I understand Kent was in court, either in person or by attorney, when the receivership order was made, and that he hadn't a word to say for himself.
You spoke of the receivership as being part of a plan by which your road was to be turned over to an eastern monopoly.
The Plantagould people want your railroad, and the receivership is a part of a plan for acquiring it.
In short, the receivership has demonstrated its ability, even under unfavorable economic and political conditions, to do the work for which it was intended.
The powers of this receivership are such as to prevent the development of any German competition with us in the conduct or control of German production.
To take a rake-off as merchants and middlemen from all German manufactures and to set up a receivership over Germany that we call a Reparation Commission, with the right to claim any remaining profit.
Dan knew that the paper-mill receivership was following its prescribed course, and he was himself, through an arrangement made by Bassett, in touch with Fitch and understood the legal status of the case perfectly.
I caught a bargain in you; you have been useful to me in many ways; you have carried nearly the whole burden of the paper-mill receivership in a way to win me the praise of the court and all others interested.
The receivership has been giving you enough to do; and the game, after all, is a hard one.
I've never said so, but at the conclusion of the receivership I've intended paying you for your additional work.
In winding up the receivershipof the paper company Bassett had treated Harwood generously.
Moreover, Harwood's confidence in Bassett's powers had never wavered; in the management of the paper-mill receivership the senator from Fraser had demonstrated a sagacity and resourcefulness that had impressed Dan anew.
Well, Thatcher brought that suit, thinking that if he could throw the paper into a receivership he'd run up the price when it came to be sold and shake me out.
The individual receivership of Sancerre, which became his also, was bought by Gravier.
Bidault was shrewd enough; he saw through--and much to his profit--the pretended speculation involved in the third receivership which was operated by Nucingen in 1826.
I give the receivership to your nephew, Gossip Jacques," replied the king; "but draw this fire from my breast.
I'll take the receivership and you'll be the receiver's attorney, of course.
And I figure that if the road goes into a receivership the bonds will pay sixty anyhow.
The receivership was closed and the administration of the road was restored to the Cleveland and Pittsburg Company.
A receivership is looming in the distance, and the not very dim distance, for the P.
If President Colbrith and his associates can be made to see that the multiplication of two by two gives an invariable resultant of four, there will be no receivership for the P.
Many mine-owners did not attempt to develop their ground, fearful lest, it proving rich, the receivership jurisdiction would be thereto extended.
The new controller and general receiver of Dominican customs arrived with several American assistants and soon had the receivership service admirably organized.
The arrangement was thus similar to the later receivership plan, but its vulnerable point was that it was operated by a private concern.
Since the establishment of the receivership full and accurate trade statistics have become available for the first time in the history of the Republic.
The method of distributing the current collections of revenue in order to accomplish the application thereof as hereinbefore provided shall be as follows: The expenses of the receivership shall be paid by the Receiver as they arise.
The customs receivership has continued to render invaluable service.
The death of Lord Lake this year removed those difficulties which had, ever since the appointment of Sheridan to the receivership of the Duchy of Cornwall, stood in the way of his reaping the full advantages of that office.
Receivership of the Duchy of Cornwall bestowed upon Mr. Sheridan.
The receivership will abundantly recoup you in the end, but from the beginning we must keep up appearances.
Then I told him about the receivership and my purpose to have him appointed.
I, personally, am in such shape because of this same receivership that I can do nothing.
Addicks, when he got his thinking loom running, declared thereceivership was all a "Standard Oil" plot to ruin him.
To secure Addicks' consent to this arrangement would be the difficulty; but there was one consideration that would probably induce him to give way--his terrible plight in case the receivership became permanent.
Until the receivership is dismissed not a cent can come from the Bay State treasury, so that eliminates Addicks.
Court proceedings to release the receivership could not take long, and they calculated that the train schedule would detain Braman and Foster at least two hours in Wilmington after the adjournment.
Braman, an adept in corporation try-outs, lost not a moment, for the instant his receivership appointment was signed he pounced down on the Delaware offices of the Bay State and seized everything they contained.
There was but one way out of the complication--we must undo this receivership and release our properties and funds before November 1st.
At a glance it was impossible to tell the one containing Buchanan's share from the other laden with the receivership loot, but each was tagged, and it was evident that possibilities of a mix-up had been carefully guarded against.
In the midst of juggled accounts and forgeries, there may be something left, and anyhow, the receivership cannot be closed without your consent.
Aaron Logan got his order for receivership before his public went frantic and while cash was yet available.
This morning the judge approved my settlement of the long-standing Norris case, I received a letter containing a draft of an outstanding debt, and now the important Wells bank receivership settles itself.
This man was fresh from the great Stensland Bank fraud, where as receiver he had paid 72 cents on the dollar and wound up a record receivership in less than one year, whereas the usual time taken in such cases was ten years.
First came the receivership of the Central Life Securities Company.
A receivership and reorganization seemed absolutely necessary, and in February, 1896, the receivership was announced.
It was three years from the date of the receivership before the Erie property was taken out of the hands of the courts.
The receivership at once adopted a vigorous policy of improvement.
Ultimately the entire system of Oregon lines passed under Union Pacific control, to be lost in the receivership of 1893, but later recovered under the Harriman regime.
During the receivership only a moderate amount of additional mileage was constructed, and it was not until many years had passed that the system penetrated the mountains and reached the Pacific coast.
The various stock-market struggles that ensued from the ascendency of Jay Gould to the receivership of the Erie in 1875 is a long and intricate tale.
They had looked into the matter thoroughly in New York and were anxious that the policy and methods of the receivership should continue.
You lawyers always make a lot of rumpus about those things, and a receivership would prejudice the Eastern market when I come to reorganize and sell out.
A week had passed since Saxton's appointment to the receivershipand Wheaton went to and from his work with many misgivings.
Margrave did not understand receiverships according to High or Beach or any other legal authority; but according to Margrave they were an excuse for pillage, and it was a regret of his life that no fat receivership had ever fallen to his lot.
Saxton came and talked to him of the receivership several times, and Porter quizzed him about it in his characteristic vein.
It looks awfully complicated--the receivership and all that.
He advised them of the receivership in terms which led them to believe that he had brought it about as a part of his own plans.
Porter dreaded litigation, and wanted to know how soon the receivership could be terminated and the company reorganized.
Some amusing incidents had occurred in the adjustment of legal questions relating to the receivership and he told of them in a way to reflect the greatest credit on Warry.
One evening, a week after the receivership incident, he resolved to go to Margrave and demand, at any hazard, the return of Evelyn's certificate.
The Gazette, Margrave's paper, proved him to be wholly in the right, and cited the summary action of the court in appointing an inexperienced man to the receivership as another proof of the brutal abuse of power by federal courts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "receivership" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bankruptcy; bust; collapse; crash; failure; insolvency; overdraft