You might easily obey the scriptural injunction, and give them with your right hand without your left knowing what was being done.
Harry could not help smiling at this new adaptation of Scriptural mandate.
The faithful companions and followers of Renwick refused to incorporate with this Settlement, on the ground of adhering firmly to the scriptural vows of the nation, and the testimonies of illustrious martyrs.
While firmly holding fast all Scriptural attainments, and contending "earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints," we should cordially rejoice in the evidences of grace in Christ's servants wherever we find them.
He enforced a strict Scriptural discipline, and he was constantly careful to promote practical godliness.
The whole civil system is based on expediency and the popular will, and not on Scriptural principles.
The Societies, having organized a general correspondence, earnestly desired a stated ministry, while they manifested the strictest regard to scriptural order.
The Scriptural attainments of the Reformation were left under a gravestone.
At a time of life considerably subsequent, when he had reached mature youth, and had acquired extensive acquaintance with Scriptural truth, a like temptation again assailed him.
Presbyterianism was established in Scotland--not because it was Scriptural or right in itself, but because it was agreeable to the wishes of the majority of the nation, and it was set up on an Erastian basis.
How the New-Englander, whose Puritan forefathers were almost Jews, and hardly got beyond the Old Testament in their Scriptural studies, has come to make pork so capital an article in his diet, is a mystery.
He is more discriminating than the early deists in his explanations of the scriptural marvels which he discredits.
He had great reputation as a linguist, and wrote Scriptural expositions and retranslations.
He stuck to his certainties, that the scriptural deity was not the true one, nor the dogmas called Christian reasonable.
The Southern leader in this first victory of slavery in Congress was Major Jackson of Georgia, who defended the institution as scriptural and civilizing.
Give scriptural prophecies relating to the restoration of the Ten Tribes.
Give evidence of the personality of each member of the Godhead (with scriptural references).
Explain, with scriptural references, the growth of the Old Testament from the time of Moses to that of Malachi.
It is plain, however, from the scriptural doctrine of human responsibility, and the unerring justice of God, that in his transgressions as in his righteous deeds, man will be judged according to his ability to comprehend law.
Yet the more common of these spiritual manifestations have been specified by inspired scriptural writers, and by the sure word of revelation.
What do you understand by the scriptural declarations concerning the unity of the Godhead?
Compare wilful sins with those committed in ignorance; 2, give scriptural evidence of the Lord's plan of dealing in the two cases.
Compare the scriptural descriptions of the first resurrection, or the resurrection of the just, with those of the second, or the resurrection of the unjust.
Give a statement of scriptural teachings regarding the duration of punishment in the hereafter.
Hence he does not feel the same necessity as Maimonides to twist the meaning of Scriptural passages to make them agree with philosophical theories.
I hope he will not blame me, Gabirol continues, if I do not bring together all the reasons and the scriptural passages to prove this, for human flesh is weak, especially in my case on account of my vexatious experiences and disappointments.
Others are not so crude as to think of God in anthropomorphic terms, nor are they polytheists, and yet for the same reason, namely, misunderstanding of Scriptural expressions, ascribe a plurality of essential attributes to God.
Accordingly he lays the greatest stress on the explanation ofScriptural "homonyms," as he calls them, borrowing an Aristotelian term.
All these views are wrong from theScriptural as well as the philosophical point of view.
Hence he is not body, and the scriptural passages apparently teaching the contrary must be explained otherwise.
Had Scripturalground been taken, who can estimate the results which would have followed?
It is not sanctioned by any plain scriptural evidence.
Is there any scriptural proof that Christ, or his apostles, or the Christian churches in the days of the apostles, refrained from labor on the first day of the week?
Holding these sentiments, I was ardently and conscientiously attached to that denomination, as the most scriptural people on earth.
The Sabbath: its Moral Nature and Scriptural Observance.
The best biblical critics admit that there is no scriptural evidence to identify the expression with the first day of the week.
Is it not a manifest perversion of the scriptural use of terms, to take away the sacred name from the seventh day of the week, and give it to the first day?
That by geist, spirit, and not mind merely, is here meant, will be doubted by no one who considers the scriptural basis of these Lectures.
No one can turn over his pages without noticing the abundance of his Scriptural quotations; and these quotations no one can examine without perceiving how minutely he had studied, and how deeply he had pondered, the word of God.
Words of truth and soberness formed the staple of each sermon; and his burning words and startling images were only the electric scintillations along the chain of his scriptural eloquence.
Like the Aurvya fire within the waters of the ocean, the fire of animosity can never be extinguished by gifts of wealth, by display of prowess, by conciliation, or by scriptural learning.
The Brahmana possessed of devotion who, endued withscriptural learning, who is acquainted with them all, is competent to perform sacrifices.
If both are authoritative, they cannot be regarded to be scriptural declarations in consequence of their conflict.
