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Example sentences for "starvation"

Lexicographically close words:
startles; startling; startlingly; starts; starue; starve; starved; starveling; starvelings; starves
  1. But has your Grace ever known what starvation is?

  2. I cannot risk starvation in a foreign land—I could not support an existence maintained by the toils of my daughter.

  3. This man, a pillar of the church and heavy contributor to foreign missions, worked his shop girls ten hours a day on a starvation wage and thereby directly encouraged prostitution.

  4. Such wages means no childhood for the children, beastliness of living, and starvation for all.

  5. Bloomsbury is Life on Thirty Shillings a week without the drama of starvation or the tragedy of the Embankment, but with all the ignominy of making ends meet under the stern and relentless eye of a boarding-house keeper.

  6. That was before I married--and perilously, dangerously--I might almost say magnificently near starvation we were too.

  7. One thing seemed positive in that new world: starvation could not threaten.

  8. For it must be only a matter of time, and no very long time at that, when exhaustion and starvation would weaken him and when he must inevitably be swept away.

  9. I might have a broken arm, or something; laid up for weeks--slow starvation and all that.

  10. Unfortunately, it would not do for the occasion, as Gordon was on the verge of starvation and in desperate straits when the rescuing force reached Dongola.

  11. The colony found itself again and again brought to the lowest ebb; and then, when in the last stage, starvation stared it in the face, there came more convicts and more salt meat.

  12. An expedition fourteen thousand strong, recruited mainly from the scum and sweepings of the streets of Paris, melted away within a year, and starvation carried off all whom the deadly climate spared.

  13. Great horrors were perpetrated in one particular convoy: the neglect and starvation produced epidemic sickness and terrible mortality.

  14. Of the twenty-two Grand Masters, seven were killed in battle, five died of wounds, and one of voluntary starvation in the hands of the infidel.

  15. Starvation and torture of the most incredible ferocity did their work.

  16. Four months the Parisians endured starvation and all the attendant horrors of a siege, the incidents of which, as described by contemporaries, are so ghastly that the pen recoils from transcribing them.

  17. The majority of the working women were paid starvation wages, as the following table shows: A weekly wage of less than 5 marks ($1.

  18. The number of prostitutes increases at the same rate at which the number of working women increases, who find employment in various lines of trade at starvation wages.

  19. Such starvation wages drive working girls to prostitution, for even with the most modest requirements no working girl can live in Berlin for less than 9 to 10 marks per week.

  20. Short rations was the rule, and starvation only too frequent.

  21. The two Australians, Emu Bill and Starvation Sam, were good specimens of the wandering Anglo-Saxon.

  22. Starvation from cold and hunger combined promised to be rather a miserable finish to our labours.

  23. Starvation showed plainly on every face; each white frosted visage was seamed and furrowed as if by a load of care.

  24. On the 27th September another deer was shot, and the danger of starvation was again averted.

  25. In this miserable dwelling the winter had to be passed on starvation rations.

  26. On the 22nd April they were saved from starvation by the capture of a bear.

  27. It is only six months ago that starvation was among them: many of the faces around me have not yet lost the lines of wasting suspense.

  28. She was the daughter of people of quality who had lost their all through the schemes of designing persons, and her only weapon against starvation was her needle.

  29. The men's lives now depended entirely on the arrival of supplies from Colonel Arnold's foraging party before starvation could complete its work.

  30. Looking at him as he bared himself in his transport, the realization came swiftly, unexpectedly that she could not marry him if to refuse meant the beginning of sure starvation on the morrow!

  31. An' the time 'Starvation Bill' turned over at Proctors's Falls?

  32. Suffering and starvation bore heavily on the poor.

  33. But there were more heavy storms; and one French crew was so near starvation that only a chance meeting with a Portuguese ship kept them from killing and eating five English prisoners.

  34. We saw fugitives on the mountains, in the north of the lake, who were persisting in clinging to the haunts of their boyhood and youth, in spite of starvation and the continual danger of being put to death by the Mazitu.

  35. Sebetuane, however, profiting by the tactics which he had learned of the Batoka, inveigled a large body of this new enemy on to another island, and after due starvation there overcame the whole.

  36. Most of the food had been left behind; and famine and starvation had cut off so many, that the remainder were too few to bury the dead.

  37. So acceptable to the Deity was starvation considered, that at various periods it was enforced by penal laws.

  38. Many instances of a frugality bordering upon starvation are known.

  39. Dogs can live without food from twenty-five to thirty-six days, but man does not easily support starvation more than a week, except in disease or insanity.

  40. The inhabitants, thus shut up to suffer the pangs of starvation in addition to those of pestilence, made the best of their way out of their prison by every possible stratagem and bribery.

  41. The keeper told him how terribly they were off, and that they were both ill of pure starvation and want of covering.

  42. To avoid starvation they will eat dead bodies, and even kill their children for food.

  43. We are used to wounds and death; but can hardly bear starvation and nakedness.

  44. But he returns to find the people here almost in a state of starvation in the midst of plenty, brought on by the knavery or incompetency of government agents.

  45. Better die in battle than die of starvation produced by the enemy.

  46. Lee writes that he thinks the crisis (starvation in the army) past.

  47. Nitrogen starvation produces marked changes in the growth of a plant.

  48. But phosphorus starvation produces no such striking visible effects upon the growth of the plant as does lack of nitrogen.

  49. Because of this fact, magnesium-starvation produces etiolated plants, which cannot function normally.

  50. But potassium-starvation does not produce any pathological condition of the cell contents; its absence simply prevents the possibility of the development of the necessary carbohydrates for vigorous growth.

  51. The look- out became more hopeless, and at length his thoughts, instead of turning toward escape, were occupied with deliberating whether he would probably die of starvation or simple physical exhaustion.

  52. Starvation instead of drowning would be his fate.

  53. I only wanted to keep myself from starvation and get a bed to sleep on at night.

  54. Thousands of the weaker among them had succumbed to starvation or disease, and their bones were whitening the Plains or lying in the vast depths of the Pacific Ocean.

  55. Often the cattle would break loose at night and disappear on the vast Plains, and men in search of them were sometimes lost, and died of starvation or were killed by Indians.

  56. We could not receive him even as a deserter, for if starvation be their game, we have enough mouths to feed as it is.

  57. Then she said suddenly, obviously apropos of the labouring peasants: "We shall be in little danger of starvation in Thuron, unless the siege be long.

  58. The second is that if starvation is within measurable distance, you may imagine that I repent paying good gold for a place shortly to be mine for nothing.

  59. But your mention of starvation reminded me that I am rather in the condition of a famishing garrison myself.

  60. His object was to bring starvation to Thuron as speedily as possible, and it was not likely he would allow either death or imprisonment to be an ally of the Black Count.

  61. I have some curiosity to know how near starvation is to those within the castle.

  62. Starvation stared them in the face, but about this time the regidor, Valdivia, who had been sent to Santo Domingo by Balboa, with gold for Diego Columbus, returned in a small vessel well laden with provisions.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "starvation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absence; abstemious; abstinence; ascetic; asphyxiation; austere; beggary; choke; choking; deficiency; deficit; deprivation; destitution; drought; dwarfed; exiguous; famine; frugal; hunger; imperfection; impoverished; incompleteness; jejune; killing; lack; lean; limited; meager; mean; miserly; narrow; need; niggardly; omission; paltry; parsimonious; poor; puny; scant; scanty; scrawny; shortage; shortcoming; skimpy; slender; slight; slim; small; spare; sparing; starvation; stingy; stinted; straitened; strangling; strangulation; stunted; subsistence; suffocation; thin; want; watery