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Example sentences for "temporary"

Lexicographically close words:
temporalities; temporall; temporally; temporals; temporarily; tempore; temporibus; temporis; temporise; temporised
  1. With this consolation, therefore, they set about making their temporary quarters upon the island as snug as circumstances would permit.

  2. They had had a temporary relief, and while their strength lasted, they must use every effort to procure a further supply.

  3. Now and then Guapo brought down a parrot, a macaw, or an aracari, with his blow-gun; but these were only temporary supplies.

  4. Meanwhile, Brigham was leading his companies across the prairies to Council Bluffs, their temporary halting-place.

  5. The dyspeptic invalid, however, should be cautious in their use; they may afford temporary benefit, at the expense of permanent mischief.

  6. Other temporary shelters, known as bark shanties, are also constructed along the trapping lines at intervals of five or ten miles, as resting places.

  7. For temporary purposes, canoes can be made from basswood, hemlock, or spruce bark; but they are at best, very rude and clumsy in comparison with the birch bark.

  8. Three special gardeners who attended to their wants were grooming and massaging them, soothing and titivating them, for their temporary appearances in public.

  9. Some, like the Fujinami, had hired temporary lodgings, and had cooks and servants in attendance.

  10. So Geoffrey after a short lesson in steering, tacking, and the manipulation of the centreboard, piloted his host safely over to British Bay, the exclusive precinct of the temporary Embassy on the opposite shore of the lake.

  11. Every Saturday of their lives they had a temporary stage put up in the school-room and we all had to help.

  12. He knew some of the officials in a friendly way, and was advised to give a straw bond and go into temporary retirement.

  13. Upon his return he was to take up temporary residence in the Clemens household until the book was finished, after which large benefits were to accrue to everybody concerned.

  14. That Henry Ward Beecher and General Sherman had concluded not to go was a heavy disappointment at first; but it proved only a temporary disaster.

  15. Any temporary relief from the carping tyranny of Brown was welcome.

  16. Flood-tide is a temporary condition, and the ebb in the business of Charles L.

  17. I did not realize that it was a temporary condition due to a period of poor health and a succession of social demands.

  18. Susy Clemens, writing to her father during a temporary absence, tells of a party at Mrs. Jackson's, and especially refers to Captain Bingham in the most complimentary terms.

  19. There is temporary defeat, but no dishonor--& we will march again.

  20. The space from the death of Augustus to the accession of Trajan must, then, be classed as a period of temporary degradation for the human intellect.

  21. However that may be, henceforth the apostles only separated to undertake temporary journeys.

  22. The twelve disciples were permanently settled at Jerusalem; up to the year 60, or thereabouts, they did not leave the holy city, except on temporary missions.

  23. Pennant, who says that he remembered the last May Fair, describes the locality as "covered with booths, temporary theatres, and every enticement to low pleasure.

  24. By this device, they evaded the edict of the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen, which applied only to temporary erections in Smithfield.

  25. In 1769, the chief attraction of the London fairs was Pidcock's menagerie, which was the largest and best which had ever been exhibited in a temporary erection, the animals being hired from Cross's collection at Exeter Change.

  26. Between this show and Richardson's theatre was a small temporary stable, in which was exhibited a mare with seven feet: the admission to this sight was threepence.

  27. When the temporary frame or mould is finished (Fig.

  28. Temporary Diagonal Braces may be used until you have your skeleton house far enough advanced to fit in some horizontal cross-pieces between the uprights, and to “toe-nail” them in place.

  29. In nailing a temporary piece it is only necessary to drive the nails far enough to hold for the time.

  30. This is the place where our new captures find temporary shelter until their regular quarters are prepared for them.

  31. Lake Huleh itself, four miles long, is little more than a great malarial marsh, formed by the temporary stopping of the river by the eastern and western hills, which here approach within three or four miles of each other.

  32. In this quest the experiences of their leader, Moses, would influence them to find at least a temporary refuge with his kinsmen, the Midianites.

  33. He had been goaded into its commission by a temporary madness, and in time he repented most sincerely of his sin, and died in the humble hope of forgiveness by a merciful Redeemer.

  34. She sent down a letter full of affectionate regrets over their temporary separation, and followed it by a box full of new dresses and hats over which Clarice went into ecstasies of delight, and Laurel wept.

  35. And then only with temporary pause; that is to say, with intricate manoeuvrings of a month long, which shove it to Konigsgratz, its ultimatum, beyond which there is no getting it.

