It turned out that she had a nest of her own with five eggs in a spruce-tree near my window.
What, but a horsehair for her nest which was in an apple-tree near by; and she was so bent on having one that I have no doubt she would have tweaked one out of the horse's tail had he been in the stable.
A hunter of my acquaintance was one day sitting in the woods, when he saw a red squirrel run with great speed up a tree near him, and out upon a long branch, from which he leaped to some rocks, and disappeared beneath them.
One December morning a troop of jays discovered a little screech-owl secreted in the hollow trunk of an old apple-tree near my house.
I asked him what was wrong, when he said he did not know, but that a bird had flown to a tree near us, stayed a little while, and had then gone away.
As we were seated, listening, Monyosi suddenly looked up attentively at a tree near us, and seemed to think that all was not as it should be.
We buried him next day under the tree near which we had first seen the elephant.
It failed to sing, but farther on we saw another one which alighted upon a fruit-tree near us.
A pair of bluebirds had apparently mated and decided to occupy a woodpecker's lodge in the limb of an old apple-tree near my study.
The chatter of a second brood of nearly fledged wrens is heard now (August 20) in an oriole's nest suspended from the branch of an apple-tree near where I write.
The nest is in a small cavity in the limb of a pear-tree near my study, and the birds and I are on very friendly terms.
He was so handsome that a hen flycatcher, who was sitting in a tree near by, resolved to make him wed her; but there was another hen living in the same orchard who was equally determined to secure the handsome cock as her mate.
It was only this morning that I watched two hen orioles trying to drive each other away, while the cock was in a tree near by.
The cock alights in a tree near a crow's nest and begins to call.
Sometimes a flock perches for a time on a tree near by before entering the hedge.
I led her to a tree near by, under which I had made a rustic chair.
We staid in camp during the morning, and I smoked and we played checkers, and had a very cosy time, with a wood fire burning under a tree near by.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tree near" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.