For the moment, moreover, the advantage is all on the side of the parent, as the demand for boys outruns the supply.
We have already seen that the demand for boys far outruns the supply.
And again, "With respect to this country, calculation outruns fancy, and fact outruns calculation.
One is apt to feel, after seeing old people, that it is rather a tragic thing when life outruns activity, and to hope that one may never have the misery of octogenarianism.
Her zeal sometimes outruns her discretion," said Elsie with a smile.
Is care For a creation found at fault just there-- There where the heart breaks bond and outruns time, To reach not follow what shall be?
A sweet self-privacy in a right soul Outruns the earth, and lines the utmost pole.
Boast they have lodged a stag, that all the race Outruns of Croton horse, or Rhegian hounds; A stag made long since royal in the chase, If kings can honour give by giving wounds.
Mark that swift arrow, how it cuts the air, How it outruns thy following eye!
There is an expenditure of exertion where your industry outruns your materials, and there is a loss of useful facts when occasions for observation are neglected.
Whenever, in a dead Language, he presumes a Process, which he has looked for in vain in a living one, he outruns his data.
For when things are once come to the execution, there is no secrecy, comparable to celerity; like the motion of a bullet in the air, which flieth so swift, as it outruns the eye.
But as of all those tripping lambs not one 5 Outruns his fellows, so hath Nature lent To thy beginning nought that doth present Peculiar ground[435] for hope to build upon.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outruns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.