So they went out and brought him before the Prince of True Believers; and the Syrian standing between his hands blessed the Sovran and prayed for his honour and glory in permanence of prosperity and felicity.
Then, as they came to the presence and kissed ground and blessed him and prayed for the permanence of his empire, he had them thrown and bade administer to them a bastinado of two hundred sticks a head.
This was not done without some regret, as I know that a Treatise has a better chance of permanence than a collection of Essays; but, in this case, I met with an invisible obstacle that threatened to prevent good literary execution.
In the present case I make the best amends by giving publicity and permanence to this clearly expressed criticism.
As to the permanence of love, or its transitoriness, the plain and candid answer is that there is no real assurance either way.
Permanence is, in fact, just another expression for time, as the abiding correlate of all existence of phenomena, and of all change, and of all coexistence.
But this does not authorize the rational psychologist to affirm, from mere conceptions, its permanence beyond life.
Now, upon this notion ofpermanence rests the proper notion of the conception change.
From all this it results that action alone, as an empirical criterion, is a sufficient proof of the presence of substantiality, without any necessity on my part of endeavouring to discover the permanence of substance by a comparison.
Accordingly, permanence is a necessary condition under which alone phenomena, as things or objects, are determinable in a possible experience.
Hence we are entitled to apply the term substance to a phenomenon, only because we suppose its existence in all time, a notion which the word permanence does not fully express, as it seems rather to be referable to future time.
How shall we conclude immediately from the action to the permanence of that which acts, this being nevertheless an essential and peculiar criterion of substance (phenomenon)?
The schema of substance is the permanence of the real in time; that is, the representation of it as a substratum of the empirical determination of time; a substratum which therefore remains, whilst all else changes.
The permanence of the soul, therefore, as an object of the internal sense, remains undemonstrated, nay, even indemonstrable.
It is, perhaps, idle to speculate upon the first of these points--the permanence of our advance, if it is an advance.
I found the idea in Rome," said Mr. Lyon, "that the United States is now the most promising field for the spread and permanence of the Roman Catholic faith.
To discover what these qualities are that have insured permanence and promise indefinite continuance is to have a means of judging with an approach to scientific accuracy our contemporary literature.
In this higher civilization a costume which is artistic and becoming has no more chance of permanence than one which is ugly and inconvenient.
The Saracen conquest of North Africa and Spain showed for a time organization and a permanence due to the advanced cultural status of the sedentary Arabs drawn into the movement by religious enthusiasm.
The most stable of the short-lived native states of Africa have apparently found an element of strength and permanence in a protected lake frontier.
Evolution tells the story of modification by a succession of infinitesimal changes, and emphasizes the permanence of a modification once produced long after the causes for it cease to act.
This is the explanation of the vigor and permanence of the early English colonies in America.
Permanence is not the complexion of these times--a distressful circumstance to the votaries of a court, but amusing to us spectators.
Half a block from this tabernacle stood a Roman Catholic Church, prosperous, brazen, serene, flaunting an eternal permanence amidst the chaos which had succeeded permanence!
V Many of those picturesque features of the older England, that stir us by their beauty and by the sense of stability and permanence they convey, will no doubt disappear or be transformed.
And the very fact that the conversation rarely took any vital turn oddly contributed to the increasing permanence of the lien.
One may imagine the scientific people of such a world, calm in their assurance of the permanence of things, incapable almost of conceiving any disturbing cause.
One may imagine how an imaginative writer who doubted that permanencewould be pooh-poohed.
I think if we could talk together we should not very much differ on the question which has lately engaged us; our principal difference is about the permanence of the effects.
This leads us to suspect that the Machine which inventions have built up may not be of so much permanence as we are prone to think, and makes us realize that it is not a natural production but one wholly artificial.
With mechanical and scientific inventions, as with books and poems and inventions of other kinds, the question of permanence of value or of usefulness cannot be decided until after many years.
But it brought home to me a deeper and a darker thing still--the sad change and vicissitude of things, the absence of any permanence in this life of ours.
I leave the place to-morrow; and such is the instinct for permanence in the human mind, that I feel depressed and melancholy, as though I were leaving home.
This view is also in harmony with Dana's views of the great antiquity and permanence of the great ocean basin.
Permanence and Evolution; an inquiry unto the supposed mutability of animal types.
It is pronouncedly inferior to digitalis in the power and certainty of its action, and in the permanence of its influence once asserted.
Footnote 165: I have given a full summary of the evidence for the permanence of oceanic and continental areas in my Island Life, chap.
Yet nothing is more common than for students of this or that group to assort that the theory of oceanic permanence is quite inconsistent with the distribution of its various species and genera.
A second point at which Parliament in the Tudor era underwent modification was in respect to permanence and sittings.
I confess to you," said Godolphin, "that I have little faith in thepermanence of any attachment professed for the country by the inhabitants of cities.
That is the foundation on which all permanence is built.
Increasing closeness and permanence of association are obvious in the progress from walking to standing and from standing to sitting.
The secret of permanence is condensed into two antithetical precepts, to depart from evil and do good, and the key-note is sounded once more in a promise, cast into the guise of a commandment (compare ver.
The grandeur of permanenceand durability transfers itself or its expression from the material to the impression of the artifice which moulds it, and crystallizes itself in the effect.
About the permanence or continuance of this Mahometan system--we confound the religious system with the political.
In addition to having seen two generations pass away, something in the character of its entertainment, in the lavishness of its decoration, lent it the sacred permanence of a mausoleum, the mausoleum of mid-Victorian amusement.
Such universal serenity was bound to preserve for lovers the illusion of permanencethat exists so poignantly in fine autumn weather, when the leaves, falling one by one at rare intervals, scarcely express the year's decay.
On the Western prairies I have felt rather the permanence of human toil than the newness of the land.