A turd in your teeth, never pre dee me, for I will have nothing mistaken.
Good master Hornet, turd in your teeth, hold you your tongue: do not I know you?
The more I thought, and the more I reflected how a hard turd hurt me sometimes in passing it, the more I was puzzled about the intense pleasure which she said the operation gave!
So saith a turlupin or a new start-up grub of my books, but a turd for him.
A turd on't, said the skipper to his preaching passenger, what a fiddle-faddle have we here?
When I am confident there is no man almost in the City cares a turd for him, nor hath he brains to outwit any ordinary tradesman.
The King has two of them in his closett, and a third the College of Physicians to keep for rarity, and by the King's command he causes the turd of the horse to be every day searched to find more.
Goose-turd greene; a greenish yellow; or a colour which is between a green and a yellow.