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Example sentences for "slumber"

Lexicographically close words:
sluices; sluiceway; sluicing; sluit; slum; slumbered; slumberer; slumbereth; slumbering; slumberous
  1. During my slumber it seemed that I had been transported to the summit of a very lofty mountain, yet still within the Temple.

  2. Thus, as you lie, you can view the dark procession of woods and hills, and mingle the broken hours of railway slumber with glimpses of a wild starlit landscape.

  3. For the days of old time and storm and victory are past--and the dead slumber as stones in the silent pathways--why would my lord depart in haste as though he were wrathful, from the land he has loved?

  4. Here among the dock and rushes, sheltered only by the darkness, without roof between them and the sky, I came upon a crowd of several hundred creatures, whom my movements roused from uneasy slumber upon the ground.

  5. When he stopped walking he fell into a half-slumber which was acutely painful.

  6. I had tried both fuel and footgear fruitlessly, and when my outraged ears would not permit further slumber I had given up the attempt.

  7. Even the heavy animal slumber of the blacks was broken by the scream that issued from the hut of Captain Inocencio.

  8. They were half dead in slumber as they walked, but their stubborn courage and smoldering rage at the men who had caused this drove them on.

  9. Once a dog came to him and sniffed, then, recognizing a frequent visitor, returned to the house and resumed its slumber beside the fire.

  10. He was restless when he first retired; but the long and wearisome journey was a sure sleep-producer, and it was out of profound slumber that the whistle and cries awoke him.

  11. We were aroused from deep slumber by the voice of Mrs. Beale.

  12. The characters of God were but idle, if all things around Him were perfection, And virtues might slumber on like death, if they lacked the opportunities of evil.

  13. Many are the dangers and temptations compassing a bad man's presence; The upas hath a poisonous shade, and who would slumber there?

  14. I selected a cool rock on which to complete the slumber which had been commenced in bed and continued on a tilted chair in the guides' room.

  15. M14) Judging by the nature of these sentiments it would seem that we must have become pensive to the verge of slumber while on the summit.

  16. Slumber Songs I Sleep, little eyes That brim with childish tears amid thy play, Be comforted!

  17. He heard her sigh drowsily thereafter once or twice, and then she slept, and her slumber redoubled in him his sense of guardianship, of responsibility.

  18. All conditions seemed right for slumber, and yet slumber refused to come!

  19. Seldom has the slumber of the grave been better mocked; and yet the sight had a saddening and heart-purifying effect on both.

  20. Tired nature, exhausted with the conflict of passions, had given way, and slumber had sealed her eyes at the first touch of returning peace.

  21. But, as before, the sleeping man was sufficiently deaf to the cry to remain, with his eyes closed, still in a disturbed slumber, but yet a slumber which might last for a considerable time.

  22. Flora slept, and in her chamber sat the two brothers and Mr. Marchdale, silently, for she had shown symptoms of restlessness, and they much feared to break the light slumber into which she had fallen.

  23. The sound disturbed, without altogether breaking up, the deep slumber of the vampyre, and he uttered a low moan, and moved one hand restlessly.

  24. The baron, half undressed only, lay in an uneasy slumber upon the bed, and the stranger stood opposite to him for some minutes, as if considering what he should do.

  25. The sons of science nobly scorn to die; Immortal virtue this denies, the muse Forbids the men to slumber in the grave Who well deserve the praise that virtue gives.

  26. His slumber continued three days and three nights, and when he awoke he said to his grandmother, "I am going away to enlist all nations in my fight," and straightway he departed.

  27. Repose even more precious and soothing than slumber was granted--the repose of confidence in the Everlasting Arms, and of confiding to them all the feeble and sorrowful with whom she was linked.

  28. I heard no more of bird or bell, The mastiff in a slumber fell, I stared into the sky, As wondering men have always done Since beauty and the stars were one, Though none so hard as I.

  29. Time like a falling dew, Life like the scene of a dream Laid between slumber and slumber Only did seem .

  30. Her slumber was then no fault: go you and find her.

  31. He lay down and pulled Pierre's blanket over him, but his fatigue and his desire for sleep seemed to have left him, and it was a long time before slumber finally drove from him the thought of what he had done.

  32. When she did full asleep, her slumber was troubled with disagreeable dreams.

  33. He was restless, and unable to sleep off his fatigue in that placid slumber of childhood which brings healing with its rythmical ebb and flow.

  34. Her nights had been almost sleepless, her brief snatches of slumber disturbed by hideous dreams.

  35. As soon as he had fallen into a drunken slumber I put the stake to heat, and, strengthening the courage of my men, I drew it forth and plunged it into his eye.

  36. Thither he had seen many warriors conveyed, among them Rogero and Gradasso, conquered first by the lance and then thrown into profound slumber by the glare of a magic shield carried by the wizard.

  37. Or have ye chosen this place After the toil of battle to repose Your wearied virtue, for the ease you find To slumber here, as in the vales of Heaven?

  38. Their lights are scant, their stations hushed: Unnerved by slumber and by wine Their bravest chiefs are stretched supine.

  39. Unwittingly once more In slumber through the moonshine have I strayed!

  40. My lord, you will recall to mind that night We found the Prince in slumber deeply sunk Down in the garden 'neath the plantain trees.

  41. Now and then one of us would open an eye, smile at the sweet slumber of the other, and wake up just enough to venture a jesting remark and a gentle caress.

  42. In slumber Sunk as he is, speak but his name--he drops.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slumber" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bedtime; calmness; coma; composure; contemplation; dorm; doze; dreamland; drowse; dullness; fust; hebetude; hibernation; idle; languor; lassitude; lethargy; nap; oversleep; peace; peacefulness; quiet; quietism; quietude; repose; rest; serenity; silence; sleep; slumber; smolder; snore; somnambulism; stagnate; stillness; stupor; tranquillity; vegetate