Wilt thou dare approach the throne of the Omniscient with the lie on thy lips?
Sidenote: Here is cause for wonderment, since such things are possible under the government of an omniscient and omnipotent God, who wills nothing but what is the best.
Sidenote: It is a marvel how such evil acts can be done under the eye of an Omniscient God.
Sidenote: The man you deem just, may appear otherwise to the omniscient eye of Providence.
One would not have thought that the great calm evening under its stooping sky, the peaceful, omniscient trees, the grave, contented colours, could have tolerated such hideousness.
So she ran away, and left the hot, secretive, omniscient place with its fierce white and its crafty shadows.
The in-little-things-omniscient Pepys writes in his diary under date of 1665 of springs on certain carriages.
An omniscient coachman can do more harm to his cattle than all other evil surroundings combined.
Almighty, famishing is bitter; so do thou with me, O Musa, what the Omniscient hath predestined as to the plucking out of my two eyes.
A god who is omniscient and omnipotent and yet neglects to make his wishes and intentions certainly known to his creatures--certainly this is not a god of goodness.
The old gods of Brahmanism came back, Buddha himself was deified as an omniscient and everlasting god, and Buddhism incorporated most of the local deities and demons of those nations it sought to convert.
Of the pagan Samoyedes we are told that they regard the great Num as the creator of the universe, as an all-powerful and omniscient being, who protects the innocent, rewards the virtuous, and punishes the wicked.
The whole world is afflicted, ward off this (danger), thou Omniscient One.
Be assured thy grief was visibly portrayed at that moment to that omniscient Saviour.
They act as though He knew it not; as if that omniscient Saviour had been all unconscious of these hours of prolonged and anxious agony!
His Omniscient eye, as He now skirts its precincts, connects its awful struggles with the Redemption and joy of ransomed myriads through all eternity.
We may confidently infer that Jesus, as the Omniscient Lord of the inanimate creation, knew well that fruit there was none under that pretentious foliage.
The omniscient God-man here asserts the existence of graces which remained inefficacious in Corozain and Bethsaida, though had they been given to the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon, they would have proved effective.
And even as to autobiography, who, short of the Omniscient Himself, can take into just account the potency of outward surroundings, and still more of inborn hereditary influences, over both mind and body?
That mental infirmity in the individual may be irremediable by Deity is a proposition which challenges the assumed omniscient omnipotence.
They remembered perfectly well the omniscient snobbishness of Thomas Mavick when he held a position in the State Department at Washington and was at the same time a secret agent of Rodney Henderson.
IX It seemed very fortunate to Jack Delancy that he should have such a clever woman as Carmen for his confidante, a man so powerful as Henderson as his backer, and a person so omniscient as Mavick for his friend.
Omniscient divines, such as Dean Bradley or Dean Farrar personally conduct them through their cathedrals into the heart of English history.
The Head transferred his awful eye to Mr. Dutton, and sniffed with his omniscient nose.
Unless you’re too blooming omniscient to want evidence,†said Bags.
I have also made one spelling change: "ominiscient intelligence" to "omniscient intelligence".
To an omniscient intelligence such acts may be tragic by virtue of the insight into their relations to conflicting impulses; but unless these impulses are present to the same mind, there is no consciousness of tragedy.
One was that the Hindoos teach of an omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent Being called Brehm who is the creator of all things, from whom all things emanate and by whom all things are sustained.
As we realize there is but one Mind, and that it is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, the influence of all other thoughts will fade quite away.
On the other hand, an omnipotent and omniscient Creator ordains everything and foresees everything.
An omniscient Creator must have foreseen every consequence which results from the laws imposed by Him.
Where Ammon and Moab are now, among what nations their descendants exist, is known to an omniscient God.
May we here be reminded in our solemn times that the same omniscient Lord, who knows the end from the beginning, has spoken concerning this age, now closing in its predicted apostasy.
The infinite andomniscient God is revealed as disappointed with this creature that He had made "in his own image and likeness.
This seemed to me a very high compliment, considering that, as a matter of hard fact, I had seen even less of their kind than the omniscient friend who gave me the first suggestion for the novel.
I pointed all this out to my friend who remained silent for a while and then remarked in his characteristically casual and omniscient manner: "Oh, that fellow was half on idiot.