Ecclesiasticism says: The demonology of the Gospels is an essential part of that account of that spiritual world, the truth of which it declares to be certified by Jesus.
If the one set are certified by contemporaneous witnesses of high repute, so are the other; and, in point of probability, there is not a pin to choose between the two.
But we must go still further; there is a modern system of thaumaturgy and demonology which is just as wellcertified as the ancient.
The other churches were asked to follow and endorse the stand taken at Israel.
Pierre and William Syphax, while among the trustees will be recalled Carter A.
Every project is presented for approval by the State educational authorities, and is certified as completed by the same officers.
Whipper then followed in a harangue in support of Robertson, taking the old ground that the letters were not certified to, and incompetent as testimony, &c.
Mr. Johnson is said to have a certified copy of the Randolph will providing for the liberation of the slaves--their transportation into Ohio, the purchase of land for them, its distribution among them etc.
Borrochson grunted and then pocketed Wolfson's certified check for the balance of the purchase price, including the four hundred dollars due for the safe.
The list of names from which the appointment is to be made will be prepared and certified in the manner provided for admission to the lowest grade.
Subscriptions must be addressed to the said bank and accompanied by a certified check to its order for 5 per cent.
Note that that divine will which underlies and is operative in, and therefore is certified to us by the whole work of Jesus Christ, in its facts and its consequences, is a 'good pleasure.
Tweedy, his papers being certified by John Catlin, secretary of Wisconsin Territory.
The above roll was published in pamphlet form, certified to by Wm.
The Court must communicate a certified copy of every document produced by one party to the other party (article 34).
The parties must be summoned to take part in all stages of the taking of supplementary evidence, and they must receive certified copies of the minutes (article 37).
He must, therefore, enter the captured goods on the log-book of the stopped vessel, and must obtain duly certified copies of all relevant papers.
On the deposit of the ratifications, a proces-verbal shall be drawn up, of which a certified copy shall be conveyed by diplomatic channels, after the deposit of each ratification, to all the contracting Powers.
A duly certified copy of every document produced by one party must be communicated to the other party (article 64).
The captor must therefore enter the delivery of the contraband on the log-book of the vessel so stopped, and the master of the latter must give duly certified copies of all relevant papers to the captor.
Notwithstanding this, he went to the last conference with his former partners with a loaded revolver, as well as the certifiedcheck for the amount of their claim.
He went to the meeting of his partners with a certified check for the amount of their claims in his pocket.
The truth of this thing is strongly corroborated by the inhabitants of that district; I myself have questioned them upon the subject, and it has beencertified to me.
These questions were, accordingly, certifiedto the Supreme Court.
Against one such occupant, Richard Biddle, the heirs of a certain John Green brought suit in the United States Court for the District of Kentucky, and the case was certified to the Supreme Court on a division of opinion of the judges.
We said we were afraid we might becertified mad, and consequently lose our jobs when we returned to England after the war, as well as make our relatives anxious in the meantime.
She caught him in her arms and lifted him up with the easy habitual gesture of one long certified as a mother in Israel.
Five or six bribed physicians certified to that effect, and a lying set of depositions, made for mere form's sake, bore out their statements in due course.
The notary of Saint Elix, in sending him this sad news, took the opportunity of enclosing a certified copy of the will.
He may act upon the information as he sees fit; so I will send him a certified copy of this confession, and write him a few lines besides.
The remainder was located with military land warrants, agricultural scrip certified to States for railroads, and sold for cash.
Nor is it impossible that he may have been averse to the expedition, though the fact is less fully certified than we could wish.