The composition of Strafford had not only "freshened a jaded mind" but permanently quickened his zest for the drama of political crises.
The boxes or cases which are used to keep insects in permanently may be made of any dimensions to suit the fancy, 12 by 16 inches inside being a convenient size and allowing economic use of cork.
This thickens the balsam immediately and prevents it from entering the veins, which remain permanently filled with air and appear black with transmitted light.
When the specimens are thoroughly stiff and dry, they should be taken from the stretcher and kept for several weeks in the drying box before being permanently placed in the cabinet.
The family designations may be permanently lettered, or they may be pasted on the back, on a slip of paper or gum label, as are the generic names, thus permitting the change of the contents of a volume at any time if desired.
At last we have Watt permanently settled alongside the great works to which he was hereafter to devote his rare abilities until his retirement at the expiration of the partnership in 1800.
The best, if not the only, plan calculated to secure permanently the object sought was that which contemplates taking the water from the Great Falls of the Potomac, and consequently I gave to it my approval.
The object of that war was to disenthrall the united colonies from foreign rule, which had proved to be oppressive, and to separate them permanently from the mother country.
The moment when first the conqueror spared his victim in order permanently to exploit him in productive work, was of incomparable historical importance.
Henceforth there is possible a permanently established, tensely centralized government, and empires come into being, such as had not existed since the developed maritime states of antiquity, which also were founded on the payments in money.
Henceforth the central government carries on its functions through paid employees, permanently dependent on their paymaster.
This equality is destroyed permanentlyand in greater degree by the political means.
The only cities that can permanently escape the deadly embrace of the prince’s power are the few genuine “maritime states,” or “city states.
The courage that had been kindled and the purposes which had been crystallized by the joy of this rescue and the gratitude of the deer remained permanently in his heart.
This elemental power, this primal endowment, can no more bepermanently dissociated from the soul than heat from fire!
The preacher's reference here would be to the year 1789, when O'Leary removed permanently to London.
After Castlereagh's death he removed permanently to Paris, where he loved to parade his pompous person, and became as well known in the Champs-Elysées as Charles X.
Soon after he [O'Leary] had fixed his residencepermanently in London [writes Dr.
In a magneto the field magnets arepermanently magnetized.
This blaze of democracy blinds one) when he sought to abolish the Habeas Corpus Act, and leave the poorer sort of pickpockets permanently at the caprice of their jailers.
Crogan settled permanently in Aughwick in 1754, and built a stockade fort, and must have been some kind of an agent among the Indians, disbursing presents to them for the government.
These negroes, on the whole, are thrifty and will eventually attach themselves permanently to the community through the acquisition of desirable property and elevation to positions of trust in the industries where they are employed.
If conditions in the South for the colored man are to be permanently improved, many of those who now live there should migrate and scatter throughout the North, East and West.
He permanently exalts your idea of the mission of the poet, of the spiritual value of the external world, of the universality of the moral law, and of our kinship with the whole of nature.
He was undoubtedly deeply and permanently influenced by Emerson both in his mental habits and in his manner of life, yet the main part of him was original and unadulterated Thoreau.
He raisedpermanently the standard of morality in politics and business in this country by the gospel of the square deal.
The difficulty of organising a body of young, heedless, and impatient persons is evident, especially in the case of girls and women who do not usually consider themselves permanently in industry.
Accordingly, some sink under it, and many more have their constitutions permanently weakened and undermined.
Polyp An individual coelenterate of simple structure that is fixed temporarily orpermanently by one end of a more or less cylindrical body and possesses a mouth at the other end.
If, on the other hand, it is desired to keep them in a life-like condition they may be kept permanently in a solution of one part of commercial formaldehyde in four parts of water.
Subsequently I took advantage of a few days' holiday in August to make an excursion to Weimar, where I found Liszt permanently installed and, as is well known, enjoying a life of most intimate intercourse with the Grand Duke.
He always drew a nice pension from the Prussian court, and permanently enjoyed its support without ever being able to forfeit its protection by his irregular and dissipated ways.
This young man, who was born in Russia of German parents, was a member of one of those northern families who had settled down permanently in Dresden, on account of the pleasant artistic atmosphere of that place.
It was a resounding disaster which condemned Europe to three more years of war, and Russia to a convulsion which would permanently alter the whole course of her history and position in the world.
Serbia conquered, the corridor would be complete; but Serbia could not be permanently crushed while Russia remained intact, and Turkey would be a useful ally in the Russian campaign.
In such stories the persons are living, breathing realities, and the reader feels that he has added permanently to his list of tried and true friends.
It is the halfway truths that are troublesome; it is the little misrepresentations not liable to be detected that may permanently deceive.
The humorous twist to things begins in the second sentence of the story and it does not disappear permanently till the very last sentence of the Moral.
Such a league can probably not be immediately constructed and permanently maintained.
Clearly we cannot solve the problem by permanently {259} maintaining the status quo.
Besides the permanently arid acres, moreover, there is other unusable land in national forests, roads, cities and in swamps and over-flow lands difficult to reclaim.
Austria, Belgium, France may be overrun and permanently defeated by a campaign of six or seven weeks, and it is difficult thereafter to retrieve these early defeats.
Assume that our agricultural products were permanentlycut in half while our population remained constant.
Moreover she is in a permanently perilous situation, lying near the strongest military powers and unable to recover, once her navy is destroyed.
For the plague of concession-hunting the best expedient would probably be to impose on all the competing national groups in each area the duty of {266} amalgamating in a permanently international syndicate.
We had reached a stage of chronic over-production, in which increased saving and increased investment of capital would permanently outstrip consumption.
Collectivism will not permanently save the European wage-earner from hunger if he continues to multiply his numbers faster than the visible food supply increases.
It is of course not the desire of any country to sell permanently below cost to the foreigner, since such a policy means, if not actual loss, at least a diminution of profits.
Our children are first placed on trial, and in nearly every company some have to be replaced over and over again before they are permanently settled.
They were taken, I think, as was often the case, from the tribunal to the scaffold, which remained permanently erected under the windows.
Thus the school was permanently established without much delay, and numbered about thirty men of all ages and varieties of character.
If tears are dropped on a dry piece of paper, stained with the juice of the petals of mallows or violets, they will change the paper to a permanently green colour.
His face was permanently freckled, as his legs were permanently scratched, and in spite of his mother's almost tearful remonstrances he had insisted upon having his long yellow locks cut short in the military fashion.
He then returned to the Coburg, where he might have almost permanently remained, but for his own misconduct, which once again cast him on the world.
The English language was permanently enriched by some of these: strafe comes from the German plea that God "strafe" (punish) England.
Psychological warfare" was too dictatorial a measure even for prewar Japan; it is therefore permanently out of reach of the authorities of the United States.
Railwaymen are not permanently hostile to truckers, shippers, fliers, canal operators.