Trifles light as air though these effusions might be, the radiant bubbles showed even then, as by a casual freak which way with him the breeze in his leisure hours was drifting.
Nobody but the writer of this little freak of fancy could possibly have rendered the Reading of it in public worthy even of toleration.
He was said to have made the race for justice of the peace from sheer force of habit, but by some unexplainedfreak of popularity the oft-defeated candidate was successful by a large majority at the August election.
He laughed aloud in tuneless scorn of himself and of this freak of froward destiny and then fell to wringing his hands and calling upon Evelina.
For I vow that, however leniently disposed his friends may have been in regard to his freak before they had seen the lady whom he forsook, they cannot condone his offence now that they have been so happy as to make her acquaintance.
I dare swear, ladies, that you have been, like all the rest of our friends in this place, discussing the latest freak of the beautiful Miss Linley?
By some strange freak of the imagination those unshed tears of hers seemed already dropping upon my nerves.
If he chose to elope with the fat woman in a freak museum, why shouldn't he?
Now, by a freak of fortune, the key of Jaffery's flat remained in the suit-case wherein I had flung it at Havre, until it was fished out by Franklin on my arrival at Northlands.
He may have had some delirium last night, but not enough to cause such a freak as an all-night gallop.
That is," he concluded, with a smile, "unless some new freak takes Miss Kitty Carrington.
They delight in a freak as the proof of their sovereign freedom.
There is no freak so ridiculous but some Englishman has attempted to immortalize by money and law.
Mr. Landor carries to its height the love of freakwhich the English delight to indulge, as if to signalize their commanding freedom.
About this time a remarkable freak was perpetrated on the body of Capt.
This action on my part will read like the performance of a simpleton, and I would not record it, but for the fact that it was the freak and experience of one man, helpless on the battlefield.
Jim was certainly a natural curiosity in respect to the eternal, unceasing vivacity of his animal spirits, which were in a state of effervesence from morning to night, frothing out in some odd freak of drollery or buffoonery.
What the Turk did at Otranto he has done at Batak; he may, if the freak seizes him, do the like at Joannina.
But the description is no freak of the imagination; both capitals are in being; one of them is still within the palace.
Her freakpleased her, and she came again and again--and others came, just to see her here.
By a freak of fate, the Editor of L'Echo de la Butte was moved to invite monsieur Tricotrin to an affair of ceremony two days previous to the wedding.
Then we realized that by some miracle, some freak of fate, no one had been hurt seriously.
Through a door I could see a long room filled with ornaments, pictures, furniture, rugs, and all the vast freak collections of a property room.
And she assured herself that if he thought it was only a freak of which she would soon tire, she was quite willing to be put to the proof.
Facing page xvi A Freak of Erosion in the Petrified Forest.
You have heard of his freak over in the Borough I s'pose," said the Cracksman.
Then away would be flung the pencil; and a new freak must be accomplished before the study would be resumed.
At the hash house where I steers 'em up against a twenty-five-cent course dinner all the girl waiters got to gigglin' like they'd never seen a freak before.
I could not agree with the bugler, I could not see a mere freak in this horrible tattoo-mark.
The final and maddest freak of their mad lives landed them in the Legion.
My purse I give to you; by its means you can marry some blue-eyed maiden, and tell her Fortune had a smile for her when it played such a freak on me.
It was a curious freak of Mrs. Grey, taking you up so, was it not?
To renounce your religion just to gratify a merefreak of fancy which you will outgrow in less than a month!
Present at the Discovery of Gold By a remarkable freak of fortune, about forty of the members of the Mormon Battalion discharged at Los Angeles, were on hand at the time of the discovery of gold in California.
But I know that these words do not express your feelings: they were uttered more from a freak of maiden bashfulness, than from any confirmed determination.
A freak made me run faster than I have run since I was a boy.
By chance this physician had in his glottis, chords exactly similar to those of Gauttier, so that by a freak of nature they had the same voice, which much astonished the queen.
Was it not a strange freak on the part of God, who plays sometimes jokes on us, to have granted so many perfections to a man so badly apparelled?
All I can say is that a queerly dressed old freak suddenly burst into my flat, just as I was going to dine at the Carlton, and told me you were waiting outside in a car to take me on a visit to the Queen.
I admit I shouldn't have a look in with him if we were both candidates for a Freak Show," he conceded.