Heathcote had telegraphed before he started, asking for a telegram to meet him at the Paris station, and here the message brought a ray of comfort.
A telegram had informed Dora Wyllard of the wedding-day, so soon as ever the date had been fixed, but she had not responded, as Hilda and her brother had hoped she would respond, to the invitation to be present at the wedding.
Edward Heathcote had been away from Paris when Miss Meyerstein's telegram arrived at the Hôtel de Bade.
A telegram from Bothwell told him of his sister's peril; and another telegram reached Mrs. Wyllard from the same source.
Talbot went to bed determined to investigate the old Wiley claim the next day, but in the morning an urgent telegram called him and Manuel to Phoenix, and so the matter was necessarily postponed.
I prepared for the worst, and the worst would undoubtedly have come if Dicky Dod had not suddenly remembered having seen a man with a foreign telegram looking for somebody in the Cathedral.
And thus it was that we were all married sociably together in Dover the following morning, despatching a telegram immediately afterwards to the Senator at the Cologne hotel as follows: "We have eloped.
I went on to Mrs Shield's, and found your telegram on my arrival.
During the day an important telegram arrived at the office, which kept the partners closeted together in the inner-room for an hour, in earnest conference, at the end of which time Hawkesbury was sent for.
I determined, however, to send a telegram to meet Jack on his arrival, so as to warn him, in case the letter should still be undelivered.
All the way to Glasgow he pondered on the singular circumstance of Theodora's failure to obey the telegram he had sent her.
On the eighth of November, Jepson received a telegram from him before nine in the morning, ordering fires to be kept burning brightly all day in his rooms.
The fever was beaten, and the little heroine went off at the call of another telegram to charge another battery of death.
It becomes possible to breakfast without the last telegram and to go to bed without the news of a fresh butchery.
Aaron passed the telegram and the card to Mr. Moss.
By a firm of respectable London lawyers, whose name and address I will give you, and to whom I shall communicate by telegram to-night.
Percy Storndale, thetelegram was from Mrs. Moss in Portsmouth.
I was writing you a letter when your telegram arrived.
In the midst of his musings a servant presented himself with a telegramand a card.
Aaron wondered what this important matter could be, and there was a joyful feeling in his heart that the telegram might be the presage of good fortune.
The telegram was to the effect that Ruth was not in Portsmouth, and that Mrs. Moss, in her absence, had taken the liberty of reading the message, under the idea that it might contain something which required an immediate answer.
Am safe,' thetelegram said tersely, in Billings's ungrammatical English.
This 'ere's just come,' she said excitedly, handing the telegram across with very damp fingers.
He promptly sent a frantic telegramto the ordnance depot which had supplied the ammunition in the first instance, to receive in reply a curt message stating that so many shell--the proper number--had been despatched on such and such a date.
Now that telegram yesterday morning took me to Grangersons with Miss Pinckney.
One morning, coming down to breakfast, she found Miss Pinckney in agitation, an open telegram in one hand and a feather duster in the other.
A letter from the children of my first marriage informs that a telegram had come for them bidding them to be present in Stockholm at the farewell feast which was to celebrate my departure for the North Pole.
Children are always more or less ill; a mother's fear exaggerates the danger; a telegram follows, and all is said.
He saw his Kaiser at the time of a petty humiliation to Great Britain sending a telegram of congratulation to the man who had inflicted this rebuff.
To the best of my knowledge, the German press has only referred to this telegram with the simple remark that intelligence of the real state of affairs has evidently not yet reached the ears of the sender of the telegram.
He turned on her suddenly, and held out the telegram she had received that morning.
Even as he spoke he was tearing the telegram into small pieces, and casting them down on to the neat, well-kept grass path.
If you can get a telegram or telephone message through to Gifford to-night, I think that appointment will be postponed indefinitely.
For, true to the arrangement Tom had made with the railroad people, another reassuring telegram was brought to him before bedtime.
He had a telegram in his hand, and intoned loudly as he approached: "Mr. Swift!
Geoffrey had not been in this room since the day when he had been called from Oxford by a telegram announcing his father's sudden death.
Upon the receipt of her telegram at Ripon House he had hurried up to London, and ferreting out her lodgings accused her of wishing to give him the slip.
A telegram would not reach him, besides what is there to wire about?
He sent a telegram to Jack Redland to Brighton, and received a reply to the effect that he would be on board the next day.
To-morrow morning I propose to receive a telegram summoning me home.
The telegram showed the expansiveness of the man of means, and ran as follows: "Returning to Moat this afternoon.
By way of precaution he had burnt Blakeney's telegram as soon as read; while the boy who carried his bag to the station had departed immediately after his own arrival and could give no clue as to his destination.
The telegram had been a fraud, sent with no other purpose than to lure him from town, into the solitude of these lonely lanes.
From here he despatched a telegram to his partners, saying that he should be absent for a day or two.
But our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a telegram for me.
Later in the day I told the tale of my second and successful hunt; for my people had received no details, but merely the bald telegram that I was alive and had secured the Girdle.
He explained his unexpected reappearance by saying that he had had a telegram from his firm, telling him to go on up the Gulf, as there was a good opening for trade at Bushire and Baghdad.
But there was just a chance that the telegram announcing my safety might have arrived before my boxes, and I hoped that it had been so.
My people had already spent a mint of money in telegraphing congratulations, and in asking almost daily after my health; but thetelegram which I now received contained a huge surprise.
I had received a telegram from Karachi, from my father, who told me that he and my uncle Ambrose had got so far on their journey, and were just leaving for the Persian Gulf.
I didn't know whether you'd be able to answer that there telegram of mine in person, and if you was able, I didn't know whether you would.
As they stopped at the counter to get the keys to their rooms, Clancy asked the clerk if there was a telegram for him.
Mr. Field added: "This telegram was sent from London at four o'clock this afternoon, and was delivered into the hands of your committee at 12.
Roosevelt directed the following telegram to Mrs. Roosevelt and gave orders that if the telegraph office at Oyster Bay was closed the message should be taken to Sagamore Hill by taxicab.
These instructions, it was afterward developed, were inspired by a telegram from Chicago, and which had been sent by an unknown man from the Grand Pacific Hotel over the initials "J.
I regret that in sending you my telegram on Monday last more care was not taken to verify the correctness of my informant's statements.
So she composed a telegram and sent it at once, over the telephone.
On the afternoon of Monday week, a telegram came for the Colonel.
Here's a telegram just come up; the operator gave it to me for you.