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Example sentences for "unconquerable"

Lexicographically close words:
unconformably; unconformities; unconformity; uncongenial; unconnected; unconquered; unconscientious; unconscionable; unconscionably; unconscious
  1. How dear, how very dear Newstead is to me, how unconquerable the infatuation that possesses me, I am now going to give a too convincing proof.

  2. Their only dog followed the departing brother, and Boone had nothing but his unconquerable spirit to sustain him during the long and lonely days and nights, visited by the remembrance of his distant wife and children.

  3. These first adventurers wanted the hardihood, unconquerable fortitude, and unwavering purpose, which nothing but death could arrest, that marked the pioneers, who followed in their footsteps.

  4. Curiosity, and a sense of my situation, induced me to fix my eyes on the faces of these men; but in a few minutes I drew them away with unconquerable loathing.

  5. This I apprehended could best be effected by a secret murder, to the investigation of which the innocent victim should be impelled by an unconquerable spirit of curiosity.

  6. Indignation at one time, and unconquerable perseverance at another, sustained me, where humanity, left to itself, would probably have sunk.

  7. The rage of Mr. Tyrrel was so ungovernable and fierce, that few hearts could have been found so stout, as not to have trembled before it with a sort of unconquerable inferiority.

  8. I felt as if impelled by a tide of unconquerable impulse.

  9. Birch went no farther than a bush that opportunely offered itself as a screen to his person, while he yielded to an unconquerable desire to witness the termination of this extraordinary scene.

  10. Gilbert, at this moment the daughter of my father comes back to life to tell you that she loves you with an unconquerable love which she can no longer conceal.

  11. How often had my own hand shrunk with unconquerable repugnance from that contact!

  12. My ardent nature, my irresistible love of pleasure, my unconquerable independence, would not allow me to submit to the reserve which my new position in life demanded from me.

  13. Yet we must respect those great warriors, for their unconquerable courage is the offspring of a strong soul, of a virtue which places them above ordinary mortals.

  14. I have felt in my very blood, ever since I was born, a most unconquerable hatred towards the whole tribe of fools, and it arises from the fact that I feel myself a blockhead whenever I am in their company.

  15. This new instance of his wife's unconquerable levity and heartlessness, filled him with despair.

  16. It is indeed that Eugenia whom your bounty has cherished, the child whom you"--Eugenia paused in unconquerable emotion, and clasped her hands together with characteristic fervour and grace.

  17. He had an unconquerable aversion to any thing unpleasant, even when an object very much loved and admired was on the other side of it.

  18. Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.

  19. Don John then recognised in him the soldier who had supported him when falling and in danger of his life; he was silent, and had it not been for the darkness, we should have seen the unconquerable captain weep.

  20. Giordano, since we are all governed by an unconquerable fate--and use mercy .

  21. This personification is called the Maitreya Buddha, the unconquerable one, or the future Buddha of benevolence, the Buddha who is yet to come.

  22. However this may be, the energy and valor displayed in these early ages formed the ideal of Yamato Damashii (The Spirit of unconquerable Japan), which has so powerfully influenced the modern Japanese.

  23. But as a statesman, his chief and unconquerable misfortune was the narrowness of his scene of action.

  24. But you told me you had an unconquerable aversion to the notion of seeking a divorce.

  25. He did not realize that he represented an unconquerable and unquenchable spirit.

  26. But no ministry ought to risk an experiment, how plausible soever it might be, if they found it, as this was, an object of the people's unconquerable aversion.

  27. To a proud and adventurous people like the Norsemen, jealous of their dignity at home and abroad, this unconquerable reluctance to draw the sword must have appeared humiliating.

  28. This was his aim: to be a leader to whom men would turn for inspiration; to be unconquerable among men, as the Captain was unconquerable among his kind.

  29. If she was slight, however, she was endowed with unconquerable tenacity and courage, and she would have killed herself with hard work to provide him with the coffee and cognac which he liked to sip after each repast.

  30. The German papers subsequently said that they (the Canadians) fought till their ammunition was gone, then they fought with their bayonets, and still unconquerable they died in the trenches they had dug.

  31. But of all that we saw that which impressed us most were the Roman ruins, recalling the iron discipline of those unconquerable legionaries, and the great monuments of our Celtic ancestors, the sublime stones of Stonehenge.

  32. But the wicked-minded wretch, burning with desire became wroth, attempted to employ force upon her, who was unconquerable as a flame of blazing fire.

  33. Therefore, he is unconquerable of the very gods.

  34. This whole universe unconquerable everywhere and abounding in great elements, is Brahma, and there is nothing higher than this.

  35. Nature was their greatest, their most merciless, their most unconquerable enemy.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unconquerable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assiduous; constant; continuing; dauntless; diligent; dogged; enduring; faithful; immutable; impenetrable; impregnable; inalterable; incontestable; indefatigable; indomitable; industrious; inflexible; insistent; insuperable; insurmountable; invincible; inviolable; invulnerable; irresistible; lasting; loyal; obstinate; overpowering; overwhelming; patient; permanent; persevering; persistent; pertinacious; plodding; plugging; preoccupied; rapt; relentless; resolute; sedulous; sleepless; stable; steadfast; steady; stubborn; tenacious; tireless; unasked; unassailable; unbeatable; unconquerable; undaunted; unfailing; unfaltering; unflagging; unflinching; uninterrupted; unrelenting; unremitting; unswerving; untiring; unwavering; unwearied; unyielding