I set the fuse and lit it, then strolled back to the machine, where the pilot confirmed my worst fears.
Slightly deflected septum," he pronounced, and his diagnosis was later confirmed in London.
Let me remind you that this declaration of President Monroe was not only approved and confirmed by the people of the United States, but that Great Britain itself joined the United States, in the declaration of this decision and this policy.
If the world be confirmed in this persuasion, the results will be painfully felt by those gentlemen, whose treasures are always open for the despots to crush liberty with.
This statement is of interest because it may well lead us to suppose that the writer, who is of balanced mind and sound judgment, possesses a confirmed homosexual outlook on life.
It was not long before I was confirmed in the habit.
Hirschfeld hasconfirmed Flatau's observations on this point.
Know ye that we have granted and by this our charter confirmed to our burgesses of Gloucester the whole borough of Gloucester with the appurtenances, to hold of us and our heirs for ever at fee farm, rendering yearly 55l.
These are the petition, ordinances and articles, which are granted and confirmed to the masters, burgesses of the craft of dyeing of the town of Bristol .
There, then, were more men and women on the earth than Adam and Eve: and this is still further confirmed by the apprehensions expressed by Cain himself, after the murder of Abel, lest he might be slain by someone meeting him.
Others came, who confirmed the statement that there was much gold in the island, and explained the way it was collected.
Every year of subsequent experience as a teacher has but confirmed this impression, and made the want of a book better adapted to the purposes of instruction, in our American Colleges, more deeply felt.
The story circulated of her infidelity to Steno with Werekiew at St. Petersburg, where the diplomatist was stationed, after one year of marriage, was confirmed by the wantonness of her conduct, of which she gave evidence as soon as free.
When the doctor, hastily summoned, had confirmed that no particles of glass had remained in the cuts, the Countess felt so reassured that her gayety returned.
Nominated by Douglas as chief justice of Vancouver Island, 1853, and the appointment confirmed by the colonial office the same year.
The king, however, confirmedhim in its possession.
He was confirmed in his idea that Walter Scott was the author after carefully reading the book.
Campbell stopped occasionally in the midst of his work to write poems, among others, his "Gertrude of Wyoming," which confirmed his poetical reputation.
Now since you have presented some few Examples, by which you endeavour to assert the confirmedpossibility of the Matter; I my self will here shew to you the True Matter of Secret Philosophers.
When I was at school, I had read that the lower animals could not endure the steady gaze of a man; and although I cannot say that my own experience had ever confirmed this opinion, it occurred to me to make the trial with the lion.
After some ten days of anxiety, self-consciousness, shame and exasperation, these suspicions were confirmed by a letter from the Squire himself.
The impression was confirmed by the miserable aspect of the place, one long wide vacant street, in which, as we drove down it, the effects of the intemperie were stamped on the sickly faces of the few stragglers we met.
It is my confirmed opinion, that much more blood is lost from the use of a tourniquet than without it.
A proclamation of the king, dated ten days later, confirmed this decree of the Inquisition, and ordered it to be carried into instant execution, without regard to age, sex or condition.
To avoid being imposed upon, we ought to treat tradition as we do a notorious and known liar, to whom we give no credit, unless what he says is confirmed to us by some person of undoubted veracity.
And this is so well known that no man of sense gives attention to these reports till he finds them confirmed by some greater evidence.
The purport is this,—that Mohammed praised and glorified His Holiness Moses and confirmed Judaism.
In a word, everything confirmed by the senses is assumed to be as undoubted and unquestioned as the product of five multiplied by five; it cannot be twenty-six nor less than twenty-five.
Therefore may this esteemed and worthy society for the establishment of international peace(2) be confirmed in its sincere intentions and empowered by God.
At first they would hardly believe it, but as they listened to Frontier Samson, whose words were confirmed by Glen, and Reynolds, they knew that it must be true.
Reynolds pretended that he was asleep, but his suspicions were now firmlyconfirmed when the old man bent over him for a few seconds as if to make sure that he was not awake.
The general correctness of the melancholy details given in the above letter has been confirmed to me by several travellers who have visited these nations since they were desolated by this awful epidemic.
On the arrival of the Boston steam-boat, the Captain confirmed this unwelcome news, which, however, did not deter us from embarking in this fine vessel for New York.
He confirmed the account of the murder of the three men by the Arikkaras, and added the still more alarming intelligence, that thirteen of the Company's engages had been killed by the Blackfoot Indians.
That time only confirmed his conviction of 1814 is clearly proved by his letter, written six years afterwards, to Southey, who had accused him of guilt towards both his first and second wives.
From Mr. Booth I got the clearest account, which has beenconfirmed by others since.
Melun; with this only addition, that Ponthoise also should now be confirmed to him.
It is said that they were confirmed in these anticipations of good, as well as exceedingly delighted, by the speech which he addressed to them in full assembly, showing the moderation and temper of his soul.
Footnote 295: How far these accounts of Walsingham and Otterbourne are confirmed by the authority of the Pell Rolls, the reader will weigh carefully.
Official accounts, since published, have confirmed the accuracy of his calculations; the actual returns varying but a few sous a head from his own estimates, which were in so much too liberal, or against his own side of the question.
The distance was about a mile, and, the condition of the house excepted, a nearer viewconfirmed all our first impressions.
A few remarks soon confirmed this conjecture, and I found, as indeed was natural for men in their situation, that these religious republicans[39] took a strong interest in the success of the Carlists.
To burials within the walls of the town he strongly objected, and the experience derived from the year of the plague confirmed his judgment.
I met the first person who confirmed me in the existence of the prairies.
This statement is confirmed by my own dissections, and they seem also to be in full accordance with all the intellectual and physical phenomena displayed in the drunkard, while living.
Besides, Jack, the influence of your temperate drinker is ten times worse than that of the confirmed and notorious drunkard; for it is not likely that any one in his senses would desire to copy the confirmed sot in his beastliness.
These observations are confirmed by some experiments made on living animals by the celebrated French physiologist, Magendie.
The farmer agreed to the proposition, and the bargain was confirmed in writing.
Our comforts, one by one, were stripped away, till at last I saw myself the wife of a confirmed drunkard.