It would be far more seemly to wait either for a public announcement or for some intimation from her.
And for some time she remained stunned, while the doctor and her secretary and the hotel people did all that they deemed seemly on this great occasion.
Asking a writer or a poet to be seemly and Academic and so on, is like asking an eminent surgeon to be stringently decent.
And she besought him that he give her part of his land whereon to found an abbey; and further, she bade him take to wife the maid he so loved; for it is not meet or seemly that a man maintain two wives, nor will the law suffer it.
His dress was seemly and such as befitteth a sergeant; fair of face he was, and goodly of body; and well might it be seen he served a rich lord and a mighty.
I am afraid I must be more confidential than is seemly if I answer your question.
The ideal ship-broker has a straight and seemly gait; but no captain who ever tried to imitate the ship-broker could quite do away with a certain nautical roll.
To this must be added, industrious and select reading, steady observation, and insight into all seemly and generous arts and affairs; till which in some measure be compast, I refuse not to sustain this expectation.
He had done what he knew to be necessary previous to poetical excellence; he had made himself acquainted with "seemly arts and affairs;" his comprehension was extended by various knowledge, and his memory stored with intellectual treasures.
Round the hall fire we sat after tea, and again after supper, Dolly and I facing each other at the corners, my uncle and Mrs. Barnes in the middle, and the room gently echoed with seemly and strictly wholesome mirth.
Naturally she goes for excursions in the mountains with an umbrella: it is to Mrs. Barnes both more prudent and more seemly than a stick.
Butcher, Or allied to a seemly family of sowse-wives.
Give your Petitions In seemly sort, and keep your hat off, decently.
Footnote 42: And those that seemly are and sweet shall see His (God’s) face.
Channing alleged against us in this book were the common current objections of that day, hurled at us in less seemly phrases from the press, the platform, and the pulpit.
No snowy fleece in these sad realms was found, Nor silken ball by maiden loved so well; But ranged in lightest garniture around, In seemly folds, a shining tapestry fell.
Now there are those who hold that this is certainly the seemly and appointed time to go to bed and they do so as a matter of routine.
Upon this firm foundation it erects a seemly interest in letters.
Max Maisel's bookshop alone is enough to put one in a seemly humour.
Now you just answer me in a seemly manner and tell me exactly where you are going this afternoon, or I'll send you straight back into the house to take off your finery and not go out at all.
Besides, it--well, it isn't seemly to be running about half naked.
For when men who expect that all the good things will come to them fail at any time, if it so happen, they are distressed more than is seemly by the very hope which wrongly led them on.
He placed a trembling hand upon her head, as was seemly in a priest, and, turning abruptly, walked away.
Says the old ballad--it was a seemly sight to see how Robin Hood himself had dressed, and all his yeomanry.
The lady was stately and gracious, and made much of Marian, whom she had known as a little girl and who was now clothed more seemly for a dinner than in monkish garments.
To veil it under seemly phrases would have been no evidence of enlightenment.
It was the question of people whose minds were perplexed about Heaven, and who, happily, had not found out seemly phrases in which to veil their perplexity.
Safe and seemly it may not be, but come you must," said the page, rudely.
Is this seemly conduct toward a stranger and an imperial courier?
T is neither safe nor seemly for a maid to show herself in baron's hall or in king's banquet-room.
Rise, thou venerable noble, for it is not seemly that one who is at age's extremity should kneel, even before the Emperor.
It was not seemly so superior a collection should exist outside the Honorable Society.
That it is not seemly for young ladies to display such extreme emotion over gentlemen to whom they are not related and who have had the misfortune to be imprisoned for murder did not cross her mind.
But it was needful that he should be a seemly rapin, orderly and quietly ambitious, like the house, otherwise he would not have been long suffered within its tranquil and self-respecting walls.
I could not go to the place of execution, for it is not seemly for a member of the Sanhedrim to attend an execution.
How, above all, shall we teach our little ones, like my Lazarus there, to feel what is good and seemly, except by first teaching them to do the acts that are seemly and good?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seemly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.