Where the modern vandalism of the “Illumination” had mutilated and watered down the books of praise, the old church songs lingered in the memories of fathers and mothers, and were sung with ardour at family worship.
Those were disqualified who had just recently been baptised or had received baptism only during severe illness (Neophyti, Clinici), also all who had been excommunicated and those who had mutilated themselves.
Of this we have been assured by a mutilated Greek inscription on a large slab of granite which was discovered by English sappers at Assuan in 1885.
Besides, the mutilated appearance of Pleminius, and their recollections of the absent Scipio, operated in gaining them favour with the people.
That around all these temples Philip had scattered his destructive flames, and left the images of the gods lying scorched and mutilated among the prostrated pillars of their fanes.
They next pulled down and mutilated the statues of the king; and then, on a signal being given for a retreat, re-embarked and returned to Piraeeus, from whence they had set out.
That the aruspex was not, indeed, pleased that the entrails should first have appeared mutilated and foul, and then too exuberant.
All things are amenable to reason, the supreme Reason which mutilated humanity, wounded in the eyes, has deified among the clouds.
Once again, I recall the red deer's little one, mutilated on its carpet of fresh crimson, and the emotion which I had not on that bygone day rises into my throat.
A mother, mutilated in her slain son, is giving her mite to the offertory for the Lest-we-Forget League.
At the end of a war, the last things to be known by the children of the slain and by the mutilated and worn-out survivors will be all the war-aims of its directors.
He is scarcely inside the door before he is stricken down--murdered, and the next we hear of him his bruised and mutilated body is discovered in a foul and stinking sewer in this city.
What I saw led me to believe that the body removed from the box was that of a woman in a mutilated condition.
While I lay there brooding over my mutilated spirit, left to lick my wounds like a wounded animal, I realized that I had been in an encounter with the evil conscience of Society, the victim of their hatred of those who suffer.
She rummaged in a bureau, and presently she produced a photograph of a woman, shamefully defaced and mutilatedwith a knife.
His head had been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room.
I have myself seen a burned and mutilated British mail lying where De Wet had left it; but suppose the refinement of his vengeance had gone so far as to publish it, what a thunder-bolt it might have been!
He also was on the Iroquois Mission, and was so tortured and mutilated by his sweet parishioners that the very dogs used to howl at his distorted figure.
As a minor point, it might be remarked that he is the inventor of what may be called the mutilated villain.
In their fiendish desire for revenge for Stillman’s treachery and to terrify the whites, the Indians cut out the hearts of some of the slain and otherwise mutilated their bodies.
When John’s squadron arrived at the Davis cottage there was presented an awful sight--thirteen murdered and mutilated bodies in and about the cottage, some hung on shambles like butchered pigs, just as they were left by the Indians.
In the monastery of Kennaquhair, which had been despoiled by the fury of the times, a few monks were left to mourn the mutilated statues and weep over the fragments of richly-carved Gothic pillars.
They were often severely beaten or imprisoned and sometimes mutilated for acts of disobedience.
The bill was supposed to have been so mutilated in its passage through the House of Commons, that nothing remained of it except the naked proposal to abolish purchase.
He paused a moment beside the mutilated body; put away his knife, drew the cloth over the corpse, and then turned toward his room.
Nick followed, and together they gazed upon the mutilated body.
Those who accompanied him fled, and the corpse (transported thither and mutilated by the people's fury) was dragged through the streets of Modena.
He not only murdered the members of the train, but mutilated the dead bodies of the slain after the fashion of the Indian.
He saw to it that those old squaws who had mangled and mutilated his soldier-comrades should be properly cared for as prisoners of war.
There were the Scheidler brothers who were slain and mutilated at some distance from the ranch.
They were found about two miles from the battle ground, dead, and stripped of their clothing and mutilated in the most horrible manner.
The opinions of the 'Right' were so mutilated and travestied the next day in his journal, that we, who had uttered them, could scarcely recognise them.
In some of these caves the walls were covered with brilliant, but mutilated frescoes; and in others, hermits had lived and died and been buried.
Then first came the horrid thought that he might be mutilated in the same way.
He mutilated the Laird of Woolmet, and never rid without a great following of horsemen, whom he maintained, and gave to every man a piece of land as a gratuity, which continued during their service.
The tombs alone of the old knights remain in the beautiful church, which, altered and mutilated as it is, still bears traces of its past glory.
From here she sent the faithful servant, who at the dead of night stole to the unhallowed spot on the Boroughmuir where the mutilated trunk of the dead hero had been hastily buried.
On it was carved a skull, surmounted by a winged hour-glass and a mutilated scroll; and below it a shield bearing a saltier, and the initials M.
So its mutilated inscription was read years ago by the learned Edward Lhwyd,--and so does its latest interpreter, Sir James Simpson, read it also.
Those who remain, consist of the most restless and most loquacious, the most eager for office, the self-mutilated club being thus reduced to a nucleus of charlatans and scoundrels.
A low wall surrounds a space of sandy ground, which is strewed with skulls, bones, fragments of burial clothes, and mutilated human bodies.
We have his own authority for the assertion that he had composed no less than 490 books, but of these only two have come down to us, and one of them in a mutilated form: 1.
De Lingua Latina, a grammatical treatise which extended to 24 books, but six only have been preserved, and these are in a mutilated condition.
Near the top is the famous Nikè of Samothrace, a much-mutilated winged figure of Victory, standing like a figure-head on the prow of a trireme.
The little mutilated fragment by their side, well placed here for comparison, excellently illustrates the nature of the evidence on which such works are frequently restored.
These very old features are still more markedly seen in the mutilated draped Herè in the centre; it well illustrates the =starting-point= of Hellenic art.