Without having correctly understood the meaning of scriptural declarations, these robbers of the scriptures, these depredators of Brahma, influenced by arrogance and error, refuse to pursue tranquillity and practise self-restraint.
Notwithstanding all this, people depend upon means consisting of acts and scriptural rites for casting off misery and winning happiness.
Some are of opinion that no scriptural text has been laid down without a reason.
It is certain that no one can do an act that is scriptural by transgressing the scriptures.
Riding on the vehicle that helps towards the performance ofscriptural and other duties, I practised, in those two forms, undying austerities on the breast of Gandhamadana[1876] At that time the great sacrifice of Daksha took place.
He is the ordainer of the ends that are attained to by persons acquainted with and observant of scriptural and other duties.
Let all the scriptural acts flow in all the worlds.
This may be effected with the aid of the eye whose vision has been sharpened by scriptural knowledge.
Men possessed of scriptural lore cannot obtain him by such lore.
The scriptural injunctions are that one should sacrifice in honour of the gods, pour libations on the sacred fire, make gifts etc, In these exists Righteousness.
While he knew he had the truth, the minister was easily able to vanquish him in argument, being versed in theological sophistry and posted on the scriptural passages that suited his purpose.
She seemed to be favorably impressed with his teachings; and the scriptural proofs he advanced in support of his claim that baptism was essential to salvation were convincing to her.
If one accepts the Scriptural account of the creation, he can credit God with the working of miracles and with the doing of many things that man cannot understand.
It is chiefly the commentaries on the Five Books of Moses and the Five Megillot, the Scriptural books forming part of the synagogue liturgy, that were widely circulated in print and were made the basis of super-commentaries.
The majority of these bindings are worked in tapestry-stitch, or tent-stitch, in designs illustrating Scriptural subjects in differently coloured threads.
The Scriptural designs are most generally found on canvas-bound books; the Symbolical figures, and Portraits, on satin, rarely on velvet.
They arose from the rumoured hastening of the sick man's death by the scriptural practice of laying a wet cloth over his mouth.
These are precisely the conditions implied in the Scriptural account of the creation of Adam.
Each of these statements is in harmony with the Scriptural narrative on the one hand, and with geology on the other; and, taken together, they afford an intelligible history of the introduction of man.
We have already had occasion to refer to this as a result of zoology, geology, and Scriptural exegesis, and may here confine ourselves to the moral consequences of this great truth.
In both we have that state of the planets characterized as without form and void, the condensing nebulous mass of La Place's theory being in perfect correspondence with the Scriptural "deep.
This, as already stated, I take to be the true theological or Scriptural as well as scientific idea of what we ordinarily and somewhat loosely term creation.
We should also, according to the Scriptural record, find this period interlocking with the next, by the intervention of a great vegetable creation, before the final adjustment of the earth's relations to the other bodies of our system.
The Origin, Method, and Structure of the Scriptural Cosmogony.
This is a scriptural idea of the inhabitants of heaven.
The attack was by scriptural and rational arguments, which led to a great alteration in these accursed laws--(Ivimey and Scott).
Bunyan's is the plain common-sense scriptural account of this building; but he differs greatly from almost all our learned commentators--they imagining that this house was near the temple of Jerusalem.
With all its depth and power, there is nothing exaggerated, and it is made up of the simplest and most scriptural materials and images.
Do, reader, study this point well; for here seems to be a show of scriptural truth, while the rankest poison lies concealed in it.
This is a solid, scriptural definition; pray mind it.
We most cheerfully recognize the fundamental principles of Scriptural inquiry, so clearly and soundly stated yesterday evening by Dr.
There is one significant scriptural fact, which suggests to us the best mode of treating this part of our subject.
The positive assertion contained in my title, if established, will establish also the negative portion of it:—for the Ecclesiastical rise and progress of the Trinity are the negation of its Scriptural origin.
The second descriptive specimen I select, of the genius of Trinitarian interpretation, is the following alleged scriptural proof of the separate Deity and Personality of the Holy Spirit.
The answer will be found at length in the Lecture on the Atonement, where the Scriptural conceptions of Christ’s death are expounded in detail.
According to the interpretation which I have recommended, it should mean the former; according to the analogy ofScriptural diction, certainly the latter.
In an introductory Lecture on the “practical” tendencies of views, we labour under the disadvantage of being obliged to allow scriptural language to be quoted in a sense which we do not admit.
The scriptural narratives are not only about divine things, but are themselves divinely framed and superintended.
I lay the stress on the belonging to a society wholly formed of young persons; for the case of young persons brought up at home, is extremely different; and their circumstances would be best suited by a different scriptural example.
But now for Mr. Newman's scriptural proof, that our Lord "committed to the priesthood the gift of consecrating the Eucharist.