Raspberry bushes and spruce trees will be growing through the roof of the hotel yonder.
Note the residences on the hill at the far end of the main street where the 1960 shot caught a sod roof and amateur chimney.
At the gate hung a tall red-and-white lantern, and over the roof floated a string of candle-lit balloons.
The rough boards of the roof and walls had been hidden by a covering of newspapers, with a row of illustrations pasted picture height.
A shed roof slanted from eight feet high on the door and window side to a bit more than five on the other.
The roof of the church and the convent was of nipa, which is like so much dry straw to the fire.
It was in a little colonnade of trees with an arched roof of green leaves in more than Gothic confusion.
The increase of pay was a mere sarcasm; it brought him no nearer his planet than going to the roof and standing on tiptoe would have done.
So he got out the waxed paper, and he took the scissors, and, sitting down on the green grass, he cut out the sides and roof of the paper house.
He just grabbed up his crutch and valise, and ran down into his cellar as far and as fast as he could run, just as the roof fell in.
He does not stare upon the air Through a little roofof glass: He does not pray with lips of clay For his agony to pass; Nor feel upon his shuddering cheek The kiss of Caiaphas.
He does not stare upon the air Through a little roof of glass; He does not pray with lips of clay For his agony to pass; Nor feel upon his shuddering cheek The kiss of Caiaphas.
When the Indians set fire to the roof of the cabin, Charlie was almost wild with excitement, fearing that his parents would now be burned to death.
But the four weeks went by, and on account of the difficulty of getting lumber, and other necessary articles, the roof was still unshingled, and the floor only half laid.
Nor was his anxiety lessened when he saw his father ascend the roof to extinguish the flames, thus exposing himself to the deadly aim of the foe.
The roofcaught in several places, and your father went up and put out the fire at the risk of his life.
He ran down the lane some way, and then came back and climbed to the sloping field behind the barn, where he could look at Lion's Head over the roof of the house.
He led the way upstairs to a front room looking down upon the porch roof and over toward Zion's Head, which Westover could see dimly outlined against the night sky, when he lifted the edge of the paper shade and peered out.
From the roof of The Cage, Ferguson, drafted as a guard for this emergency, waved and lovingly patted the butt of his submachine gun.
Just a huge rock-colored tarpaulin stripped at will from a red-tiled roof and behold, mystery looms on an otherwise drab-colored day!
His room had a tin roof and he hardly thought he should be able to stand it.
That red roof on the rocks--" shouted Paul Brenswick.
Now that I come to think of it--I don't remember having noticed a red roof there yesterday.
In the moment's nervous reaction and letdown that ensued it was really a relief to hear George Keets cry out, with such poignant amazement from his stand at the window: "Why what in the world is that red-roof out on the rocks?
That's been her mean and sneaking plot all this time, in which she has been decoying you from a respectable roof and making you her easy tool--the tool with which she expected to stab at my pride and humble me in the eyes of everybody.
But she'd have the hat for Virginia if it took the roof from over her head.
Fellers that could keep a roof over a family's head on what they've had to back 'em could get rich on a place like that.
I slept with a stream of it tricklin' through the roof on my back one night, an' I've milched the cows in that thar lot when the mire was shoe-mouth deep in January.
I could see you over the roof of the house when you was high up in the edge of the timber, and I knew by your step you had something unusual on your mind.
You--" They were coming through the hall to gain the door, and Ann quickly concealed herself behind one of the tall Corinthian columns that supported the massive, projecting roof of the veranda.
Through the window a new-leafed tree over the opposite roof moved its black foliage against the bloom of the sky, milk-purple clouds streaked with rose.
Sunshine came through the roof of the shed and burned the cinders like black diamonds.
Then Winnie could see the wet bronze roof opposite shining blankly against the faint bright sky.
The great hall is now without roof or floor, and a tower at the west end is called Prince Arthur's Tower, while there are also remains of the old chapel.
It has a fine hall, which is used as a museum of Roman relics, and from the roof is a grand view along the Tyne.
