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Example sentences for "decorous"

Lexicographically close words:
decorations; decorative; decoratively; decorator; decorators; decorously; decorticated; decorum; decorums; decouverte
  1. Even their dances and games are executed with a certain degree of decorous reserve; and on their warlike expeditions their habitual sedateness, and proud sense of self-respect, stand very much in the place of military discipline.

  2. This more decorous personage bowed towards me in almost an European fashion, pressed the articles given him several times to his forehead, and then, turning to me, rubbed the point of his nose pretty roughly against mine.

  3. Stately dinner-parties, decorous dances, moral picnics, and much tea-pot gossiping were the social resources of the place.

  4. That was serious enough; but the crowning iniquity was the putting of brandy into the coffee, which it was considered decorous for the young girls to prefer instead of cider.

  5. These respectable classes found themselves in the company of some allies much less decorous than themselves.

  6. Under decorous pretexts, and with every mark of respect, Essex and most of those who had held high posts under him were removed; and the conduct of the war was intrusted to very different hands.

  7. A few counsellors of Charles the First, who were now no longer young, retained the decorous gravity which had been thirty years before in fashion at Whitehall.

  8. Nothing can be more decorous than her entry and her reception by Ramsden, whom she kisses.

  9. I warn you that if you attempt to repudiate your responsibility, I shall suspect you of finding the play too decorous for your taste.

  10. They come in quickly, with their former leisurely air of decorous grief changed to one of genuine concern, and, on Ramsden's part, of worry.

  11. The moment he appears, Ramsden's face expands into fatherly liking and welcome, an expression which drops into one of decorous grief as the young man approaches him with sorrow in his face as well as in his black clothes.

  12. Mrs. Blandford, who had regained her rigorous precision once more under the decorous security of her own roof.

  13. At first his eyes seemed masked with their customary brightness, his whole face with its usual decorous formality; then gradually he became so changed that she hardly knew him.

  14. An image of routine, he looked like one engaged to give a decorous air to multitudes of pecadilloes.

  15. Down in the street a footman was settling the rug over the knees of a lady in a carriage, and the decorous immovability of both their faces, which were clearly visible to him, was like a portion of some well-oiled engine.

  16. After a little decorous hesitation, he led us across an open and muddy courtyard to a house where a dozen women were in the confusion of preparing and eating supper.

  17. There was much hand-shaking, and among the women there were decorous kisses.

  18. Lord Salisbury practised what he called 'the decorous reserve proper to one who had been so long out of the House of Commons.

  19. Accordingly actors were fetched from Etruria, who danced certain simple and decorous dances to the music of a flute.

  20. Usually the Hos are quiet and reserved in manner, decorous and gentle to women.

  21. In the dead silence that followed he was enabled to make his decorous point.

  22. And thus, as well as otherwise, He will make His Gospel to be to us no mere luxury or ornament of thought and life, as it were a decorous gilding upon essential worldliness and the ways of self.

  23. The private and confidential correspondence of eminent literary men would be usually more decorous than interesting; but Byron, though he is not always respectable, is never dull.

  24. These awaited in orderly and decorous silence, in their early days, the coming of their owner from the mother-church at Sens.

  25. To these rooms and this garden thronged the same men whom we have seen in the Sevigne and Scudery salons, and these reunions were as decorous as those, and perhaps somewhat more cheerful and more natural in tone.

  26. I confess I have no special leaning to these very proper and decorous youths.

  27. I decline to speak to you further, or again, unless you appear in a more obedient and decorous frame of mind.

  28. Although the neighbouring Suffolk Street is a most decorous thoroughfare at the present time, and entirely innocent of taverns, it was furnished with two, the Cock and The Golden Eagle, in the latter portion of the seventeenth century.

  29. Which, taken in conjunction with the abstemious nature of the Garrick club, would seem to show that the Queen's Arms was an exceedingly decorous house.

  30. It can hardly be said that the old houses waked from the decorous sleep of many years.

  31. Their great onslaught on decorous publishing was made when they printed and sold Macaulay’s History for fifty cents a volume at retail.

  32. They confined their sermons on Sunday to the decorous wish-wash in which average men treated in a harmless way subjects to which the people were indifferent.

  33. All of a sudden, as a wave of water might sweep over a thick, rotten ice-floe in one of Nansen’s summers, a marvelous inundation swept over this decorous imbecility.

  34. I am not sure that this story of those days is quite decorous enough for print.

  35. People may say how scandalous all this reads, and how thankful we ought to be to be living in these decorous twentieth century days!

  36. The decorous Panton Street of to-day was another very sink of iniquity.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decorous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accepted; acknowledged; admitted; appropriate; approved; becoming; ceremonial; ceremonious; chaste; civil; condign; conventional; correct; courteous; customary; decent; decorous; delicate; demure; due; earnest; elegant; felicitous; fit; fitting; formal; frowning; genteel; good; grave; grim; happy; kosher; ladylike; liturgic; liturgical; meet; modest; nice; normal; normative; official; orderly; orthodox; pompous; presentable; prim; proper; prudish; pure; received; recognized; respectable; right; righteous; rightful; ritual; ritualistic; sacerdotal; savory; sedate; seemly; serious; sober; solemn; somber; staid; stately; stilted; suitable; tasteful; thoughtful; traditional; unsmiling; urbane; weighty