How much more they mean to me than new books of later years!
Frail most of his life, in later years he has become robust, and now (1913) is the only surviving member of the family besides Mr. Burroughs.
It was a curious coincidence that it should fall upon Edward thus to get a first-hand knowledge of woman's housework which was to stand him in such practical stead in later years.
It was always a matter of gratification to him that the woman who had most bitterly assailed him during the suffrage controversy, Anna Howard Shaw, became in later years one of his stanchest friends, and was an editor on his pay-roll.
And the American public was, in later years, to omit for him the "William.
They were but tradition, even to middle-aged persons in the Duke's later years.
How was the principle of reform extended in later years?
Reviewing the work Macaulay described the author as "the rising hope of the stern and unbending Tories," words often quoted in later years, when his political bedfellows were of quite another sort.
Some in later years returned to the Delaware, where on the whole, notwithstanding the early confiscations, English rule seemed to promise well.
In later years he could remember but one instance of control vested in the Federal over the State authorities in a matter purely domestic, and that was the metallic tenders.
Public sentiment in Virginia was not ready to follow the champions of individual freedom to the emancipation point, and it refused as strenuously to be coerced as it did in later years.
It paved the way for a similar provision in the Constitution and led to the obnoxious slave rendition laws of later years.
It was composed by William Cullen Bryant, aged thirteen, no doubt gladly forgotten inlater years and to be found in few editions of his works.
This seclusion was much modified in later years, and many well-known English and American names become associated with their daily life.
Mrs. Kemble would have modified her statement in later years, for the sake of one English and one American husband now closely related to her.
Mr. Browning was much interested, in later years, in hearing Canon, perhaps then already Archdeacon, Farrar extol his eloquence and ask whether he had known him.
He was more perplexed by the poet's utterance in later years.
He was kind to me, and I saw much of him in London and in Paris in later years.
When in later years a proviso excluding them was introduced, Dilke, with Jacob Bright, withdrew from the parent society.
Even in later years, when she took up the critical pen, the effect was felt.
Her painstaking thoroughness, and her energetic application, were as remarkable at this time as in later years.
By reason, however, of dissatisfaction caused from the inability of customers to read the indications of the meter, it has in later years, to a great extent, been replaced by registering meters that can be read by the customer.
At a meeting in Nauvoo in later years a doubting convert delivered an address in real Choctaw, whereupon a woman jumped up and offered as a translation an account of the glories of the new Temple.
Robinson, in his reminiscences in the Return in later years, gave the same date of the organization of the Danites, and said that their first manifesto was the one directed against Cowdery, Whitmer, and others.
It was completed in later years, and used as a hotel.
Incidentally this practice caused confusion in later years, because each possessor of such a document would claim that he had the original.
From his experience of the teaching here, Luther speaks in later years of the vexations and torments with declining and conjugating and other tasks which school children in his youth had to undergo.
The young Master of Arts, as he tells us himself in later years, was indeed a sorrowful man.
As he also, unfortunately, did not keep a journal, I must depend on the testimony of others, and on his own recollections in later years for a chronicle of his struggles.
A question that now continually arises is this: a youth is a candidate for permanent employment, his present personal qualifications are known, but how will he turn out in later years?
In later years, whenever I have visited Cambridge, I have lingered in the ante-chapel and repeated the comparison, and now I find myself decidedly shorter than the average of the students.
Toward the latter part of this period, a questioning in regard to Divine things may come, but a questioning unmixed with the doubt of later years.
Love that is almost barter in early years, since it is bestowed for value received, if given constant expression in acts of helpfulness, will become the self-denying love of later years.
The impassable wall between many a mother and daughter in later years, once consisted of but a scattered stone here and there.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "later years" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.