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Example sentences for "timeless"

Lexicographically close words:
timbres; timed; timekeeper; timekeepers; timekeeping; timeliness; timely; timent; timents; timeo
  1. All begins from the tender, timeless love of God.

  2. And if I by my reception of, and response to, that timeless love, am a saint belonging to God, then not only shall I be secure, but I must be submissive.

  3. He moves a mighty turban on the timeless houri's knees, His turban that is woven of the sunsets and the seas.

  4. One of the most graceful of the younger word-magicians, Ralph Hodgson will retain his freshness as long as there are lovers of such rare and timeless songs as his.

  5. He saw the glorious series, timeless and serene, advancing to the climax, and somehow understood that individuality at each stage was never lost but rather extended and magnified.

  6. Here all the gods that men have ever half divined, still ranged the moods of Her timeless consciousness.

  7. In these two poems we have work that is timeless and essentially placeless.

  8. All of his work is essentially timeless and placeless.

  9. The eternal holiness of you, The timeless end, you never knew, The peace that lay, the light that shone.

  10. He lies; And waits; and once in timeless sick surmise Through the dead air heaves up an unknown hand, Like a dry branch.

  11. It appeals to a timeless worth in man which transcends any values of mere intelligence which vary with the ages, or any material prosperity which perishes with the using, or any volitional activity that dies in its own expenditure.

  12. Nowhere is this more apparent than in those moments of mental stress when time passes in a flash or, conversely, drags each lagging minute into hours of timeless length.

  13. More timeless minutes, an agony of waiting--and a dimly-glowing mass that was ahead approached their bow, swung off and vanished far astern.

  14. There was an instrument that ticked off the seconds in this seemingly timeless void.

  15. A dark first bat swoops low and dips About the shepherd who now sings A song of timeless evenings; For dusk is round him with wide wings, Dusk murmurs on his moving lips.

  16. It was all the more tragic for the fact that this timeless scourge of ocean travelers might at long last be preventable.

  17. The men, and women, of the warrior Kshatriya clans lived and died by the sword, and maintained a timeless tradition of personal honor.

  18. Probably our difficulty arises largely from the mistake of applying time-relations to God at all, and thinking of eternity as an enormously long period instead of timeless Present, excluding both "unborn To-morrow and dead Yesterday.

  19. Then these groups would disperse to peep through the spy-hole at the patient, immobile figure seated before the door, wrapped in a meditation that was timeless and unconcerned.

  20. That is to say, the Word is the timeless Life, of which the temporal world is a manifestation.

  21. The evangelist is constantly trying to transport us into that timeless region in which one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

  22. The Intelligible World is timeless and spaceless, and contains the archetypes of the Sensible World.

  23. Done or occurring before the proper time; premature; immature; as, a timeless grave.

  24. But once the same, always the same, once different, always different, under these timeless conditions.

  25. For the anti-pragmatist these prior timeless relations are the presupposition of the concrete ones, and possess the profounder dignity and value.

  26. However, the very asceticism of the play has begotten a corresponding power which lifts Synge's work far out of the current of the Irish literary revival, and sets it high in a timeless atmosphere of universal action.

  27. In many another heart The selfsame song was born, The ancient ache endured, The timeless wonder faced, The unanswered question nursed, The resurgent hunger felt, And the eternal failure known!

  28. For I who am born of my centuries strewn with hate, Who was spewed into life from a timeless tangle of sin, I can hate as strong and as long as I love!

  29. World-history is no more the fairy tale whose end is death, but laden with eternal meanings, significances, intimations, swift gleams of the Timeless manifesting itself in Time.

  30. Above them, the stone caryatids smiled down, their pale faces timeless and ethereal.

  31. Business as usual in Athens, the timeless city.

  32. Spread before them now was the muddy, gray expanse of London's timeless waterway.

  33. However, when you understand this illusion clearly, then you are surprised, how you could not have seen that you are not a piece of a whole, but a manifestation in time and space, of something timeless and infinite.

  34. What is it that makes our abstract picture of economic life, as a fluid equilibrium, with its nice marginal adjustments, its timeless logical relations, correspond as closely as it does to reality?

  35. It is only in the ideal fluid market assumed by static theory, where adjustments are instantaneous, where causal-temporal relations have become timeless logical relations, that values are perfectly expressed in prices.

  36. Robinson: "The second death is the continuance of spiritual death in another and timeless existence.

  37. Green, on the contrary, in Prolegomena to Ethics, book 1, says that every act of knowledge in the case of man is a timeless act.

  38. Upton, Hibbert Lectures, 306, denies this timeless consciousness even to God, and apparently agrees with Martineau in maintaining that God does not foreknow free human acts.

  39. The timeless existence of God may be the source of many of our difficulties with regard to election, and with a proper view of God's eternity these difficulties might be removed.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timeless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ageless; ancient; antique; boundless; ceaseless; changeless; classic; coeternal; constant; continual; continuous; creation; dateless; deathless; elderly; endless; eternal; everlasting; glorious; good; hallowed; highest; hoary; holy; immemorial; immortal; immutable; incessant; indestructible; infinite; interminable; just; limitless; loving; luminous; majestic; merciful; old; omnipotent; omnipresent; omniscient; one; perdurable; perennial; permanent; perpetual; radiant; sacred; sovereign; steady; supreme; timeless; ubiquitous; unbounded; unceasing; unchanging; undefined; unending; uninterrupted; unlimited; unremitting; venerable