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Example sentences for "procreate"

Lexicographically close words:
procrastinate; procrastinated; procrastinating; procrastination; procreant; procreated; procreating; procreation; procreative; proctodaeum
  1. The very same brain with which the ape and wolf Get food and shelter and procreate themselves.

  2. To gear itself to the mills of the gods)-- But get food and shelter and procreate himself!

  3. Such a point, it seems obvious, is reached when the incurably defective are permitted to procreate and thus increase their numbers.

  4. They affirm that heredity is everything and environment nothing, yet forget that it is precisely those who are most universally subject to bad environment who procreate most copiously, most recklessly and most disastrously.

  5. With all highly-bred animals there is more or less difficulty in getting them to procreate quickly, and all suffer much from delicacy of constitution.

  6. I could be content that we might procreate like trees without conjunction, or that there were any way to perpetuate the world without this trivial and vulgar way of Coition: It is the foolishest act a wise man commits in all his life.

  7. The self-created Brahman at first created, by flats of his holy will, certain beings who were charged to procreate for filling the universe with living creatures.

  8. O father, without seeking to procreate offspring, I shall rest myself on my own self.

  9. Living in the domestic mode, he should procreate sons and grandsons.

  10. As regards some men who are desirous of having offspring and who, for the fruition of their object, strive heartily (by worshipping diverse deities), they fail to procreate an embryo in the womb.

  11. One of the simplest ways was to fructify the mother and procreate oneself again.

  12. Therefore the philosophers have married this tender young maiden to Gabricus, to have them procreate fruit, and when Gabricus sleeps he dies.

  13. Adults, in response to and through one another, procreate new sensitive beings whom they want and/or do not want and whom they may and/or may not experience as their responsibility in varying degrees.

  14. Some procreate new beings; some create in other ways; some give-take and exist; some just lean.

  15. An explicit prohibition to procreate within marriage is an implicit permission to procreate outside marriage.

  16. We may connect this phenomenon with the disposition, often shown by nervously unsound and abnormal persons, to believe that they have a special aptitude to procreate fine children.

  17. We procreate to-day as they procreated in the Stone Age.

  18. On the doctrine of chances a greater number of the offspring of the more productive pairs would survive; and these would inherit a tendency to procreate fewer males and more females.

  19. We may infer that this would be the case, for the females, which are unarmed and unornamented, are able to survive and procreate their kind.

  20. He adds, "I could be content that we might procreate like trees, without conjunction, or that there were any way to procreate the world without this trivial and vulgar way.

  21. And Gravitation may procreate Heat, Light and Electricity.

  22. Remember that Electricity, Light and Heat are caused by Motion resulting from Attraction, and the child cannot procreate the parent.

  23. Had he married her at that period he would himself have been about twenty-seven which is quite soon enough for a great man of science to marry and procreate geniuses.

  24. Men cannot give birth to a child, nor can they suckle a child; they can only procreate children, or become fathers.

  25. We can so far take a prophetic glance into futurity as to foretel that it will be the common and widely-spread species, belonging to the larger and dominant groups, which will ultimately prevail and procreate new and dominant species.

  26. Even this kind of love is a desire to procreate beauty,[118] for it would be absurd to insist that that Nature, which aspires to create beautiful things, should aspire to procreate that which is ugly.

  27. They determine to procreate and produce beauty according to nature; procreating because their object is perpetuity; and procreating beautifully because they possess affinity with it.

  28. Thus he who does not desire to procreate seems to aspire to the possession of the beautiful in a higher degree.

  29. Lastly, we have Natural selection, which implies that the individuals which are best fitted for the complex, and in the course of ages changing conditions to which they are exposed, generally survive and procreate their kind.

  30. Barrenness is a deprivation of the life and power which ought to be in the seed to procreate and propagate; for which end men and women were made.

  31. When there is the right time for them to procreate a child, they will have a convenient place for the performance of the most responsible duty.

  32. The mother does not procreate the son; she only bears and cherishes the awakened life.

  33. Plato's idea of right was that men over fifty-five, and women over forty, ought not to procreate citizens.

  34. To procreate large families, it is said, is unselfish and moral, as well as a patriotic, even a religious duty.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "procreate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.