Don Alonso Mercado, who had been appointed Governor of Tucuman the year before, was obstinate and overbearing, and, strangely enough, began by patronising and encouraging the impostor.
But the revolutionists were reminded that internal dissensions were out of place by the arrival at Montevideo of the able and energetic Elio, who had been appointed Viceroy by the Home Government.
In general, the native-born were shut out; they were not esteemed worthy to beappointed door-keepers of the offices.
Costa had left the affairs of Buenos Aires in confusion, and the central Government appointed Dr.
Now the Government is alive to the possibilities of using them as a great national "lion," and a commission some years ago was appointed to survey the route and make it more accessible.
As successor to Mendoza the Spanish Government appointed Cabeza de Vaca, an experienced adventurer, who sailed from Spain in 1540 with four hundred men.
Mr. Buchanan was appointed arbiter, and he was assisted by one Chilian and one Argentine Commissioner.
But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
It was a woman; Esther the Queen; yes, weak and trembling woman was the instrument appointed by God, to reverse the bloody mandate of the eastern monarch, and save the whole visible church from destruction.
In accordance with this plan, we rapidly retraced our steps to the dell, which had been appointed as our place of rendezvous.
Having begged the king to assemble his warriors together, Jack now proceeded to divide them into four companies, or bands, over which he appointed respective leaders.
When Bossuet and Bourdaloue wereappointed Court preachers they restrained themselves but little; but Louis XIV.
Generally in Greece priests were chosen by lot, or were elected by the priestly bodies or by the people, or were appointed by kings or generals.
Toward the last of the week the squadron got together at the appointed rendezvous in mid-ocean.
An invitation had been sent to the Chamber of Commerce in New York, and Mr. Field, then starting for Europe, was appointed as its representative.
On leaving this second time, it was agreed that the squadron should not try to keep together, but each ship make its way to the given latitude and longitude which was the appointed rendezvous in mid-ocean.
In a few hours they reached the appointed rendezvous, and had set their buoys.
A ship sailed for England with hundreds of passengers, but did not arrive at her destination on the appointed day.
In 1859, the year after the failure of the first Atlantic cable, the Board of Trade appointed a committee of the most eminent scientific and engineering authorities in Great Britain to investigate the whole subject.
And he said: The God of our fathers appointed thee to know his will, and to see the Just One, and to hear a voice out of his mouth.
For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; wherefore it is necessary, that this one have something which he may offer.
And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
And the Lord said to me: Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee concerning all things which it is appointed thee to do.
And having appointed for them elders in every church, they commended them, with prayer and fasting, to the Lord, on whom they believed.
And he said to them: It is not yours to know times or seasons, which the Father appointed by his own authority[1:7].
And the Gentiles hearing it rejoiced, and glorified the word of the Lord; and as many as were appointed unto eternal life believed.
They acceded, and having a donkey, they saddled it for me, and appointed one of their number to attend me on foot.
No more hope, no more change for him—no more relays—he must go on Vetturini-wise to the appointed end of his journey!
A new Governor had been appointed to the command of the place, with stringent orders to ascertain the real extent of the losses, and to discover the spoilers, with a view of compelling them to make restitution.
At an hour appointed the friends of the Sheik and the relatives of the damsel met in the mosque.
So Homer had appointed it, and so it was; the map was correct enough, but could not, like Homer, convey the whole truth.
The former is the supreme and absolute governor of the establishment over which he is appointed to rule, the latter is entrusted with the more active of the spiritual duties attaching to the Pilgrim Church.
Landing upon one of the bergs to show the appointed signal for the ships to come, I perceived, about half a mile beyond us to the southward, a low point forming a little bay, with a great deal of heavy grounded ice lying off it.
Returning to the ships, we were setting the sails in order to run to the appointed place, when the ice closed in and prevented our moving, and in a short time there was once more no open water to be seen.
For assistance in my endeavours to ascertain the correct nomenclature I have to thank the Trentine Alpine Society, who appointed a special committee to make enquiries on the spot,[3] and Mr. M.
In this state of things the attention of the newly formed Trentine Alpine Society was called to the subject, and they promptly appointed a committee to inquire into and consider the local usage.
In fact they had already appointed a select and vigilant Committee to see him safely on his way.
On the day appointed for the return of unsold copies.
