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Example sentences for "aged"

Lexicographically close words:
agaynst; agaynste; agaze; age; agean; ageean; ageing; ageless; agelong; agen
  1. There I should meet an aged parent, now at rest from the many buffetings of an evil world, against which he so long and so bravely struggled.

  2. I have a fond, an aged mother to care for: and some other bosom ties perhaps equally tender.

  3. You have likewise put it in my power to save the little tie of home that sheltered an aged mother, two brothers, and three sisters from destruction.

  4. In weary being now I pine, For a' the life of life is dead, And hope has left my aged ken, On forward wing for ever fled.

  5. Ye woods that shed on a' the winds The honours of the aged year!

  6. Welcome the hour, my aged limbs Are laid with thee at rest!

  7. I have a younger brother, who supports my aged mother; another still younger brother, and three sisters, in a farm.

  8. The first lady was middle-aged and haughty featured, in a black evening gown overhung with a black and gold Assiout shawl; the second was a tall girl in a rose cloak, the third was a small girl, and her cloak was a delicate blue.

  9. She was a middle aged lady, Roman nosed and sandy-haired, and she brought to Billy in a rush the realization that she was "sister" and the girl was Lady Claire Montfort.

  10. It was the face of a middle-aged man from which the dew of youth had vanished, into which life's storms had come and gone.

  11. An aged peasant, in a sudden fit of weakness, had stumbled on the road, and, in falling, had struck his head on a stone and had lost consciousness.

  12. But any approach to bustle was as foreign to the rule of the township as it would be to a colony of aged snails in a cyclone.

  13. Once more through the dark aisles of aged pine woods.

  14. We soon found that he was bewildered; and, unwilling to waste time by losing the way, we employed an aged resident near the western slope to pilot us to the top of the eminence.

  15. Grandfathers and their aged sons, boys, and even women, seized such weapons as were at hand.

  16. He died at his scat in the Isle of Wight in 1797, aged seventy years.

  17. Vanity ain't like a mill-store about my neck; but at the same time, whenever any one plugs me in the face with an aged cabbage, I allus like to make a some little acknowledgment.

  18. The more aged and experienced, who had learned how much easier it is to avoid, than to escape, a danger, proposed a more courteous and peaceable reply to the message of the strangers.

  19. In a penthouse high above 66th Street, a middle-aged man enters his study, pulled down the shades and fills the room with artificial light.

  20. I was brought up on a newspaper called PM," recalls Gaines, an instantly likable native New Yorker who looks like a cross between Santa Claus and a middle-aged hippie.

  21. It's always the middle-aged Italian ladies and the Jewish grandmothers," he says authoritatively.

  22. They predicted a dazzling chess career for Crewe, but he disappointed their aged hearts by retiring suddenly from match chess, and they mourned him as one unworthy of his great chess gifts and the high hopes they had placed in him.

  23. It is no rare thing to see amongst them children ten years of age, and aged women eighty years old.

  24. There was a group of an aged woman and a young man that attracted our attention.

  25. Near me was sitting a grayheaded old man who had just ransomed his son, aged thirty, in Bokhara, and was taking him back to the arms of a young wife and infants.

  26. He brought to us his wife and his aged mother, to obtain for them our blessing.

  27. This aged Turkoman, poor and needy as he was, grew wild with joy at Heaven sending him guests to entertain.

  28. Aunt Esther, Mr. John's nurse, an aged negro woman who has been a member of the household many years, answered my ring at the door.

  29. His aged and superannuated mother occupied a corner of the room, opposite the place where the distinguished judge sat.

  30. However, this stranger was a middle-aged man, tall and stout, with a face of great energy and intelligence.

  31. You are safe in the beautiful heaven, "Elizabeth, aged nine;" But before you went you had troubles Sharper than any of mine.

  32. A middle-aged woman was standing at a table, and two children were amusing themselves with a kitten on the floor.

  33. The water is as pure and cold as when it slaked the thirst of the red hunter, and flowed beneath the aged bough, though now this gem of the wilderness is treasured under these hot stones, where no shadow falls, but from the brick buildings.

  34. Jacob, then aged seventy-seven, should follow his brother's example.

  35. From the Call of Abraham to the birth of Isaac (Abraham being then aged 100, Gen.

  36. There are also in the town numerous almhouses for aged persons, the chief of which are Lench's Trust, the James Charities, and the Licensed Victuallers' asylum.

  37. Respect the aged and poor, Ram Deen, for the sake of the beautiful babe.

  38. Respect the aged and infirm," said a whining voice, breaking in upon Ram Deen's pleasant reverie.

  39. The mother, who has aged and sickened since the trial, can only say that "Davie was never a bad boy until about five years ago when he began to go with this gang who are always looking out for fun.

  40. The golden-haired son of the house, aged seven, vows eternal vengeance on the spot, and follows one villain after another to his doom.

  41. Tio Grancha, an aged velvet-spinner, came down from Valencia every year to declaim those couplets, and his art was one of the attractions of the festival!

  42. Pascualo had taken him on, not so much for the help his aged arms could give, as for the exact knowledge he had of the coast thereabouts.

  43. And the "girls" assented with approving nods of their aged heads.

  44. And eagerly the aged cronies sniffed at the bluish steam that was rising from the plain white cups before dipping pieces of bread into the muddy paste and raising them, dripping brown, to the toothless caverns of their mouths.

  45. The foster-brother, Jhurhoo, entreated to be allowed to see the aged mother and the others.

  46. These were two forlorn and aged sisters who lived in a log hut in a lonely place up a cross road four miles from Mrs. Taylor's farm.

  47. At the last moment, a middle-aged American lady swarmed into the compartment, followed by native porters laden with her baggage.

  48. As he aged he suffered from various ailments and his eyes began to give him trouble; then it was he took up pastels.

  49. Next door is the studio of the aged Mesdag, a hale old Dutchman who paints daily and looks forward to seeing his ninety years.

  50. What handling, missing not a wrinkle, a fold of the aged skin, the veins in the senile temples, or the thin soft hair above the ears!

  51. The "pirate" was amazed to see the aged person take off his hat and remove a gray wig with his left hand while his right fist collided with the "pirate's" eye.

  52. Slowly the aged head nodded as if he was saying to himself.

  53. A soft purring sound floated in the open window and half-roused the aged manufacturer.

  54. The owner of the Double Cross seemed to have aged ten years since he had driven away with Pauline from that same station platform only a few hours before.

  55. Mr. Wintle at Culham was now an aged man, and his infirm health gave much anxiety to Mrs. Gilbert.

  56. The poor fellow had worked to support two sisters and an aged mother until severe illness, fever, robbed him of sight and hearing.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abiding; adult; advanced; aged; ancient; antediluvian; antique; chronic; constant; continuing; decrepit; developed; doddering; durable; elderly; enduring; evergreen; feeble; gray; grey; hardy; high; hoar; hoary; immutable; inveterate; lasting; mature; mellow; mouldy; old; patriarchal; perdurable; perennial; permanent; perpetual; persistent; remaining; ripe; seasoned; senile; stable; steadfast; tempered; timeworn; tough; unfading; venerable; vintage; vital; white; wrinkled

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    aged about; aged eighty; aged father; aged fifty; aged forty; aged lady; aged mother; aged seventy; aged sixty; aged thirty; aged twenty; aged woman