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Example sentences for "short story"

  • A Short Story of Love and Marriage," I wrote at eight years old.

  • The first story of all, "A Short Story of Love and Marriage," she wrote when she was eight years old.

  • Write a short story suggested by one of the following subjects:-- 1.

  • Write a short story suggested by one of the following subjects.

  • Write a short story suggested by one of the subjects below.

  • It is my belief that the difference between these various types of readers is pretty largely an artificial difference, in so far as it affects the quality of entertainment and imaginative interest that the short story has to offer.

  • We want to know how he reacts to what he reads in the magazine, whether it is a short story, an article, or an advertisement.

  • The first test of a short story, therefore, in any qualitative analysis is to report upon how vitally compelling the writer makes his selected facts or incidents.

  • Their reactions to my short story began to give birth to a larger story about my friend’s characteristics, their way of thinking and about the ties that connected them to me.

  • So here follows the many lives of "The Norwegian Bible": In the previous semester at the Teachers Training College we had a task of writing a short story in English.

  • This is good enough to deserve extraction from the book, and separate publication as a short story.

  • Years of short story-writing is the best apprenticeship for you.

  • Arbuthnot Wilson, and asking for a short story somewhat in the style of my 'admirable Mr. Chung.

  • These stories by Miss Wormser are the most interesting short story discovery of the year.

  • One of the most amusing questions concerning the short story is why a form which is singly so attractive that every one likes to read a short story when he finds it alone is collectively so repellent as it is said to be.

  • This volume has the merit of containing in very short compass twenty-eight stories by English and American authors, not too conventionally selected, which would form admirable texts for a short story course.

  • I think "Identified" might be commended to a short story anthologist.

  • Cable as a short story writer, a maker of miniatures with marvelous skill of touch, was most successful perhaps with dainty femininities of the old regime.

  • It was the parent of the American "short story.

  • This far-sightedness made of Poe the father of the American type of short story.

  • The sixpenny popular magazines had still to deaden down the conception of what a short story might be to the imaginative limitation of the common reader--and a maximum length of six thousand words.

  • Except for the two series of linked incidents that make up the bulk of the book called Tales of Space and Time, no short story of mine of the slightest merit is excluded from this volume.

  • No short story of the slightest distinction went for long unrecognised.

  • The Brothers is a short story, with a plain, clear plot.

  • You will probably agree that the result of reading this chapter (even if your particular ism is opposed to its authority) is finer than the result of reading a short story in a magazine or even an essay by Charles Lamb.

  • He has almost established a definite type of short story writing, and in many of the stories now written one may clearly see the influence of O.

  • The Bust of Lincoln, really a short story, deals with a young man whose proudest possession is a bust of Lincoln that had belonged to his grandfather; the story shows how it influences his life.

  • Here in an old house surrounded by great catalpa trees, with cardinals nesting in their branches, she was recovering from an illness, and to pass the time began to write a short story.

  • Where there is one writer who can get fifteen hundred dollars for a short story, or fifteen thousand dollars for the serial rights to a novel, there are a thousand who can get not more than a fifteenth of those prices.

  • Very often a writer is interested in some little incident which he would not be justified in treating in prose, something too slight to be the theme of a short story.

  • Bret Harte has been known to pass days and weeks on a short story or poem before he was ready to deliver it into the hands of the printer.

  • This kind of short story cannot be done quickly.

  • First of all, what is the difference between a novel and a short story?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "short story" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    condensing engine; good feller; much consequence; oval shape; part with; potassium hydroxide; short account; short allowance; short circuit; short course; short distance; short distance from the; short half; short intervals; short life; short line; short period; short point; short prayer; short silence; short stalk; short tunic; short walk; short while; shortly before; social problems