Rolls senior and Henry Croft, the man he appointed as dictator, corresponded daily, by letter and telephone, but Peter Rolls himself was not supposed to enter the great commercial village he had brought together under one roof.
Customers would not be admitted for an hour, yet the lovely wax ladies and the thrilling wax men in the window world wore the air of never having stopped doing their life work since they were appointed to it.
He appointed Clare Abbess of St. Damian, although her humility made her wish to be the servant of the others, and he only overcame her repugnance by enforcing that obedience which she had promised him.
The Friars Minor returned on theappointed day, and gave him the habit of the Order, in the Convent of Santa Cruz itself, and took him back with them to that of St. Anthony.
Because I have appointed you the pastor of this religion which I have established, are you unmindful that I am its principal protector?
Although he was appointed superior by order of God and of the Pope, he was always desirous of obeying rather than commanding.
Pacifico, whom St. Francis had appointed provincial of the French missions, sent some of the religious into different parts of the kingdom, where they were well received.
But our subadhar has only of late been appointed to command us, and since then we have not been outside the walls.
On the night of the 13th, ere the bombardment ceased, every available man in the British force, including men just risen from their sick beds in the hospital, went to his appointed station.
All voices were hushed as Bakht Khan announced that the king had grasped his hands and appointed him commander-in-chief of the forces.
We came to the place which we had appointed for our ambush, and there we waited three days, and on the third day we saw the accursed Feringhi and his men coming down the defile towards us.
Their task accomplished, the four returned to their horses and galloped across the country to join the main body, whom they met at the appointed rendezvous, a copse on rising ground some three miles south of the village.
He has appointed the Kalla Mahall as the quarters for my troops from Bareilly, and ordered four thousand rupees to be distributed among you for a merry-making.
Though our new subahdar has not fought with us yet, he must be a very brave man, or our king would not have appointed him over the heads of other officers who led us.
The conflagration of a portion of the town at the hour appointedfor the movement partially frustrated the object.
Holding it, a commander lays his plans deliberately, and executes them at his own appointed time and in his own way.
Subsequently Alberoni was appointed to a more northern country, where he may find congenial society; for, in a despotism tempered only by assassination, the knees of all become pliant before power.
These were the cuttle-fish of the party, whose appointed duty it was to obscure popular vision by clouds of loyal declamation.
Place but a score of them on the middle course of the Congo, and they will rule unless exterminated; and all the armies and all the humanitarians can not change this, until the appointed time arrives for Ham to dominate Japhet.
The President took kindly to the proposition concerning General Dix, and I flattered myself that it would come off, when suddenly the General was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to France.
The officers of the two regiments were to be appointed by the Governor, and the men to be enlisted for five years, unless sooner discharged.
Appointed a delegate by the Democracy of my State, Louisiana, in company with others I reached Charleston two days in advance of the time.
Johnston, then lieutenant-colonel of cavalry, wasappointed to the vacancy.
Returned to Meridian, I was soon ready for the Federal officers, who came quietly to our camp and entered on their appointed work; and I have now in my possession receipts given by them for public stores.
Canby, who preceded me at the appointed spot, a house near the railway, was escorted by a brigade with a military band, and accompanied by many officers in "full fig.
If the Parliament fix the charge of the survey of the highways upon a bank to be appointedfor that purpose for a certain term of years, the bank undertaking to do the work, or to forfeit the said settlement.
If they are at any time dangerously sick, on notice given to the said office able physicians shall be appointed to visit them, and give their prescriptions gratis.
Wherefore there should be paid into the treasury appointed at Newcastle, by bond to be paid where they deliver, 10s.
To perform all the college exercises, asappointed by the masters, without dispute.
If an office in the same nature with this were appointed in every county in England, I doubt not but poverty might easily be prevented, and begging wholly suppressed.
The proceedings here should be without delay; the plaintiff to exhibit his grievance by way of brief, and the defendant to give in his answer, and a time of hearing to be appointed immediately.
When theappointed day arrived, the delegates were summoned to a hill outside the town, and were shut in on every side by the pikes and rapiers of the royal soldiers.
From the very first, this self-appointed oligarchy saw that in unity was strength; and while the different members of the royal family were squabbling among themselves, the Cabinet seized the opportunity to increase its power.
Christiern then appointed his officers throughout the country, after which he sailed away for Denmark.