The triforium is stunted, and consists merely of two pairs of small arches, above which the ribs of a noble fretted roof expand, so that it appears as if the roof were immediately supported by the columns of the nave.
The roof is gone, for its woodwork was used to melt down the lead by zealous Reformers in the sixteenth century, and green grass has replaced the pavement.
Two or three windows, a door, and part of an arcade remain, but roof and floor are gone.
The vaulted roof and central tower are gone, but the arches which supported the latter remain.
All these are now in picturesque ruin, the long corridor, with its vaulted roof supported by a central row of columns with broad arches, being considered one of the most impressive religious remains in England.
The roof and the windows are richly colored, and variegated marbles have been employed in the interior decoration.
In the interior the height of the roof is remarkable, and also the vast number of monuments, there being hundreds of them.
The arcade, triforium, and clerestory are in fine proportion; the nave has a vaulted roofof stone, and the alternate columns are clustered in plan, their middle shafts extending from floor to roof.
A chamber with a high vaulted roof was used as a kitchen, and an ancient stone passage connected it with a crypt; beneath this, she told him, there was a church, never opened since the days of Peveril.
Each of these niches and chambers has a roof in the shape of a half-hemisphere, which contains a few tiny glass apertures, and which is joined to the central dome roof.
In the hot hall just under the central roofthere is a wide circular marble seat, raised about two feet above the floor.
Along that side toward the Quai D'Orsay, a cloistered porch joined the terrace from the steps to rear its carven roof beneath the windows of the upper floors.
Overhead the tattered roof of leaves made a lacework of the sun.
In doing so, he found himself near the window, which, opening to the floor, door wise, looked along the roof of the stone porch.
This celebrated lady used to maintain twelve poor people under her roof when she retired to her manor of Woking, where Dr.
He strolled to the window, outside which the roof of the porch had been converted into a summer retreat by a tent of pink-striped canvass.
You cannot scoff whilst your tongue cleaves to the roof of your mouth for fear, and there will be no passage doubtful in all the Scriptures on that day; for the light of the Lord's countenance will be over all things.
Can you expect me to stay under the same roof with you, with the very thought of you making me sick and angry?
A large straw hat concealed his head, and protected it from the rays that were streaming through the glass roof and open window.
A little back from the road, seated directly on the green sod, rose a plain wooden building, two stories in front, with a long roof sloping backwards to within a few feet of the ground.
Thus the roof of the piazza was the floor of a beautiful apartment, whose walls and ceiling were broad, rustling, green leaves, among which drooped now innumerable heavy clusters of rich purple grapes.
Along the pillars which supported it a trellis-work had been constructed, reaching several feet above the roof of the piazza.
All of red amber composed was the floor, The roofwith gilt letters was written all o’er.
The walls were constructed of fair marble stone, The beams of the roof of the whitest whale bone.
Just as I got outside, the roof fell in--a complete mass of flames and fire.
The ordinary visitor is not allowed to pass the night under the roof of the convent, and therefore that strange and ghostly service in the chapel during the hours of darkness is rarely witnessed.
The flames were invisible against the bright sunlight; the roof had already fallen in in part, the windows were belching dense clouds of black smoke.
What roofwould afford him shelter while he waited?
They therefore brought up re-enforcements and placed them in position, with instructions to maintain an unremitting fire upon theroof of the building.
A wide space of the roof had been crushed in; he saw the blue sky, a patch of bright, wholesome light that made him start.
The chimney, in falling, had crushed a great hole in the roof of his house, and the sight of the havoc made him furious.
A most mysterious house it was, indeed, shrinking from the public gaze, even its slated roof invisible.
A shell had gone crashing through the roof of the church; two others fell and set fire to houses, which burned with a pale flame in the intense daylight, with a loud snapping and crackling of their timbers.
He had not been in bed since last Monday night, and had slept, if at all, in the saddle, or on the roof of the Henley and Maidenhead coach.
Beneath its roof no gladiator's strife Shall win applauses with the waste of life; No lordly lictor urge the barbarous game, No wanton Lais glory in her shame.
Each wasted town and hamlet She visits to restore; To roof the shattered cabin, And feed the starving poor.