Tall as was the woman, comely in her maturing years, she was left dwarfed beside the youthful manhood she had watched grow from its earliest days.
It looked squat, it was utterly dwarfed in the twilit vastness.
It rose like the spire of some cathedral of Nature's moulding, and dwarfed the world about it.
Poor little ship, she looked so dirty and uncared for and yet her name will be remembered for ever in the story of the sea, which one can hardly say in the case of the stately liners which dwarfed her in the docks.
The "Terra Nova" was quite dwarfed by the great rocky bluffs and we realised the height of the cliffs for the first time.
Agriculture, once the most important sector, is now dwarfed by industry and services.
It quite dwarfed anything of the kind I had ever seen before.
The building has a dwarfed and dingy appearance; was from the first, is, and perhaps ever will be private property, lent for its present purpose by the proprietor.
That is my failing," he reflected; "these miserable ecclesiastical bandages of mine have dwarfed my manly side.
The pedestal is formed by a heavy dwarfed pillar, which places the statue too far above the line of sight for good effect.
He is one in whom holiness has purified, but somewhat dwarfed the man.
It has many striped varieties, some tall, others of middle height, or of dwarfed stature.
Being so very dwarfedthe large flowers are all the more striking.
You looked back; the rocks had closed to a solid wall; you looked down; the river filling the canyon with a hollow hush had dwarfed to a glistening silver thread with the forest dwarfed banks of moss.
Here were distances by which Hare could begin to comprehend the immensity of the canyon, and he felt lost among the great terraces leading up to mesas that dwarfed the Echo Cliffs.
All that he had seen in reaching this isolated spot was dwarfed in comparison.
The easterly end is dwarfedby close-lying houses, picturesque enough in themselves; but the gracefulness of the buttress is wanting.
Under such conditions its graceful spire becomes dwarfed and attenuated.
Within a year, these thirty or more trees had turned brown and were completely dead, while those immediately outside the branch area were dwarfed and not at all thrifty.
If one examines the nuts of the Ohio and finds them dwarfed or deformed, he may be sure that they have been pollinized by something other than a black walnut.
Like most chestnuts this one has to be pollinated by taking the staminate bloom from a dwarfed chestnut nearby whose bloom coincides with the blossoming of the female flowers of this Chinese hybrid.
This particular chinquapin type chestnut has upright growing habits different from a tree bearing similar nuts but having a very dwarfed habit.
Shallow surface soil, underlaid with heavy clay, will usually slow down the growth of a young tree so that it remains dwarfedfor many years.
These have continued long, and they have dwarfed our mighty nation to a tribe or two, and our home to one-tenth of its original dimensions.
His great abilities, when brought in contact with those suing for popular favor, so shrivelled and dwarfed them as to inspire only fear and hatred.
Her years of struggle, her year of mourning, had no doubt dwarfed her powers in this direction; presently her natural good taste would reassert itself.
But coupled in some way with this is a queer smack of the propagandist, a kind of dwarfed prophetic passion.
What could be expected save what resulted--a dwarfed and enfeebled physique and a semi-invalid existence?
The economic function and possibilities of the farmer had similarly been dwarfed or cut off as a result of the concentration of the business system of the country in the hands of a few.
It now haply numbered a few thousands; the rare figures in the wide streets were dwarfed and lost.
It looks lak the Cedars of Lebanon isdwarfed to the scrub pine.
They were natural children, whose childhood had not been dwarfed in a cotton mill, and it was exceedingly funny to them.
There it produces its greatest effect; its size is not dwarfed by surrounding heights, and comes out by contrast with the small objects that diversify the plain.
Instead of being dwarfed by the enormous masses of the propylons, their height gained by the near comparison.
They came to two or three dwarfed trees growing close to one an other, but they gave no shelter, and, Harley being in dread lest branches should be blown off and against Sylvia, they went on.
They came at last to a clump of dwarfed trees, sheltered between the swells, and they stopped.
Dwarfed social endeavour, suppressed healthy desires, degraded faculties--these are the sacrifices in the name of conventionality.
To the inexperienced eye, which appreciated their proportions only, they might appear vast as the tree which saved his royal majesty, but measured, they were dwarfed at once almost into lichens which a deer might eat up in a morning.
I profess no indifference to noble descent; but when a descendant is dwarfed in the comparison, it should be a shame, and not a matter to boast of!
The strong-jawed animal could crunch the dwarfed ears, grain and corn together, when they were stirred into a mush made of wheat-bran and dish-water.
Beneath them, on the floor, stood a pair of new woman's shoes, dwarfed by contrast to a heavier and larger masculine pair.
The wind swept through the worn branches of the dwarfed spruce with immemorial wistfulness; but these young souls heard it only as a far-off song.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dwarfed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.