  36. The church threshold, like the home threshold, is a temporary hindrance to an advance.

  37. A temporary altar was erected at the bow of the vessel, as its beginning, or threshold, and the blood of the sacrificed fowl was shed there.

  38. They had unconsciously absorbed this idea from pictures of Napoleon, and, forgetting the terrible stress of the past weeks in the temporary flush of victory, they expected to see their general come to the stand with a blaze of glory.

  39. The people who remain there are living in temporary buildings or mere sheds built on the ruins of their homes, which they do not want to leave under any circumstances.

  40. But when they tried to burn her temporary hospital, it was different.

  41. Hundreds of bridges have been destroyed, and most of the rivers and canals, of which there are many, are now crossed by temporary structures.

  42. On the platform of the temporary station there was an almost joyous animation, and many Europeans, too, were on hand to meet the incoming travellers.

  43. In spite of the temporary blow to his work, he is still a power in China, where the title of Viceroy was at one time conferred upon him.

  44. The hogs began to arrive in February, and were put into temporary quarters pending the building of the house for the brood sows, which house must now be described.

  45. On the 6th of March Thompson called me to one of the temporary pens and showed me a family of the prettiest new-born animals in the world,--a fine litter of no less than nine new-farrowed pigs.

  46. The cottage which had once served as a temporary granary, and which had been moved to the building line two years before, was now turned into an overflow house against the time when Jack should come home for the winter vacation.

  47. They had both become suddenly, acutely tired of life and had found at least temporary rest and refreshment.

  48. In the following year he was appointed temporary governor-general of the region of the Lower Volga, to combat an outbreak of the plague.

  49. In May 1888, while on temporary half-pay, he took command of an expedition organized by the British settlers in Nyasaland against the Arab slave traders on Lake Nyasa, and was severely wounded.

  50. On the level plains are a number of lakes, some are formed by the annual floods and are temporary in character.

  51. Consequently, it became not unusual to place the personal custody of the great seal in the hands of a vice-chancellor or keeper; this, too, was the practice followed during a temporary vacancy in the chancellorship.

  52. He gained a temporary authority in northern Italy, but was soon compelled by his rival Berengar, margrave of Friuli, to leave the country and to swear he would never return.

  53. With the Restoration the city pageant was revived, but interregnums occurred during the years of the plague and fire, and in 1683 when a quarrel broke out between Charles and the city, ending in the temporary abrogation of the charter.

  54. Particular temporary circumstances may make the tendency to asceticism comprehensible; such times were over-refined and diseased, and the diseased may not rightly give to life its rule.

  55. But the old will not survive and re-assert itself unless the timeless reality within it separates itself from all human and temporary addition; unless it manifests what lies behind the historical form.

  56. A bill for the temporary establishing of a post-office was passed soon afterwards.

  57. The Philadelphia company left the Quaker City at the close of 1749, and opened a temporary theatre in a wooden building in Nassau Street, New York.

  58. I descended by the same somewhat intricate route, and I took especial care to avoid all "temporary wooden staircase.

  59. There had been put up a sort of temporary wooden staircase, leading absolutely to nothing; or, rather, to a dark void space.

  60. During the night the channel shifted till the main current swept over them, and next day not a vestige of the nests was to be seen; they had gone downstream, as had many other dwellings of a less temporary character.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "temporary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alternate; alternative; backup; breadwinner; brief; brittle; capricious; casual; changeable; corruptible; counterfeit; dangerous; deciduous; desultory; dying; employee; ephemeral; equivalent; evanescent; experimental; fading; fake; fickle; fleeting; flitting; flunky; flying; fragile; frail; fugacious; fugitive; hand; hazardous; imitation; impermanent; impetuous; improvised; impulsive; inconstant; infirm; insecure; insubstantial; interim; jobber; laborer; makeshift; menial; meteoric; migrant; mock; momentary; mortal; mutable; navvy; passing; perilous; perishable; phony; pinch; precarious; proletarian; provisional; proxy; reserve; risky; roustabout; secondary; servant; shaky; shifting; shifty; short; slippery; spare; stiff; substitute; temporal; temporary; tentative; ticklish; toiler; token; transient; transitive; transitory; treacherous; unreliable; unsound; unstable; unsteady; unsubstantial; unsure; untrustworthy; utility; vicarious; volatile; worker; workingman; workman

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    temporary command; temporary government