All he could do was, as much as possible to reason with him, to soothe his irritated feelings, and by constant employment try to make him forget for a time the feelings of ill-will which he had conceived.
During this petition, which in other circumstances would have moved me to laughter but now onlyirritated me, a subtle change seemed to come to the apparently lifeless girl to make me hope.
The above-named symptoms always point with certainty to an irritated stomach, the severity of which can be determined by the symptoms above described.
Thus it is that the irritated stomach produces an irritable temper, insomnia, forgetfulness, and a lack of ability to concentrate the thoughts.
In the distinct small-pox the fever is of the sensitive irritated or inflammatory kind; in the confluent small-pox it is of the sensitive inirritated kind, or typhus gravior.
For an account of the irritated sensitive fever, see Class II.
A sensitive fever only, or a sensitive irritated fever, generally attends this kind.
The measles commence with sneezing, red eyes, dry hoarse cough, and is attended with sensitive irritated fever.
He is irritated by her simplicity, and she begins to weep.
He is tired, distressed and irritated at the thought of the law.
She often irritated him, but she never resented the expression of his impatience, and above all things she was never dull.
Her silence irritated John more than any words could have done; and losing self-control, losing sight of prudence, he poured out on her a torrent of angry accusation and scornful reproach.
Sharp was his perception of the weaknesses of others; wherever he spied out a defect, wherever anything peculiar vexed or irritated him, his voluble tongue was set in motion.
These letters irritated Laptev, and he thought his brother's character was changing for the worse.
I felt wretched at the thought of being left alone, irritated and dissatisfied with myself and other people; and I, too, tried not to look at the falling stars.
In the torpor and listless ennui in which he was sunk, the disorder of his library, whose arrangement had never been completed, irritated him.
Instead of being thankful over his success, he forgot his past pains, grew irritated at the length of time needed for convalescence and reproached the doctor for not effecting a more rapid cure.
With all this, he was unable to make use of laudanum: instead of allaying the pain, this sedative irritated him even to the degree of depriving him of rest.
He felt irritatedwith all that was old and antiquated.
Irritated by her want of sympathy, Strindberg sent her a letter of farewell to wife and child, in which he led her to understand that a love affair had absorbed all his thoughts.
This irritated me; I knew well enough what were his relations with de Mersch, and the man took me for a little eavesdropper, I suppose.
They have been irritated by a treatment too much for the ordinary patience of mankind to bear into the adoption of schemes which, however argumentatively specious, would go practically to the inevitable ruin of the kingdom.
After keeping a decent time of retirement, in a few days crept out an apology for the excesses of men cruelly irritated by the attacks of unjust power.
This wicked boy was exceedingly irritated at this rebuke, and called Henry all manner of names, and endeavored to hold him up to the ridicule of the whole school.
Bertin, irritatedby this adversary, preserved a politely disdainful silence.
Her daughter, irritated at losing continually, grew more animated, excited, uttered cries of vexation or of triumph, and flew impetuously from one end of the court to the other.
After he had walked a long time, with rapid andirritated step, elbowing the passers-by that he need not deviate from a straight line, his great fury against her began to change into sadness and regret.
He was irritated that she should show more interest in the colors of the plants than in the words he spoke.
He reached his home in a gloomy mood and began to smoke cigarettes, with the vehemence of an irritated man who uses ten matches to light his tobacco.
The cabs filled her with disdain mingled with disgust; they annoyed and irritated her, and suddenly she said: "I think they should not allow anything but private carriages to come here.
When the ten minutes had elapsed, he felt anxious, as at the approach of some grief, then irritated because she had made him lose time; finally, he realized that if she failed to come it would cause him actual suffering.
As did all the older painters, Bertin sneered at these newcomers, was irritated at their assumption of exclusiveness, and disputed their doctrines.
The law irritated him, other vocations attracted him, and his mother never ceased worrying him in every one of her letters.
Nebuchadnezzar lost faith in Zedekiah; and beingirritated by his intrigues, he resolved to attack Jerusalem while he was conducting the siege of Tyre and fighting with Egypt, a rival power.
He had no illusions; he saw the true state of affairs, and was not misled by mere outward and enforced reforms, which partook of the nature of religious persecution, and irritated the people rather than led to a true religious life among them.
Varvara Petrovna was wounded of course, and meanwhile some strange rumours had reached her which also irritated her extremely, especially by their vagueness.
He had said all that was in his mind because he was too irritated to restrain himself.
Evidently that idea had already occurred to Pyotr Stepanovitch too, and so Erkel's observation irritated him the more.
Yulia Mihailovna, raising her voice, irritated that all present had turned their eyes upon her, as though at a word of command.
The item had taken a prominence oddly out of keeping with its significance, and he found that it irritated him more than the thought of objects of a decidedly greater cost.
After more than two hours in which her remoteness had both disappointed and irritated him, he went away at last with her face at its most radiant moment stamped upon his memory.
Here she came close upon a pair of lovers who walked arm in arm, but the sightirritated her so she turned again at the next corner.
Her composed indifference irritated him more than he was willing to admit even to himself.