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Example sentences for "unfathomed"

Lexicographically close words:
unfastened; unfastening; unfatherly; unfathomable; unfathomably; unfavorable; unfavorably; unfavourable; unfavourably; unfearing
  1. At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be infinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable.

  2. And vaguely in the pregnant deep, Clasped by the glowing arms of light From an eternity of sleep Within unfathomed gulfs of night A pulse stirred in the plastic slime Responsive to the rhythm of Time.

  3. I would I were the rill, and thou the river; So might I, leaping from some headlong steep, With all my waters lost in thine for ever, Be hurried onwards to the unfathomed deep.

  4. Leave the hoard on the shore and sail over the unfathomed dark towards limitless light.

  5. Single and alone in the unfathomed stillness of the soul, art thou, Lady of Silence and Solitude, a vision thrilled with light, a lonely lotus blossoming on the stem of love.

  6. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air.

  7. But not this night, nor last night, but in the unfathomed night of Sunday, of the Sabbath silence.

  8. When he heard the child cry, a terror possessed him, because of the answering echo from the unfathomed distances in himself.

  9. Now may the boundless love, that lay Unfathomed still before In one consuming burst find way, In one bright flood all, all its riches pour.

  10. Far in our own unfathomed souls Their fount must surely be; Yes!

  11. The human mind at best is a sort of song; the music of it runs away with the words, and even the words, which pass for the names of things, are but poor wild symbols for their unfathomed objects.

  12. It had a complete system of submarine caverns ramifying and losing themselves in unfathomed depths.

  13. That word "Gilliatt," written by the young maiden, had sunk into an unfathomed depth.

  14. In this ghostly dusk of driving mist the smear of the rain across the face is like a touch of phantom hands coming out of unfathomed spaces, gentle but uncanny.

  15. If I could but, with my dull ear grown finer, some day learn to interpret these I might grow wise with the yet unfathomed wisdom of the universe.

  16. If thou art orphaned, friendless, comfortless here, remember there is in the Elder Brother on the Throne a love deep as the unfathomed ocean, boundless as Eternity?

  17. When their fame began to be bruited about, the number of visitors increased, and among them were Goths and Vandals who did not scruple to remove many a crystal gem from the still unfathomed caves.

  18. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear.

  19. Before it the unfathomed sea Smiles, filled with monstrous growths that wait to take Its innocence.

  20. She leaned over and stroked the cat under his chin; he purred deeply in response, and looked up into her eyes, his own like wells of unfathomed speech.

  21. In the unfathomed depths of the Judge's educated, well-ordered mind stirred a craving for solace.

  22. An inclined plane, broad as a valley and smooth as glass, stretched down from the deep heavens with both ends lost, one among the starry configurations, the other in the unfathomed abysses of the nether world.

  23. These responses are means towards some end Unfathomed by our intellectual beam.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unfathomed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    able; abysmal; bottomless; cavernous; enigmatic; gaping; incalculable; mysterious; plunging; puzzling; sealed; soundless; strange; unbeknown; uncharted; unclassified; undisclosed; undiscoverable; undiscovered; unexplained; unexplored; unexposed; unfamiliar; unfathomable; unfathomed; unidentified; unknowable; unknown; unperceived; unplumbed; unrevealed; unsuspected; untouched; virgin; yawning