion in the gas-filled universe.
In this case of rotary engines, our aviation representatives in Europe advised the production here of Gnome and Le Rhone motors.
The former concern brought its vast resources and numerous factories into the consolidation; while the latter furnished the only skilled knowledge and experience there was in the United States in the art of making rotary engines.
Guillot has certified to the Aircraft Board that these American Le Rhones were the best rotaryengines ever built.
For each type, the rotary and fixed, we were permitted by our policy to have two sorts of engines in order to get into production as quickly as possible, but not more than two.
Although France is the home of the rotaryaviation engine, M.
He studied the principles of hydraulics, and introduced many improvements into machinery for pumping, a rotary principle being one of them.
Bramah also applied the rotary principle to the fire-engine.
In most cases the actual incineration of the thick liquor is carried out in a rotaryfurnace when such an apparatus as this is used.
The pulp, diluted with the proper quantity of back-water, is carefully strained through rotary screens and allowed to flow through a distributing box on to the machine wire, where it rapidly forms a sheet of paper.
A rotary beating engine in which the beating surfaces admit of accurate adjustment.
The spent liquors and washing waters are evaporated to a small bulk in a vacuum multiple effect apparatus, and the thick liquid mass obtained by evaporation is burnt either in a rotary furnace or on an ordinary hearth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rotary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.