Against sensationalism, horrors, plays based on crime, and the cult of monstrosity Punch waged unceasing war, but he was no prude.
But no, nothing would do but that he must load that ghastly monstrosity of a box up alongside him on the rack where they carry trunks, and two of the packing-room men tied it on with ropes so it couldn't fall off and get lost.
The mass of that monstrositymust be terrific, else why had it such a power of attraction for other bodies?
And then one day when the end seemed perilously close, there was ushered into the presence of the remnant of the United States officials who had gathered in San Francisco, a twisted monstrosity of a man, fearfully scarred and deformed.
There is hardly a case of defect or monstrosity where the cause is supposed to be due to maternal impression, which cannot be explained in some natural way, or simply by accident.
For if two or more spermatozoa got into the same ovum a monstrosity would be apt to be the result.
The monstrosity brought us a deal of attention in the streets, but this Marmaduke put down to his fame as a conqueror of phantom raiders.
As he approached the next machine a second observer tried desperately to move a similar monstrosity round its hinges, while the pilot, stop-watch in hand, looked on with evident sorrow.
Thus, Diesing has given beautiful figures of Dibothrium hians in such a way as to suggest different degrees of monstrosity affecting the tail end of the strobile; but this splitting has clearly resulted from injury.
The monstrositydescribed by him as referable to T.
This had been done by the scissors employed in slitting up the gut; but owing to perfect contraction of the incised edges, it was some time before I discovered that the apparent monstrosity had been artificially produced.
A great walnut monstrosity meagrely equipped performed the functions of a sideboard.
At the summons, the fuzzy monstrosity in the car ceased peering snappishly over the doortop at Lad, and condescended to turn toward its owner.
Setting the golden monstrosity on the trophy shelf, the Master surveyed it for a moment; then said: "That Gold Hat is even bigger than it looks.
Gordon circled lithely around the crippled blue monstrosity like a timber wolf circling a wounded moose.
Gordon lurched to his feet, his brain a seething whirl of hate in which all thought of caution was gone as he tensed his muscles to hurl himself upon that grim monstrosity from the bleak and desolate realm of Xoran.
Only the cleverest of facial masques and body padding could ever have enabled this monstrosity to pass unnoticed in a world of normal human beings.
If that monstrosity ever opens that accursed Gate of his our entire world is doomed.
The monstrosity of the idea stood fully revealed only now on that beach where there was nothing but sand, nothing but rocks, nothing but gulls.
The monstrosity of the whole adventure unmasked itself of a sudden; travelling to find a bay they had heard of on the chance of finding a ship--a ship on a coast where ships were scarcely to be found.
Thinking which is not instrumental to truth, which is merely formal in the modern sense, would have been a monstrosity inconceivable to him.
This progress, verified in every record of science, is an absolute monstrosity from the standpoint of the epistemology which assumes a thought in general, on one side, and a reality in general, on the other.
They had been "ambrosial" before, but now the thing became a monstrosity in its profuse luxuriance.
As paterfamilias we are sorry to say that we have observed this monstrosity many times this Christmas.
As for Polyphemus, although the story be fabulous, the monstrosity is not impossible.
For seeing that out of the same materials, Thersites and Paris, Beauty and monstrosity may be contrived; the forms and operative faculties introduce and determine their perfections.
But even while I pleaded with him to let me finish the wretched business--every savour of adventure and daring and romance gone from it now--I was conscious of the trussed-up monstrosity that confronted him.
In most cases of monstrosityby excess, however, it is needful to remove the superfluous parts, in which case the general principles employed for embryotomy must be followed.
In case of a monstrosity with extra hind limbs, it may be possible to bring these up into the passage and utilize them for traction.
Monstrosity in the foal is an occasional cause of difficult parturition, especially such monsters as show excessive development of some part of the body, a displacement or distortion of parts, or a redundancy of parts, as in double monsters.
This anomalous form, seen only once, may perhaps be a monstrosity of Euchitonia.
The resemblance to some forms of Spironium makes it probable that this species is a deformity or monstrosity of that genus.
This very variable species may be regarded as a monstrosity of those genera of Pylonida; it is very common, but all individuals are more or less unequal; some specimens approach to some common species of Tetrapyle.
Cranmer was not such a monstrosity of meanness as Cobbett implies; but he was mean.
Others, of greater monstrosity of mind, have suggested that he should be sent to St. Helena.
We may, therefore, regard the article in the Code Napoleon which forbids inquiry into paternity as an unnatural measure, or as a monstrosity of civil law.
Society, however, has no right to organize such a monstrosity as regulated prostitution and licensed proxenetism, for the special pleasure of debauchees.
Such a social monstrosity is even seen at the present day, and certain ignorant doctors recommend it.
The mere accident of birth has made him what he is, and that poodled monstrosity the lady yonder is leading the pet and pride of a thoughtless mistress.