The Hobby does not despise a grasshopper as food, in the twilight a moth does not come amiss; indeed it has lately been observed that it sometimes snaps at bees.
Neither the maggot nor the even more enterprising Moth ever touches it.
If this joining is properly done, the Moth will never get inside.
The great peacock, that large moth who recks little of the scorpion's poison, is no more able to resist my inoculations than the sacred beetle and the others.
Confining myself to the results of my observations in the neighborhood, I count, all told, in the group of chewers, four beetles and a moth caterpillar.
Not long ago, in winter, I took from the chrysalis of a great peacock moth four hundred and forty-nine parasites belonging to the same group.
The whole substance of the future moth had disappeared, all but the nymphal wrapper, which was intact and formed a handsome Russia-leather wallet.
The holding capacity is strained to the utmost; the substance of the vanished Moth would not fill it better.
From Holland)] The characteristic features that distinguish a moth from a butterfly are well illustrated in the plate opposite page 49, which shows one of the largest and most beautiful moths in the world.
Yet if you keep the shroud or the mummy-like object for two or three weeks you are likely to see a beautiful moth come from the shroud or a glorious butterfly break out of the mummy case.
As may be seen, the newly emerged moth is resting upon the silken cocoon in which it spent its period as a pupa or chrysalis.
Their bodies are large and all of the wings well rounded, so that there is more of the suggestion of a large moth than of the Swallowtail.
This was because it was represented that the moth was now confined to a limited area, and could be easily exterminated by the expenditure of a small amount more of money.
Away goes a little cream-colored Meadow-Moth in the most tortuous course he is capable of, and away goes Socialis in pursuit.
That forceful emanation which flowed like a thrice-rarefied scent from the girl's personality, and which even Sophy had been aware of, was like the infinitely volatilised aroma by which the female of the Emperor Moth calls the males to her.
It seemed to Amaldi that the white hand quivered with ecstasy over the child's head like a white moth over a flower.
Then other things even more marvelous come to pass, for in about three weeks the little creature pushes the threads apart at one end of the cocoon and comes out, not a silkworm at all, but a moth with head and wings and legs and eyes.
This moth lays hundreds of eggs, and in less than three weeks it dies.
HOW SPUN SILK IS MADE Every manufacturer saves everything he can, and even the waste silk which cannot be wound on reels is turned into a salable product] The moth whose cocoon provides most of our silk is called the "bombyx mori.
Burl was their leader, and was distinguished solely by two three-foot stumps of the feathery, golden antennae of a night-flying moth he had bound to his forehead.
Burl believed that the rustling was merely the sound of a moth or butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, but was unwilling to take any chances.
A breeze came in softly, touching her cheek like the wing of a moth and stirring the iris in a bowl by the window.
They were as meaningless as the wind that brought them, or the whirring of the whitemoth at the window.
When thou with rebukes dost chasten man for sin, thou makest his beauty to consume away, like as it were a moth fretting a garment: every man therefore is but vanity.
Lo, they all shall wax old as a garment: the moth shall eat them up.
Where is the matter of one moth the more Singed in the candle, at a summer's end?
Down this side of the gravel-walk She went while her robe's edge brushed the box: And here she paused in her gracious talk To point me a moth on the milk-white phlox.
Long before his death a sphinx moth arrived from South Brazil which shows a proboscis between ten and eleven inches long--very nearly equal, therefore, to the task of probing the nectary of Angræcum sesquipidale.
Even Angræcum sesquipedale, of which I wrote in the preceding chapter, would find a moth able to impregnate it in South Brazil.
Ah, the moth that corrupts, the moth that corrupts!
The moth remained on the leaf looking after them until the glimmer of the fairy garments grew smaller and smaller and finally sank into the depths of the blue distance.
Maya was surprised to see how readily the moth responded.
I know a moth suffers most over any injury to them; but one takes flight no quicker or more precipitately at a touch on the antennae than on the head, wing, leg, or abdomen.
As soon as a moth can find a suitable place to cling after it is out, it hangs by the feet and dries the wings and down.
The camera was carried to the open, set up and focused on a favourable spot, while Molly-Cotton walked beside me holding a net over the moth in case she took flight in outer air.
The moth had not mated and the eggs were not fertile.
He came, and left as great a moth enthusiast as any of us.
At any rate, many people saw the living moth in my possession on this date.
Over the whole moth in strong light, there was an almost intangible flushing of palest purplish pink.
A moth with broken antennae seems dazed and helpless, and in great distress.
As a matter of fact, it is as numerous where the trees its caterpillars frequent are to be found, as any other moth in its natural location.
You cannot determine the sex of the moth by the size of the cocoon.
It helps the struggling moth in separating from the case, wets the down so that it will pass the small opening, reduces the large abdomen so that it will escape the exit, and softens the case and silk where the moth is working.
Immediately the moth began racing around energetically, and flapping those tiny wings until the sound awakened the Deacon in the adjoining room.
Mueller believes that these are for the perception of objects close to a moth while the compound eyes see farther, but he does not prove it.
The moth was useless for a study, while its broken antennae set it crazy, and it shook and trembled continually, going out without depositing any eggs.
The moth fretting a garment--means the moth devouring or nibbling a garment.
We shall see, an the little moth so easily blinded by court glare is not singed for its vanity!
Why, when a king, who is too busy to sign death-reprieves, may spend the night hunting a single moth from room to room of the palace?
If placed in bags or boxes, themoth preventative should be sprinkled over freely.
On the clock's dull dial a foggy finger, Moving to set the minutes right With tentative touches that lift and linger In the wont of a moth on a summer night, Creeps to my sight.
Shelley sings of "The desire of themoth for the star," as if it were a romantic passion for that which is bright and beautiful.
A moment later a thing of metal and fabric, fitted with drills and delicate thread-like tentacles, and formed like a giant Sadu moth of Mars, darted out from behind a curtain where it had been hiding.
The moth buzzed up into the cypress tree and squatted there, silently, apparently resting.
And at the same time the big-eyed Sadu moth which had been crouching in the cypress tree, rose on its velvety wings and sped away, as though some urgent mission had suddenly claimed its attention.
While Jan had been telling of her acquaintance with the Martian, Austin had been staring at a very large Sadu moth which hovered, and leisurely moved about on thrumming gorgeous wings, which spanned fully eighteen inches.
But the male moth flies more strongly and frivolously than ever.