We have therefore appointed our subject Nils Andreæ to be prior of Vesterås, trusting that he will prove a friend to Sweden, by expelling the foreigners and preventing all such conspiracies in future.
Since many monasteries were dilapidated and their lands were lying waste, an officer must be appointedby the crown to keep them up and hand over all their rents not needed for that purpose to the crown.
Before the day appointed for the diet, a long list of their grievances was drawn up by the Dalesmen and sent to Stockholm to the king.
On the 12th of March Gustavus removed him from the post, and appointed another officer, Nils Eriksson, in his stead.
On the 25th of September, as had been agreed, the regent rode to the appointed place of meeting.
On his return to Sweden in 1519, he was appointed to give instructions in the Bible to the youth of Strengnäs.
On the day appointed Vestgöte advanced with all his cavalry, and drew them up in battle-array along the west and south side of the town as if to storm the southern gate.
At the appointed hour, the doors were flung open, and the two royal brides entered, followed by their maids of honor.
In the evening, Mary was appointed by general consent to tell that eagerly-desired Indian story.
Who shall be appointed to tell the story to-night?
He was informed that he would be bled to death; and when the appointed time had arrived, his eyes were effectually bandaged, his arm bared, and the surgeon pretended to cut the artery.
Each of the fellows shouldered as many logs as he could carry, conveyed them to the appointed place, and returned swiftly to the charge.
He must answer all questions Mr. Warren might ask, and, above all, must feel implicit faith in him, as the agent appointed by the spirits to restore to him his property.
Four judges were appointed to examine those who successively presented themselves, being guided by the strict laws and regulations of the Tablatures.
Moreover, La Regnie was hideous in appearance, and of a malicious temperament, so that he soon drew down upon himself the hatred of those whose avenger or protector he was appointed to be.
Utica riot, was shortly afterwards appointed Attorney General of the state of New-York.
It is this,--"The slavery of the Canaanites by the Israelites, was appointed by God as a commutation of the punishment of death denounced against them for their sins.
It is this,-- "The slavery of the Canaanites by the Israelites, was appointed by God as a commutation of the punishment of death denounced against them for their sins.
The floods occurred in the early spring; the appropriation became available in May, but as late as July the governor had notappointed agents to distribute the bacon which had been purchased with the appropriation.
A committee was appointed to reorganize the militia system of the state, and so important was the work deemed that the committee was excused from all other duties.
The chairman appointed a committee to bear the memorials to the President.
Few of the officials appointed by him could take the test oath, and he was much abused by the Radicals for saying that it would be impossible to fill half the offices with men who could take the oath.
Freedmen's Bureau courts were created, each composed of three members appointed by the assistant commissioner, one of whom was an official of the Freedmen's Bureau, and two were citizens of the county.
Griffin of Ohio wasappointed temporary chairman, and on the motion of Keffer of Pennsylvania, Robert Barbour of New York was made temporary secretary and later permanent secretary.
Thomas to the command of the Third Military District, with headquarters at Montgomery, but the work was not to General Thomas's liking, and at his request he was relieved, and on March 15 General Pope was appointed in his place.
A committee was appointed to cooperate with the negroes in building schoolhouses and in procuring teachers, whom they assured of support.
Buck of Maine, a court clerk of Mobile appointed by Pope; Charles W.
The minister accepted the offer, was appointed by the Bureau, and the school was held in his dooryard, out buildings, and verandas, his family assisting him.
Notaries public, who also had the powers of justices of the peace, were appointed by the governor.
The Monroe County Agricultural Association declared it to be the duty of the whites to teach the negro, and a committee was appointed to formulate a plan for negro schools.
Conway appointed agents at Mobile, Demopolis, Selma, and Montgomery, who were officers in the negro regiments.
ON approaching the fisherman's hut, the place appointed with Lectoure, Paul perceived Lusignan and Walter, who were waiting for him.
Now I have said all that is necessary, let us go, for it is the appointed hour.
It had been supplied from the workshops of Boule, the appointed upholsterer of the court.
Twenty-one years have passed since then, and since then not a single day has passed without my putting up a prayer that I might see you at the appointed time.
He made no comment upon that, though usually he would have bestowed warm praise, but simply appointed the tasks for the next day, rose and left the room.
A judge and jury were selected and lawyers appointedfor each side.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appointed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.