They look as though they could destroy by the glance of their ferocious eyes.
It will signify a great deal to me,' said Neverbend, with a look of ferocious honesty; and so they reached Plymouth.
This proposal was received with a ferocious gaiety, and they all swore never to return to St. Domingo.
Ferocious yet often cowardly, they were subtle and cruel, with none of the frequent generosity of outlaws, and little of the enterprise of the military adventurers.
Massy was less ferocious than Haji Daman no doubt, but .
With a ferocious gesture the little official shut the door and gave the signal, and Mrs. Portheris sank earthwards, a vision of outraged propriety.
Under this ferocious banter, she sat breathing harder, and her mouth was disturbed.
When the ferocious devotional exercises were engaged in, these speculations would distract Mistress Affery's eyes towards the door, as if she expected some dark form to appear at those propitious moments, and make the party one too many.
He's a most ferocious Radical, you know,' said Young Barnacle.
Those who looked with utter disapproval upon his ferocious course, were still unable to resist the influence of his mordant humor.
They gave a military and ferocious set-off to my whole appearance, and were immensely admired by the fair sex!
The wild hubbub of voices grew louder and louder, and the ferocious crowd closed in upon us nearer and nearer.
It was the big Kafir to whom Brian had administered a well-deserved thrashing on the morning after my arrival, and now this ruffian was the leading spirit of the whole ferocious crew.
His ferocious egoism, his unbounded ambition was even now calculating what advantages to himself might accrue from this idea of the new religion and of the National fete, what personal aggrandisement he could derive therefrom.
That peculiar form of mental torture, surely the invention of brains rendered mad by their own ferocious cruelty, was even now being inflicted on the hapless, dethroned Queen of France.
His head was hidden beneath the monstrous mask of a cardboard lion, roughly painted in brown and yellow, with crimson for the widely open jaws and the corners of the eyes, to make them seem ferocious and bloodshot.
Those of le Salut Public only loosened their hold for a while, were nobly magnanimous for a day, quite prepared to be doubly ferocious the next.
Those animals which, before that event, were gentle and herbivorous, or frugivorous, suddenly became ferocious or carnivorous.
What land has not been drenched in human blood, poured out in ferocious war!
It would be as difficult as useless to describe this irregular andferocious mode of fighting.
The Indians, and particularly theferocious Senecas, eager for blood and plunder, pushed forward in the van during the halt.
At first the Indians were docile, but as soon as the scent of blood touched their nostrils their ferocious natures were aroused, and the restraints imposed by the British commander were too irksome to be borne.
Every rood of ground was trodden by hostile parties, and for seven years the fierce Indian, and the ofttimes more ferocious Tory, kept the people in continual alarm, spreading death and desolation over that fair portion of our land.
What this fate was, I knew not, but I could feel its presence like the hot breath of some ferocious beast, as it stands over its prostrate victim.
Had he guessed Evans's thoughts, the parson's gown would scarcely have saved him a knouting from the ferocious Italian.
The curse of Africa, from which the Indians were not free, was slavery and slave-hunting, which from time immemorial have led to ferocious wars and reckless destruction of life.
The servant's ferocious greed had given his pride the alarm.
As a further refinement of cruelty, frequently the most opposite of individuals were chained together, a political prisoner, for instance, with the informer who had sent him to gaol, or with the lowest and most ferocious criminal.
For its size it is, like all the Mustelidae, extremely ferocious and strong.
It is naturally veryferocious and unruly, but capable of domestication, if taken young.
Continental writers declare that it will attack any small animal that comes in its way, giving it quite a ferocious character, and it is said to destroy fish spawn.
The body is covered with very coarse hair, which assumes the form of a bristly mane on the neck and shoulders, and gives the beast a ferocious appearance, which does not belie its disposition.
His person bulged with lumps of muscle, daggers and pistols; and I am sure the interpreter meant to speak the truth when he told me that this ferocious person was one of the chiefs of the secret police.
I remember George, a Russian Pole with a fiery nature, sitting on a stone by me one day and watching a ferocious but perfectly good-tempered round which drew much blood.
The pagi is said never to attack man unless provoked, but it has been proved, by several intelligent travellers, that the lions and tigers of America are sometimes as ferocious and destructive as those of Africa.
They carry off the horses and cattle in the night from the neighbouring farms, and are as much dreaded as the most ferocious of the feline race are in the East Indies.
This idiotic, but ferocious laugh, echoing such a dreadful purpose, was appalling; but the people who knew what he had suffered, only felt it as a more forcible incentive to outrage.
I have established order and discipline among the most ferocious of mankind; and I have stretched out my protecting arm over the oppressed.
As he forces his way in, Charlie, dashing a last handful of gold upon the red, turns his ferocious eyes on Hardin.
Groves of laurel, acorn oak, and madrona shelter the clinging panther and the grim warden of the Sierras, the ferocious grizzly bear.
You know that the defenders of Charles were for the most part Mediterranean cut-throats, ferocious pillagers, execrated by the very people they came to protect.
Then the ferocious and haughty baron, the first of his caste no doubt, humiliated himself.
You can decide for yourself this evening, if your ferocious sister will allow you to leave your room.
Easy it was to instigate the ferocious spirit: in the heart of Sigurd stood his sword.
To toil and tumult were the sons of Arngrim born, and of Eyfura: ferocious berserkir, calamity of every kind, by land and sea, like fire they carried.
He slap-banged away left and right, boring Montgomery up against the ropes, swinging in his ferocious blows with those animal grunts which told of the vicious energy behind them.
The Master sank his hands sulkily and walked backwards to the rope with his ferocious eyes fixed upon his fallen antagonist.