The popes ambassadours receiuing Iohn Balioll at king Edwards hands, tooke him ouer with him into France, and there left him in the custodie of the bishop of Cambrie, the popes deputie in that behalfe, where shortlie after he died.
Manie great offenses he willinglie pardoned and receiuing at a time a great blow by a wicked man which compassed his death, he onelie said; "Forsooth forsooth, yee doo fowlie to smite a king annointed so.
The king receiuing this answer, wrote louinglie to the duke of Britaine that he would consider his freendship with conuenient rewards, if it should please him to be as good as his promise.
After their arriuall in that prouince, they oftentimes fought with the old inhabitants there, and ouercame them, chasing away such as made resistance, and appeased the residue by receiuing them vnder allegiance.
But yet notwithstanding the enimies rage was little abated hereby, for within a few daies after receiuing out of Germanie a new supplie of men, they brake foorth vpon the Britains with great confidence of victorie.
The bishop receiuing hir, on Whitsundaie next following baptised hir, with twelue other of the kings houshold, she being the first of the English Northumbers that was so washed in the founteine of regeneration.
The Indians came no neerer then a bowshot, from whence they offended and were not offended, receiuing no hurt: for in euery brigandine was but one crossebow, and those which wee had were very much out of order.
This doone, he came to the castell, where he continued a good space after, receiuing homages and fealties of the burgesses and townesmen, and setting orders amongst them.
Get ye hence therefore ye poore miserable wretches to the receiuing of your iust reward, wherein Gods maiestie giue you grace of his mercie and repentance of your heinous offenses.
Sidenote: The strange manner ofreceiuing the emperour at Douer.
Forget not Hospitality, (saith the said Apostle Paule,) for wyth the same diuers haue pleased Aungels by receiuing them into theyr houses.
Sidenote: The receiuing of the English into Derbent.
I came before his Maiestie, who caused mee to kisse his hand and gaue gratious audience vnto my Oration, gratefully receiuing and accepting the Queenes Maiesties princely letters, and her present, in the presence of all this nobilitie.
The nauy hauing refreshed themselues at the Groine, and receiuing daily commandement from the king to hasten their iourney, hoised vp sailes the 11.
And they helped to fill vs in fresh water, receiuing for their paines such satisfaction as contented them.
Wherevpon he forbare to go foorth before dinner, but when he had dined and made himselfe merrie with receiuing more drinke than commonlie he vsed to doo, abroad he got him into the forest with a small traine: [Sidenote: Sir Walter Tirel.
The pope receiuing and perusing these letters, wrote againe vnto Anselme a verie freendlie answer concerning the archbishop of Yorke.
This Remclid or Remeline did afterwards resigne that bishoprike to the king, bicause he was pursuaded he had greatlie offended in receiuing the same at a temporall mans hands.
The subtill Dames receiuing those amorous letters and song, disdanfully at the first seemed to take them at the bringers hands, as they had determined, yet afterwardes they shewed better countenaunce.
The greatest Kyng or Emperour of the Worlde, receiuing defiaunce from a meaner Prynce, neuer vseth his ambassador with scolding Wordes, ne yet by villany or rebuke abuseth his person.
Cnute shortlie after the death of king Edmund, assembled a councell at London, in the which he caused all the nobles of the realme to doo him homage, in receiuing an oth of loiall obeisance.
The same time was Aulafe baptised, king Egelred receiuing him at the fontstone, and so he promised neuer after to make anie war within this land.
The king receiuing such answer in these words, or other to the like effect, was nothing contented therewith, and so commanded his standards eftsoones to aduance.
On the eighteenth of Maie she came to London, all the lords of England in most sumptuous sort meeting and receiuing hir vpon the waie, and speciallie the duke of Glocester with such honour as stood with the dignitie of his person.
But as he sat downe to meat the same daie vpon receiuing the first morsell he fell mad (as writers haue reported) and miserablie ended his life.
This doone he went to Wallingford, and besieging the castell, he builded at the entring of the bridge a fortresse to stop them within from issuing out, and likewise from receiuingany reliefe or succour by their fréends abroad.
Also: that before receiuing of Christian faith they liued according to the lawe of Nature.
Wee call Krantzius himselfe to witnesse against himselfe, whose words in the first section were these: Before the receiuing of Christian faith the Islanders liuing according to the lawe of nature did not much differ from our lawe &c.
But now at length they are incorporated with vs by the receiuing of our religion and sacraments, and by taking wiues of our nation, and by affinitie, and marriages.
Then how much more ought I to suffer death, to ease your grace of that gréefe which you haue of me, being your naturall sonne and liege man: and to that end I haue this daie made my selfe readie by confession and receiuing of the sacrament.
In the yeare following, king William led a mightie armie into Wales, and subdued it; receiuing of the rulers and princes there their homages and hostages.
He should haue liu'd, Saue that his riotous youth with dangerous sense Might in the times to come haue ta'ne reuenge By so receiuing a dishonor'd life With ransome of such shame: would yet he had liued.
To one of your receiuing Enough is shewne, a Cipresse, not a bosome, Hides my heart: so let me heare you speake Vio.
Altmouth, whose fresh rising not far into the land, commeth to Feston, and soone after receiuing another on the right hand, that passeth into it by Aughton, it is increased no more before it come at the sea.
From whence it goeth to Creston chappell, to Lingfield, and there about receiuing one rill néere Elfrabright [Sidenote: Hebden.
The other also riseth in the same péece, and runneth by Brisenorton vnto Bampton, and there receiuing an armelet from the first that breake off at blacke Burton, it is not long yer they fall into Isis, and leaue a pretie Iland.
The lords, after this, receiuing a safe conduct from the king, and perceiuing all to be safe and cleare, came vnto Westminster with a strong power of men about them.
In the same parlement, Iohn duke of Lancaster was created duke of Aquitaine, receiuing at the kings hand the rod and cap, as inuestures of that dignitie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "receiuing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.