Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
God raised up the king of Assyria and made him the rod of his anger, to chastise his people and to execute wrath upon the ungodly nations around.
The worst of men have delighted in the honors of military fame and it is what they have a strong propensity for; and how can a Christian take pleasure in that employment which is the highest ambition of ungodly men?
After he had swept away the old ungodlyworld of mankind for their violence with all the animal creation, except those in the ark, he was pleased to renew to Noah the same privilege of being lord over the animal world.
But though instances have unquestionably occurred in which signal beneficial results have followed the preaching of the Gospel by ungodly men, this is not the normal order of the Divine procedure.
This folly caused Alma great sorrow, as it gave the ungodly a pretext for rejecting the gospel, of which they were not slow to avail themselves.
Except in the days of their excessive pride and ungodly arrogance, the calling of the agriculturist among the Nephites was a most honorable one, as in truth it should be among all people.
Notwithstanding the many proofs the ungodly Nephites had that Nephi was a true prophet, they continued to reject his teachings.
Did he not boast, with ungodly tongue, That Stralsund must needs to his grasp be wrung, Though to heaven itself with a chain 'twere strung?
She'll just be ungodly hot below decks and a hog for coal until the boilers are re-covered.
When ungodly people give their Consents in witchcrafts diabolically performed, for the Devil to annoy their Neighbours, he finds a breach made in the Hedge about us, whereat he Rushes in upon us, with grievous molestations.
Not but that there have been certain victories and other short glimpses of success, meant only to work upon our ungodly pride, and delude us and make our present misery the keener.
Thus the new Norman Abbat and his unpriestly and ungodly men entered upon possession of the ancient abbey of Peterborough: but feast that day was there none.
And imposing and taking ungodly unlawful Oaths and Bonds, whereby the Consciences of many have been polluted and seared, and many ruined and oppressed for refusing and not taking them.
Messiah: coming as he does with the clouds of heaven, he is the symbol of the kingdom of God, in contrast to the beasts, which emerge from the ungodly sea and symbolize the empires of this world.
Jehovah knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish, i.
A shadow darkens the French window, causing Miss Craven to give one of those starts that make one feel as if one literally jumped out of one's skin, and fill one with ungodly wrath against the occasion of them.
Will some one say, Why, then, was this divine compassion extended even to the ungodly and ungrateful?
She is cruelly persecuted by her wicked mother and ungodly neighbors; for she is a shining light, by which the dark deeds of the wicked are reproved; and hence their hatred.
Many a graduate might say, with another, "I thank you for your instructions, and as I look on the trials of ungodly families, every drop of my blood thanks you.
For how ungodly and unthankfull should wee be if wee should not thus doe .