My venerable friend, I blush for you--yes, I blush for you, you are devoid of sentiment.
The venerable "Lait Gustise" sees the Sights, under Perplexing Difficulties.
Everything in this venerable city has a decidedly Spanish stamp.
Behold those venerable domes and towers, hoary with time and clothed with legendary grandeur in which so many of my ancestors have meditated.
The prince approached him with the awe and reverence naturally inspired by his venerable appearance and supernatural wisdom.
With all his assiduity and munificence, also, the venerable lover could not flatter himself that he had made any impression on her heart.
He had a venerable gray beard, and was evidently very old, supporting himself on a staff, yet age had not bowed him down; he was tall and erect, and had the wreck of a fine form.
His shop, for the greater part of a century, was the resort of a knot of venerable gossips, where they would pass half the night talking about old times, and the wonderful events and hidden secrets of the place.
The messenger having brought the key, I was admitted into Mortlake church, the first glance of whose venerable structure, carried my imagination back through many distant ages, and generated a multitude of interesting associations.
Nothing is conceded to public feeling, and the most venerable monuments are suffered to fall to decay for want of the most trifling repairs.
But happiness is as illusive as time, and is proved as perspicuously to be but a thing of memory, by the same venerable saint.
It was venerable in his day; it was death at that time for anybody to touch it but a Catholic priest.
But of a thing of this kind it cannot with truth be asserted that it is the principle, nor can it even be said of it that it is most unindigent, though this appears to be the most venerable of all assertions.
The beautiful light which they benevolently disclosed has hitherto unnoticed illumined philosophy in her desolate retreats, like a lamp shining on some venerable statue amidst dark and solitary ruins.
Or was it because some heavy German critic, who knew nothing beyond a verb in mi, presumed to grunt at these venerable heroes?
Parliament, I will rather choose to be hanged than have all my substance taxed at seventeen shillings in the pound, at the arbitrary will and pleasure of the venerable Mr. Wood.
Can anything be more distressing than to see a venerable man pouring forth sublime truths in tattered breeches, and depending for his food upon the little offal he gets from his parishioners?
The Turks at first did nothing, for the Emir was a relation of the venerable and respected Abd-el-Kader, whose acquaintance I was happy to have made, though this was unknown to his cousin.
Yet this venerable roll is perhaps the oldest copy of the Bible in the world, and until it has been read by a competent scholar, it is impossible to say what light it may throw on the study of the Pentateuch.
They would find in the venerable George of Cappadocia the wisest of teachers, one who was fit in every way to lead them to the kingdom of Heaven and to raise their hearts from earthly to heavenly things.
Among those of the Eastern Church were the venerable St. Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, and St. Amphion, who had been put to the torture in the reign of Diocletian.
WITH the threatened eruption of the rag carpet as a kind of venerable successor to the genuine Boston-made Turkish rug, there comes a wail on the part of the male portion of humanity, and a protest on the part of all health-loving humanity.
We have experimented some on the venerable cheese, too.
Cotton napkins and ewers of water were placed before them as they took their seats at the board; for the venerable ceremony of ablution before and after eating was punctiliously observed.
I should suffer less if he but knew what I endure; but even you, my venerable friend, can have but a faint idea of my sufferings.
This solemn and melancholy sight became more so by the contrast of the composed and settled resignation of the sick person, with the silent grief of the venerable confessor, who was dissolved in tears beside her.
The venerable old man lay prostrate before her, with his head on her feet, and he was weeping bitterly, and he seemed to have lost his senses.
At the north-east angle of the Choir is the beautiful Tomb of the venerable Founder and first Prior of the Monastery.
Surely that confounded thing can't be my venerable old friend in masquerade!
The meaning of that venerableword had decayed of late in characteristic fashion.
That venerable blunder: to think that in changing the form of government you change the heart of man.
Ballester was a venerable man, gray-headed, and of a soldier-like demeanor.
This outrage to a person of such dignified and venerable appearance, and such eminent merit, seemed, for the time, to shock even his enemies.
With this little armament and these slender barks did the venerable discoverer undertake the search after a strait, which, if found, must conduct him into the most remote seas, and lead to a complete circumnavigation of the globe.
He was a venerableold gentleman, tall, and somewhat thin, with fair complexion and gray hair.
I knew the fellow," adds the venerable historian, "and I think his name was Espinosa.
In one of these ships sailed the father of the venerable historian Las Casas, from whom he derived many of the facts of his history.
As the venerable bishop Las Casas observes, where the most learned men have doubted, it is not surprising that an unlearned mariner should err.
Great pains were to be taken in their religious instruction; for which purpose twelve Franciscan friars were sent out, with a prelate named Antonio de Espinal, a venerable and pious man.
It is impossible to pursue any further the picture drawn by the venerable Las Casas, not of what he had heard, but of what he had seen; nature and humanity revolt at the details.
When the queen beheld this venerable man approach, and thought on all he had deserved and all he had suffered, she was moved to tears.
Nothing can be more touching and expressive than this little colloquy, recorded by the venerable Las Casas, who doubtless had it from the lips of his friend Villejo.
Mumbo-Jumbo of the African woods to me seemsvenerable beside this new Deity of Robespierre; for this is a conscious Mumbo-Jumbo, and knows that he is machinery.
Assassinating Peasants are hanged; Old-Constituent Honourable members, though of venerable age, ride in carts with their hands tied; these are the woes of war.
Jim" Vinson, the venerable stage manager, was greatly impressed with the merits of Cromwell and cast and staged it to the best of his ability, with the resources available, but it was far from being an ideal cast.
This is revered as the abiding-place of the earthly remains of the great monk and historian, the Venerable Bede.
Close by there was an altar to the Venerable Bede.
Gundulph's contribution is a spacious and venerable building in the form of a cross, with a central tower surmounted by a spire.
It is with sorrow we foresee that the inevitable restoration will take place in the east end of this venerable structure.
He was a pupil of the great ecclesiastical historian, the Venerable Bede.
The Venerable Bede, in his accounts of this city, calls it Licidfeld, being supposed to mean "Field of the Dead.
Rowing across, he found a venerable man, who desired to be ferried over.
Hence Bede is known generally as "The Venerable Bede.
He had looked keenly after his venerable compeer as the paralytic was borne across the uninclosed passage between the two rooms.
The other old man was saturnine and lymphatic, and seemed a trifle younger than his venerable associate.
Happy to exonerate his venerable uncle, Louis impetuously declared that his interdict was withdrawn; but that other motives, not then to be explained, rendered a temporary estrangement as compulsory as ever.
As Elizabeth was passing Louis, to give her hand to the Dowager Empress, who wished to view the scene from the palace windows, she desired him to offer his arm to the venerable Princess.
In the parting interview between him and Mr. Athelstone, that venerable man had taken off the absolute terms of his interdiction respecting the Duke.
The venerable Jesuit told him, that several were then in waiting, but in separate cells; for no one was to know of the other, and each were conducted out by different passages.
The heavenly serenity which presided over the heart of the venerable man, was the best proof of his precepts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "venerable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.